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Everything posted by BadAtGender

  1. Frozen's final total will probably be somewhere between 900m and 1b OS, which will be higher than Avengers. Avengers 2 could increase, yes, but it isn't guaranteed. If it does do better than Frozen, it'll be almost entirely due to China.
  2. Not quite. If the plan passes, the increases will be phased in over a few years. I think it should be there by 2017, though. (The best part of the plan is it applies to everyone, including tipped restaurant staff.)
  3. There's no guarantee that Avengers 2 will earn more OS than Frozen. WW it should do it, though.
  4. 3D and inflation. Adjusted, the first is the biggest. Besides that, I think the series has had an interest focus shift within it. While the Penguins were the standout characters early on, they aren't driving as much interest as the main characters and lemurs, now. Also, there's a lot to question about whether they can support an entire movie by themselves.
  5. And there's another five minutes of my life gone.
  6. Do you mean in Japan, worldwide, or domestically? In Japan, it's likely to be quite a long time before something gets within $100m of Frozen's final total. Things on the horizon that could do it would include any Studio Ghibli film (although it remains to be seen whether any post-Miyazaki film can get to the same heights) and Avatar 2, I suppose. Perhaps Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them, given how popular Harry Potter is, but the later films weren't as popular as the earlier ones.. And there's a chance that something from Pixar gets that big, but it's unlikely. The ceiling for Pixar seems to have been pretty well established. As far as WW, Frozen's going to be looking at a final total north of 1.3b, possibly as much as 1.4b. There isn't anything on the schedule prior to Avengers 2 that is going to come sniffing close to that, unless Trans4mers really does well in China, and perhaps not even then. Avengers 2 should beat Frozen. Star Wars 7 may do it, but it could also come up short. Domestically, Mockingjay will get within $100m of Frozen's total, and could beat it (although that's not guaranteed.) HTTYD2 also stands a shot at beating $300m, as does Trans4mers (although less likely there.) The final Hobbit film could see a bump up to those heights, but that's even less likely. There's a very slim chance X-Men does it.
  7. I don't think Penguins, hitting nearly three weeks after BH6, is going to have a large effect on its overall box office. But I'm also not really seeing Penguins be such a large hit, either. Maybe $150m or so. But it feels like a film that should have hit after the first Madagascar, not the third.
  8. It seems like it might be similar to the Frozen teaser, then, and it won't be footage actually in the movie. It's also reminiscent of many Pixar teasers. The first one for The Incredibles comes to mind.
  9. Well, at least I'm doing well with the domestic opening weekends. (The lack of Spiderman for the WW I chalk up entirely to thinking it was for WW openings, not aggregate.)
  10. I keep watching the gif in Claire's sig and thinking that it's from an audition to be Godzilla. That nod at the end is her like "See, much better than Nick Cage, right?"
  11. No, but you're looking at it wrong. There is a small portion of the audience who wants to see the English language version. Even if it is a small fraction of the Japanese language version, it's not zero. Assuming the proportion is roughly the same throughout the run, that accounts for about 7% of the total gross, which could make a big difference in the end. So, not a flop, but rather a nice value addition that costs next to nothing to do.
  12. I have had free passes given to me when i've left the cinema a couple times. I know it happened when I saw Arlington Road. Apparently there was some display issue right as the film started. However me and a friend arrived late, so we missed that part entirely.
  13. It's not really necessary. It's not selling out anything to a great degree and there is clearly still a market for the English language version, however small.
  14. I think there were a few matchups I did answer even if I hadn't seen both films entirely, but I did feel like I had seen enough of each to make an informed decision.
  15. I can probably list 100 animated films I like, but putting them in any semblance of order is a really tough call. If you were asking people for their own top 25s, you'll probably get enough variation that you can then assemble a list of the top 100. With the smaller amount, you're likely to get more responses, too, which helps things along.
  16. Probably marginally, yes. But Thanksgiving is open enough that multiple family films can succeed. If there's a problem BH6 has, it's just with its release date in general. Thanksgiving is just plain better.
  17. Nope, just a bit above $200m. The Intouchables should be pretty handily in the lead. It did tremendous business in Europe. SA is probably #2 at the moment. Howl's Moving Castle could be #3. CTHD might be #4, then. But I don't know how well various Chinese films have done of late.
  18. The former was a format problem, not so much the advertising. It still made over $100m DOM, which might have been below expectations, but is pretty solid all things considered. Pooh was a release date mishap, more than anything else. And it wasn't even a huge financial disappointment, considering the low budget was.
  19. That was more due to WB completely failing on the marketing front. I kinda doubt Disney will do the same here.
  20. I just checked Rogers' blog. Here's what he mentioned about it: http://kfmonkey.blogspot.com/2006/01/catwoman-notes.html
  21. For years I've wanted John Rogers to write up how the film version of Catwoman differed from his original script. He's hinted that he had some copious notes about what they should not do... that they went ahead and did. (I've still never seen it.)
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