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Everything posted by BadAtGender

  1. The teaser got a great reaction at the theater I was at before Maleficent.
  2. Huh. I don't really see Bay as the right director for the project. EVA seems like it'd need a bit more nuance. Granted, I haven't seen anything EVA related in over a decade, so maybe Bay is correct for how the series has gone of late.
  3. Why, though? I've seen a lot of people say this, but they've never given any good reason why it should underwhelm. If it's just an "I'm not feeling it" sort of thing, fine, but I really get the sense that since nothing so far this summer has really surprised people, they're just getting the sense that nothing will, either. "These movies didn't do so hot, so clearly this other unrelated movie also won't." And B does not follow A.
  4. Awesome. It's so cool to hear and see responses from people who don't know what's going to happen. If the very final scene of the season is what I think it will be, I cannot wait to hear your reaction
  5. Or any movies, really. Not until Avengers 2.
  6. 1 Chef $1,911,548 -16% 624 126 $3,063 $6,826,430 4 Open Road Need to start coming up with Chef puns.
  7. Well, one thing we don't know is the distribution of theaters within Japan, other than the fact that Toho tends to be more urban, right? So, hypothetically, we've got the discount affects everyone day coming in on the first of the month, which also happens to be a Sunday, the biggest movie going day of the week. It hasn't happened in Frozen's run before (and, in fact, won't happen again unless it's still playing next February/March). That's going to play with the demographics of the audience in ways we haven't seen before, and can cause unexpected things. It's possible some of the theaters we don't have information on got less of a benefit than the ones we do, in this situation.
  8. This is only the teaser. The advertising has only barely started. Right now the best connection they can make is to Frozen. They still have plenty of time to make the Marvel connection, if they wish, and to figure out the best way to do it that doesn't dilute the WDAS and Marvel Studios brands. Actually, I could see them wanting to wait until after GotG is released, just so that there's no confusion about the separate nature of the films.
  9. It increased. Last weekend was around 700m yen, this weekend was just shy of 760m.
  10. Competition doesn't seem to have the same effect in Japan as elsewhere. It's a leggy market and multiple films can open well and then have strong, sustained runs. Frozen is a huge anomaly, but it isn't like the strong business its getting is actually hampering other films. Detective Conan, Thermae Romae, and Spider-Man have all had fairly impressive runs in conjunction with Frozen, and it looks like DoFP is going to be another like that. So even though it seems likely that it will sustain strong business for at least the next month and a half (the video release may or may not kneecap it) other films opening can also do well. Maleficent, Memories of Marnie, and Godzilla can all do strong summer business, along with Frozen.
  11. There's definitely some sentai going on here. I wholeheartedly approve.
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