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Everything posted by BadAtGender

  1. Rth, is there a listing of the top per-screening average for specific theaters? As I'd expect, the top placing theaters are going to have multiple shows. (As when Seattle's Pacific Place showed up a few weeks ago for GBH. It had something like 17 showings). It'd be interesting to see which theaters get the most out of their showings, though. While I think we'd probably see many of the same theaters, there are probably some smaller movie houses that might get more out of their more limited resources.
  2. Since we have the actuals, Empire is really the winner. GBH fell behind Muppets to take 6th place.
  3. I'm still leaning towards about a 130m finish at this point, but 150 doesn't seem that far-fetched.
  4. Oh, looks like things on my HBO watchlist are expiring today. I guess I better watch one of them, so I'm going to see how The Heat is.
  5. 1. The Raid: Berandal2. How to Train Your Dragon 23. Big Hero 64. The Boxtrolls5. Edge of Tomorrow6. Maleficent7. Jupiter Ascending8. Cinderella9. Home10. Chappie
  6. The strategy of using body doubles for Fas7 & Furious seems much more "let's try and do this right for Paul" than "let's see if we can trick people into thinking it's Paul".
  7. They're currently 4th and 5th. It's possible that changes when the actuals come out, though, since only about 15k separate GBH from Muppets.
  8. I think part of it is that at this point, Marvel is a very mature franchise. Even though this is only the second CA film, it's the eighth (?) in the franchise, so there's going to be an increased amount of frontloading. And regarding earlier conversation about the look of Marvel films, pretty much none of them had distinctive direction except the first Thor and Cap.
  9. I've seen a good portion of the first season of TBBT and enjoyed it well enough. I suppose I could put any given sitcom on as background noise when I work. I just hate to see someone creative flub the ending. Stick the landing, people.
  10. Yeah, that's another thing. I've tended to feel that serial fiction of pretty much any sort probably has a limit of somewhere between 50 and 100 episodes at the upper limit. Most non-superhero comic series I've liked have played out their story over that span (Sandman, Y: The Last Man, Transmetropolitan, etc...) and any TV series I've really gone for has probably had about that limit, too. Even the latter Star Trek series, as much as I like them, probably could have cut down about 70-100 episodes from their entire runs and not lost anything.
  11. I'm not really a sitcom person. Even for things I know are good that people say I should watch (Community, I'm looking at you), I'm not really inclined to check everything out. So if there are very specific episodes that I should catch, people would need to say which those are.
  12. I've only watched the first ep of HIMYM, but after hearing about the ending, I removed it from my Netflix queue, deciding it wasn't worth checking out.
  13. 31.2. Or 25.5 if you mean the first Thor. Edit: Yes, 31.9. The whiskey is already taking effect.
  14. I trust Byron Howard. He delivered Bolt and Tangled, after all. Of course, I would have trusted Mark Dindal going into Chicken Little, as he did ENG, so I suppose there's a cautionary tale there.
  15. I haven't even seen CA2 and I'm already tired of it. I'm debating downing a bunch of bourbon and drunk posting all night while I watch a movie or curling up with a book. Thoughts?
  16. 1. Thor 2. Things that are not Thor 3. The Avengers. 4 Iron Man 2
  17. It probably needs a 40 million Friday to hit 100, although even then I don't think it's guaranteed.
  18. Y'all are stretching the parallels a bit too far. None of the current films need to match up to any previous film. Tangled wasn't a new Little Mermaid. Frozen isn't a new BatB. I mean any parallel breaks down when you try to figure out where Wreck-it Ralph fits (is it the new Rescuers Down Under?) And what about Winnie the Pooh? There's a long line and history of Disney movies. The Renaissance films have their place in the canon and the Lasseter Reformation films have an entirely different place. The Little Mermaid is The Little Mermaid. The Lion King is The Lion King. Tangled is Tangled. Frozen is Frozen.
  19. Unless it completely falls off a cliff after this weekend, it should end up at least at 1.13b, which puts it firmly in 6th place, ahead of RotK and TF3.
  20. That sucks. I haven't read EW in years, probably not since the 90s, but it used to be a mainstay, and I enjoyed Glieberman's reviews. Also, not paying writers is complete bullshit. Any enterprise that tries to get people to do it for the prestige should be ruined.
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