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Everything posted by BadAtGender

  1. Mostly I'd like to see #1 because it would make an already strange box office run even strange. To hit #1 three times, each widely separated, is mostly unheard of. There are films that have hit #1 in three non-consecutive occasions, like E.T. and Terms of Endearment, but they usually did so when a film came up for a single weekend to top them in the course of a long run rather than to come up on occasion themselves.
  2. Disney's last few attempts at mid-December have been pretty dismal, even if the legs have been good. Thanksgiving is so much better.
  3. Could be. I mostly grabbed those as others had been tossing them around. I think it may not get quite that sort of Saturday bump (although it could easily get above 110%), but it also might not fall quite that hard on Sunday (maybe 45%). It's mostly that I can't see the weekend multiplier being much below 4.1, which would get it across 10.
  4. If 12YAS manages to pull one of the big oscars (Best Picture seems like the best shot), then I'd expect it will then have an expansion, increased audience interest, and gross. But you'll need to wait another month.
  5. Ride Along got a 55% bump last Saturday. If it gets 4 on Friday, a 50% jump would give it 6 on Saturday for 10. Even a 66% drop on Sunday gives it 12 for the weekend. If Frozen does have a 2.45 Friday, it should break 10 for the weekend. If it follows the +150% for Saturday and -55% for Sunday it gets about 11.3 for the weekend. So it could still contend for first, depending on what the actuals are and what RA does on Saturday.
  6. BOP predicted it to take $6 million this weekend, which made no sense even ignoring the singalong.
  7. If my accounting is correct, I saw about 23 or 24 movies that were released in 2013. And while Man of Steel has flaws, there are a lot of things that I like a lot about it. I put it in the top 5 because some things really resonated with me. I tend to appreciate films that are daring in some way and try to do interesting things, even if they don't always succeed in those things. Ambitious but flawed will probably top conservative but stable in my book. I mean, Frozen's my #1 film of the year, and I think it has some problems. The lack of prominent non-white people is a big one, and it could have easily been averted. Suffice to say, there are no perfect films. When you get down to it, I'm going to respond to a film emotionally, and the ones that garner a stronger emotional response are going to be the ones I regard better.
  8. I think Frozen's pretty well considered as art. The Nut Job? Far less so.
  9. There's a chance that the singalong will be a "moms and daughters" sort of thing, which could offset the superbowl drop. (Granted, plenty of moms and daughters will watch that.)
  10. As is said above, you're looking at the wrong film to complain about, dude. Films will show based on business agreements between the distributors and the theaters owners. The latter are going to look for films where they can maximize revenue, of which Frozen is going to pay out a hell of a lot better than any new release. (I think a new release would have to at least do 4x a weekend gross in order to get a theater more at this point? Ride Along might have done it over OW, but that's probably the only release that's done it in a while.) If 12years isn't getting enough theaters, that's on the distributor for not convincing enough theater owners that they can earn more with it than with something else. Given the subject matter of the film, it's a heavy, hard sell, so it's not that surprising. Even so, you'd think they could have stolen some of the opening screens from the likes of I, Frankenstein, right?
  11. I don't know if a 150% jump on Saturday is likely. Perhaps a bit bigger than the 100-110% it's been getting over the past couple of weeks, but I see something more like: Fri: 3, Sat: 6.75 (+125%), Sun: 3.1 (-54%). It may just miss 13. Even so any weekend above 10 right now is absolutely amazing.
  12. I'll take that. I'll bet 50 points Frozen is in the top 5 next weekend (when The Lego Movie opens)
  13. There's enough time between the end of work and the beginning of the Super Bowl for me to see a movie.
  14. Yeah, it hasn't hit the expansion phase, as that's usually considered. This is a, uh, re-infusion, I guess. Isn't the late run expansion usually when a film passes to second run theaters?
  15. If it's earning $3 million on Friday, then it should be in line for a weekend above $12 million. The IMs have remained above 4 for a while.
  16. Seems likely that it's at least #3. NJ and LS should fall behind it this weekend. RA and TAM are probably vying for the top spot with Frozen as a possible spoiler.
  17. I don't tend to post or tweet or anything when I'm watching. Hence the movies I list are done after the fact.Granted, I do watch while I work, so it sometimes gets relegated to background noise. But I won't get through the Netflix queue otherwise.
  18. Just finished Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. It's great. I really like how they conveyed a lot of story and information without having to have characters speak for long periods.
  19. 1. How to Train Your Dragon 2 2. Veronica Mars 3. The Lego Movie 4. Big Hero 6 5. The Raid: Berandal 6. Maleficent 7. The Boxtrolls 8. Captain America: The Winter Soldier 9. Transcendence 10. Jupiter Rising
  20. Today's movies: Joseph: King of Dreams - Lacks the grandeur of The Prince of Egypt, and the fun of Andrew Lloyd Weber’s Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Still, it’s a pretty solid direct-to-video animation.The Man Who Cried - Rather well shot, but the story is directionless. It has no idea which characters to focus on, leaving it all a confused muddle.The Golden Child - The martial arts and fantasy elements haven’t aged well, but Murphy is still in his good 80s comedy zone, which makes it work pretty well.
  21. The singalong's effect is up in the air. It might lead to an increase, but it also might just be a minor hold against other losses. While it's hitting a thousand screens, it doesn't look like there are too many new theaters that are getting it. I only saw two in my area that weren't otherwise playing Frozen, and they might have just switched from the regular to the singalong. Also, it looks like most theaters are only showing it one or two times per day, in the early matinee period. I think a lot of theaters might be taking a hesitant stance about it. They'll throw it up there to see on the interest. If it turns out to be popular, it'll increase the number of showings.
  22. I don't know if you can count Slumdog. If you're going by the 600 cutoff, it has that weird dip below the in what would be the fourth weekend below that. It had an odd platform release. It's more akin to MBFGW than the others, which were all wide releases.
  23. So Frozen gets the biggest bog-standard 9th Tuesday for any film not directed by James Cameron.
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