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Everything posted by BadAtGender

  1. I just checked and as far as I know, there are 40 films on IMDB's top 100 that I haven't seen.
  2. Well, I'd had a thought to try and catch the last showing of Godzilla so I could judge for myself, but it looks like I missed the final 2D show of the night. I guess I can watch Game of Thrones instead.
  3. Huh. Going to have to think on this. But this will get me started. What will have the best OW (this will include any 5 day openings). What will have the best total? What will have the best opening day? What will have the best midnight/early shows from the day before the official release? What will have the best legs (multiplier...note, multiplier will count from a three day OW only)? What will have the smallest opening weekend? Earth to Echo What will have the smallest opening day? Earth to Echo Name any film that will not have at least a 3 multiplier (note, if you choose to answer this one, and you feel that no film will miss a 3X, you can answer "none")?
  4. Meanwhile, Wreck-It Ralph has a pretty accurate depiction of hacking.
  5. You're in Vancouver or so? I think it's still playing at a theater or two down here around Seattle.
  6. I've only once asked for a refund. And it had nothing to do with the quality of the movie. I think it was for The Wolverine last year. I sat down to view it and got a text from my parents about lunch happening right as it started. The theater was cool refunding me for that, though I'd have been happy just getting a voucher for another ticket. (I think I saw the movie a week later or something.)
  7. It was great in concept. I actually really like the spot, but after how poorly received the first trailer was, you'd think they'd come up with something better. Thankfully, it seems like Disney's really turned around their marketing since then.
  8. Yes, it's "always" happened. That doesn't make it right. And there's plenty incorrect about your assumptions about manhood, and the historical and anthropological normative nature of it. Are you so weak-willed that you can't come up with a better way to say things? Is your manhood so precious you need such words and actions to defend it? Are you really suck a fucking "panzy" you can't be a better person?
  9. I really liked John Carter. It was terrifically fun. But it does go to show, you can't go avant garde in the advertising and expect to connect with the general public. That superbowl ad remains one of the most impressively obtuse pieces of advertising I've ever seen for a film. It's kinda brilliant, in a way.
  10. It has nothing to do with being sensitive. You have a tendency to make jokes of this sort and it does not look good. Subers has already asked you to not contact him, and your insistence to continue to do so is not poking fun, it is harassment. By association, you are part of this forum and your actions make all of us look bad. If you honestly can't understand why jokes of sexual violence (or anything similar, like the one you just fucking made) are a problem, go educate yourself on rape culture and why it is a huge problem. Here's a starting point: http://forums.boxoffice.com/index.php?/topic/14517-the-rape-culture-of-online-geek-oriented-male-dominated-forums/ I'm sure you're not so completely uncreative that you can't come up with a better way to make your points than to regurgitate tired jokes from lowbrow morons.
  11. No, you're just making yourself look like an ass. It doesn't matter what he's right or wrong about. Look, here's a flowchart, if you're confused: There are no exceptions.
  12. The estimates aren't always that accurate. they've been off by a few hundred thousand before. I don't know if it affects the scoring, though, but it probably could anywhere from 7.5-8.1 or so when the actual comes in. If everyone's below that, it obviously wouldn't matter and would just go to the three highest predictions.
  13. I didn't really think No Face was random, but he did act with impulses that weren't human. It can be a bit confusing, but one thing that Miyazaki doesn't do is dumb down the characters to explain things. In their world No Face is a known: they have some implicit understanding of him so other than providing some really basic information to Chihiro, they don't go into a whole lot of detail. Like her, we're left to infer a lot about him. For another example, look at Totoro. As the film is presented, Totoro is this old, known nature spirit creature and you get a real sense that everyone knows and has heard about it. It turns out that, nope, Miyazaki created Totoro completely for the film. He just has a way of making that seem natural. Regarding TWR, I never felt lost for where things were, but would agree that it's a bit more episodic than his previous films so doesn't quite have the same flow. Timing and content. For the first, it hit right after computer animation took off in a big way, after Monster's Inc and Shrek and Ice Age. Even if it was something "new" it wasn't the hot new thing. Content wise, it is very Japanese, and that's not an easy sell with the general pubic. Even so, it did quite a bit better than Princess Mononoke did a few years before.
  14. What did you find was unanswered or illogical? (Note, Arrietty wasn't one of his films, but was directed by Yonebayashi. Miyazaki was one of the writers for it, though, and Yonebayashi is his hand-picked successor.) Personal rankings of Miyazaki's films: 1. Kiki's Delivery Service 2. Spirited Away 3. The Castle of Cagliostro 4. Princess Mononoke 5. My Neighbor Totoro 6. Ponyo 7. Porco Rosso 8. Howl's Moving Castle 9. The Wind Rises 10. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind 11. Castle in the Sky It's been a long time since I've seen Totoro, Nausicaa, or Laputa, though, so I might switch those around. Even so, that is an insane run of quality for a director, among the best ever, for live action or animation.
  15. In the 90s, Miyazaki successfully became a crossover director, from doing things that were popular with the anime crowd and semi-popular with the general public to stuff that was cutting across and appealing to all levels in a big way. When Mononoke-Hime became the biggest film of all time, it was huge news (especially because it was such a mature film). Spirited Away was his next film and had clicked on just about every level. His films since the have tailed off a bit in popularity (HMC wasn't as big, Ponyo a bit smaller still, and The Wind Rises even less, though all three films were undeniably huge), though the influence of SA can be seen in the monster first weekend of HMC. Plus, yeah, it's an absolutely fantastic film. Arguably it's better than any film that was up for Best Picture in 2002, not just Best Animated Feature.
  16. It has nothing to do with being "sensitive." It also has nothing to do with TASM. It has a lot to do with men who use words incorrectly because they think it's edgy or gives what their writing more gravitas. It doesn't. It just shows them to be immature morons.Here's a suggestion: go learn what rape really is. And then every time you're about to write the word "rape" down pause a moment and think really hard on whether what you're talking about is really rape. The vast majority of the time it won't be. You'll see two immediate benefits. First, your writing will improve almost overnight. Second, people won't think you're a clueless shitbag.(For fun, apply the same to all uses of "gay".)
  17. Oh, definitely. I like both the TASM films, but they do have some obvious flaws. It's pretty clear that they're not learning the correct lessons from... well, pretty much every other superhero franchise: the films need to stand on their own. They really want the interrelation thing going, but it's not something you can just do. The MCU tends to have pretty strong standalone films, and they just drop little seeds that work later. X-Men tends to work the same way, now. The DCU we'll have to see, but MoS wasn't bogged down by trying to set up anything in the future. (If anything, it was a bit too coy about setting things up.) And Nolan's films tended to work in reverse: they played solo and instead called back to stuff that happened in previous films to build the connections. I think Spidey is a franchise that could be easily salvaged. They just need to work smarter, not more expensively.
  18. Impressive. OD possibly above Pacific Rim's OW. Potential OW above Pacific Rim's DOM total.
  19. So what's going to be the first film this year to get a WW gross higher than Frozen's OS gross.
  20. TASM2 might not turn a profit, since it cost so damn much to make. At least in theaters. Should be fine once it hits ancillary markets, though. For the third, what they really need to do is focus on the writing to get that right ahead of time, before they start shooting. One thing that Marvel does well is that they tend to focus on that so that even if the writing isn't spectacular (and it really hasn't been in any of them), it's accessible on a scene level and people generate a rapport. The sheer amount of Marvel gifsets I see on Tumblr with some commentary about how it has some deeper meaning is pretty astounding. (MCU: great scenes, even if the end product is a little iffy.) The nice advantage of this is that they probably aren't shooting a whole lot that ends up on the cutting room floor, so the budgets are comparably more modest. If TASM3 cuts out $100m from the budget (and cuts the marketing budget by a third to a half), it doesn't need to clear $200m to be fine. Sony can't try the approach they had with TASM2 by throwing in everything and a few extra kitchen sinks again.
  21. It would be my luck that the week I finally put Cap ahead of Rio in the BSG is the one where it falls behind.
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