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Everything posted by BadAtGender

  1. Murgatroyd, can you do a version of your first chart which shows the weekly totals for comparison instead of the weekends?
  2. He is amazing because he's not the Mandarin in the comics. No thank you to racist caricatures.
  3. The aerial rescue scene is so good. When I saw it in the theater the first time, the audience applauded.
  4. I dunno what y'all are talking about. I love IM3. It's super fun.
  5. I've made curry for dinner and I'm watching Iron Man 3.
  6. 54 days is through Tuesday, right? It seems that would correct some of the low estimates we've seen over the past few days.
  7. From the SotM2 thread: I don't plan to abstain from any question, either, which I expect will result in a very low score. It feels a bit too punishing to answer if you're trying to win. As constructed, it's like Wargames: the only way to win is not to play.
  8. 1) Will Neighbors open to more than 40 million this weekend? YES 2) Will Neighbors finish higher than ASM2 this weekend? YES 3) Will Neighbors have a Thursday of more than 2 million? YES 4) Will ASM2 fall by at least 61.9%? NO 5) Will ASM2 have a Saturday increase of more than 55%? YES
  9. Yeah, I was accounting for the 3D re-release in 2012. It earned a bit above $30m OS. I actually haven't heard of any 2006 release at all for FN. Mojo doesn't have it listed as one of the releases. And the DOM totals match up between the original release and the 3D re-release. Anyway, regarding the competition: things are going to move. I don't know if it's Fox or Disney who is going to shift around, but Dory and Dragon3 are not going to get released on the same day. Just as CA3 and BatSoup aren't going to end up with the same release date. And while I'll concede that IA5 is probably going to be pretty big internationally, I'm not convinced Angry Birds is going to be a major threat. It's a big brand, but remaining so in two years isn't guaranteed. Regardless, my point about Dory is that the potential is there to beat Frozen. It's certainly not a guarantee.
  10. 1) Will Neighbors open in first? YES 2) Will ASM 2 fall more than Spider-man 3 did in it's second weekend? NO 3) Will ASM2's Friday to Friday decrease ( from the 35.167 number) be more than 75%? NO 4) Which film will open higher, MNO or LOO:DR? MNO 5) Will Neighbors be number one on Friday (including Thurs)? YES 6) Will The Other Woman fall more than 34.4%? YES 7) Will Divergent stay in the top 10? NO 8) Will Neighbors get at least an A cinemascore? YES 9) Will more than 2 films in the top 15 have a Saturday increase of more than 74%? NO 10) Will Transcendence finish ahead of Haunted House 2? YES 11) Will The Other Woman and Neighbors combine to make more than 8 million in Australia this weekend (TOW has been on fire there, it will more than likely pass ASM2 in Australia this week)? NO 12) How many films will have a drop of less than 40%? 3 10/12 3000 11/12 4000 12/12 6000 What will Neighbors Friday gross be (including early showings on Thurs)? 13.869 What will ASM2's gross be for the weekend? 37.8 What will Captain America TWS's gross be? 4.3 What finishes in spots: 4 The Other Woman 5 Heaven is for Real 6 Legends of Oz: Dorothy's Return 10 The Grand Budapest Hotel
  11. Loosely. And Titanic is based on a historical event, so there's a lot of quibbling about "original" that can be made. Frozen isn't a sequel and isn't based on a mass media property.
  12. It's a strong indication that FD could drastically improve OS. It came out in 2003, before many of the big OS markets exploded. The films that had bigger OS grosses before it were, I think, Titanic, Jurassic Park, the first two Harry Potter films, and the first two LotR films. So what sort of bump do you think it could get? TS2 had 240m OS. TS3 had nearly 650m. Monsters Inc had 270 while MU had 475. Ice Age had 205 while IA4 had 715 (granted, there were incremental raises with the other two films in the series.) FD could be looking at these sort of increases. It could bump up $300m OS or more. And that's ignoring whatever sort of increase it can get DOM.
  13. I haven't seen Gangster Squad. I think I've only seen six films she's been in: Superbad, Zombieland, Easy A, The Croods, and both Amazing Spider-Man films.
  14. She's great. I've enjoyed her in every film I've seen her in.
  15. It did, but only because it earned $100m more DOM. It was below $500m OS.
  16. It's not likely. Frozen's probably going to finish in the range of 1.3b or so. But FN was one of the first animated films to really hit it out of the park worldwide. It was the first to gross over half a billion OS. It wasn't until Ice Age 3 that an animated film actually outgrossed it. It's not a prequel, so the problem that MU had won't be present here. It should see a bump from FN, much as TS3 bumped up over TS2. If there's anything on the horizon that can challenge Shrek 3's OW gross (assuming HTTYD2 doesn't massively overperform), it's Dory. If anything can challenge Shrek 2's DOM gross, it's Dory. And if anything can challenge Frozen's WW gross, it's Dory. I don't think it's likely, but it's certainly possible.
  17. I love Rockwell. Part of the reason IM2 sucks is it used him so poorly. He did great with a bad script.
  18. That will be really difficult. Even if it has a pretty massive increase from the first, it would probably need to more than double the original DOM gross, or more.It can't expect the performance in east Asia that Frozen had. And in many countries it's going to have competition from the World Cup. If it does better than 750m, it will have had a great WW run.
  19. I dig it. They couldn't possibly use him worse than Marvel did in IM2.
  20. 400k doesn't feel like fudging. If it had been a few million off, sure, but I can see this as a mere accounting error.
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