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Everything posted by BadAtGender

  1. So it's not just the films opening in the 90-100 range and looking at final totals in the low-to-mid 200s. But they're also looking at WW totals somewhere between 500 and 800m. How many more of these are we going to see this year? I gotta admit, I kinda love the consistency.
  2. If there's general WDAS goodwill from Frozen, I could see this pushing into low-to-mid Pixar territory. If it earns something on par with The Incredibles' $50m, that'd be excellent for Japan. If Frozen's just an extreme outlier, it may do less. Superheroes aren't especially popular in Japan, and even Pacific Rim didn't do spectacular numbers there.
  3. I believe that's actually a really good release date. Barring Frozen, the biggest films in Japan tend to open in either July or December.
  4. (Wow, 30 pages since I last checked? I ain't got time for that!) So, next weekend, Maleficent is going to open $90-$100m, overshooting expectations, and then finish up somewhere between $210m and $260m, which will be a modest success. Then, TFioS is going to open $90-$100m, overshooting expectations, and then finish up somewhere between $210m and $260m, which will be a great success. Then, HTTYD2 is going to open $90-$100m, overshooting expectations, and then finish up somewhere between $210m and $260m, which will be a mild disappointment. Then, TF4 is going to open $90-$100m, undershooting expectations, and then finish up somewhere between $210m and $260m, which will be a disappointment. Then, DotPotA is going to open $90-$100m, overshooting expectations, and then finish up somewhere between $210m and $260m, which will be a good success. Then, Jupiter Ascending is going to open $90-$100m, way overshooting expectations, and then finish up somewhere between $210m and $260m, and will be a huge success. Then, Hercules or Lucy is going to open $90-$100m, overshooting expectations, and then finish up somewhere between $210m and $260m, which will be a big success. Then, GotG is going to open $90-$100m, overshooting expectations, and then finish up somewhere between $210m and $260m, which will be a very nice success. Then, TMNT is going to open $90-$100m, overshooting expectations, and then finish up somewhere between $210m and $260m, which will blow some peoples minds. Then, the summer is going to crap out, because it will have already been a huge success overall, despite nothing managing to hit $300m.
  5. Jesus, people. Did not Tele and Ed and other mods tell you to tag your spoilers? JW has not been released yet. You should tag any and everything having to do with the film. Period. I don't want to see plot points for a film that isn't coming out for over a year when I'm reading the numbers thread!
  6. The best thing about X3 was it brought us Ellen Page as Kitty. The action wasn't that bad, either.
  7. A friend of mine was wondering what I find attractive and asked me point blank if Elsa was some sorta ideal. And I was like, nooooo... that's not the appeal of the character or film at all.
  8. Still sticking above $10m a week, and even with some modest drops, it should remain above that for a few more. North of 23b yen by the end of June?
  9. Godzilla expectations off of 9m Friday: 12.6 Sat, 11.4 Sun, 8.5 Mon. 33 3day, 41.5 4day. If it's 8m Fri, then 11.2 Sat, 10.1 Sun, 7.6 Mon: 29.3 3day, 36.9 4day.
  10. Ugh. This weekend is going to be so bad for me. I'm completely off on the guess the date SOTM. ;_;
  11. I was joking, but actually... It might come under that. How do you figure it gets to 42?
  12. That trailer is for the UK, so it's February there. November in the US. Other territories at various points in between.
  13. Shit, did I mess up on Blended? I hope not. (Sex Tape I think I may have messed up on. The trailer got a great response.)
  14. 1. How to Train Your Dragon 22. Big Hero 63. Maleficent4. Edge of Tomorrow5. The Boxtrolls6. Inherent Vice7. Cinderella8. Jupiter Ascending9. Into the Woods10. Fas7 & Furious
  15. Just remember, John Lasseter was the one who did the strut for the animators to use as a reference.
  16. Oh, wow. I just realized something that could be great. If Apocalypse takes place in the 80s and then they do another film following the same pattern, it'll be in the 90s. Jackets! Pockets! Ridiculously oversized guns! Inexplicable new costumes with terrible hairdos! It's going to be so awesome. It'll be EXTREME! I hope they cast a guy to play Cable who looks like a Liefeld drawing.
  17. Yeah, Chris Sanders does some great stuff for character design. The Croods also was pretty great in that regard. (At least in terms of body shape. Less so about skin color.) Eh, I don't know. The animation team was pretty firmly behind Elsa from all that I've heard. Marketing may have felt differently, though, prior to release.
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