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Everything posted by BadAtGender

  1. Look at that spread between 4th and 5th. There could be a 150m gap. This summer really is feast or famine.
  2. It's possible he already has. Several Native American actors walked off the set of Ridiculous Six due to racial insensitivity.
  3. Aww, man. It was great there. Really, only three and a half films this summer have been worth seeing. MMFR, IO, Spy, and... Ant-Man, I guess.
  4. Prior to Frozen, the KFP films were the biggest animated features over there. Do you think KFP3 can get about that big next year?
  5. While I'm sure there are films that end up worse, Friday the 13th (2009) didn't even manage a 3.4 multiplier from its OD in the US. And it was... fairly big.
  6. 1) Will Southpaw open to at least 15 million? NO 2) Will Southpaw have a Saturday increase? 3) Will Pixels be one of Brian Co'x top 5 opening films of all time? YES 4) Will Paper Towns win Friday? YES 5) Will Ant Man gross more than Minions? YES 6) Will JW and IO both fall less than 38%? NO 7) Will Terminator have more than a 52% jump on Saturday? NO 8) Will Trainwreck decline more than 35%? YES 9) Will any of the top 3 films on Thursday, increase? NO 10) Will Paper Towns open to more than 25 million? YES 11) According to Rentrak, will Minions gross more than 70 million WW? NO 12) Will Ant-man decline more than 50%? YES 10/12 3000 11/12 4000 12/12 7000 What films finish in spots: 1 Pixels 2 Paper Towns 4 Minions 6 Inside Out Bonus 1: What does Pixels gross opening day including previews? 5000 13.979 Bonus 2: What will Trainwreck gross? 5000 18.234
  7. I wonder what the first day JW falls below 1 million will be. Could be next Monday. Might be next Wednesday or Thursday.
  8. Yes, the timeline diverges in that the Chicxulub impact never happened, hence the remaining existence of non-avian dinosaurs like Arlo. His design is fine. However, the impact didn't create feathered dinosaurs. They existed long before it. And remained afterwards, since modern birds are a subset. If they're going to show actual dinosaurs (even stylized versions of such), they can show feathers on the ones that had them. I'll probably love the movie, but this is something that'll continue to bother me.
  9. Those backgrounds are gorgeous. The character designs and animation are mostly okay. I don't mind the cutesy. I do question why the avian dinosaurs (T-Rexes and such) don't have feathers, though. That bugs me.
  10. Each company tracks the daily numbers differently. Some do go to the bitter end. Others tend to have a specific end point.
  11. It's a little earlier than most Disney films, but they typically stop daily tracking after 12 weeks.
  12. Every single movie Chris Pratt has been in would be improved if he had just been Andy Dwyer. GotG? Better. JW? Considerably better. Zero Dark Thirty? Yeah, probably better.
  13. Answer key for the latest: 1) Will Ant Man open to more than 70 million? NO 2) Will Ant Man open to more than 80 million? NO 3) Will Minions fall less than 45%? NO 4) Will IO finish ahead of JW? YES 5) Will Trainwreck open to more than 20 million? YES 6) Will Terminator drop more than 45%? YES 7) Will Spy drop less than 45%? NO 8) Will Self/Less be in the top 10? NO 9) Will Baahubali fall more than 55% YES 10) Will Ted have a Friday increase of more than 25%? YES 11) Will any film increase more than 58% on Saturday? Does a film in 11th place count? If so, YES. If not, NO. 12) Will Minions have a Thursday increase? NO 10/12 3000 11/12 4000 12/12 6000 What finishes in spots 5 Jurassic World 7 Magic Mike XXL 8 The Gallows 9 Bajrangi Bhaijaan 2000 each 3000 bonus if all 4 are right Bonus 1: What will Ant Man make this weekend? 5000 57,225,526 Bonus 2: What will Minions make on Friday? 5000 14,571,180 Bonus 3: What will Trainwreck make on Friday? 5000 10,738,440 Laguy individuals: 1) Will Self Less have a Friday increase of more than 40%? NO 2) Will Minions have a Sunday decrease of more than 22%? YES 3) Will Ant Man have Thursday previews of more than 4 million? YES (6.4m) 4) Will Trainwreck have Thursday previews of more than 1.5 million? YES (At least I think so.) Glassfasiry: 1) Will JW increase more than any film in the top 10 on Saturday? NO (Terminator Genisys beat it) 2) Will Terminator increase more than 38% on Saturday? YES 3) Will Ant Man drop on Saturday more than 15% from Friday (including previews)? NO 4) Will Trainwreck gross more than JW and UIO combined? YES Druv: 1) Will Trainwreck finish at number 3 for the weekend? YES 2) Will Terminator gross at least 40 million WW according to REntrak? NO 3) Will Minions fall more than 42%? YES 4) Will Ant Man fall more than 20% on Sunday? YES
  14. I think that's what Deadline calculated in their year-end profitability face-off. Of course at the time Frozen hadn't yet (or had only just started) its run in Japan. So DM2 is probably #2, all told.
  15. Nah. JA's great. It's a hot mess of construction, but it's incredibly interesting. Even as it screws up (which, uh, happens a lot) it's still fascinating to see.
  16. As a friend and I were leaving the theater one of the employees who'd come in to clean up asked us if it was the worst film ever. It's not, but it is a film that gets worse the more I think about it. It's a tossup whether it or AoU is the worst this year, though.
  17. Yeah, the lack of a huge breakout did hamper it. But there were seven films overall that crossed 200m, which is tied for most of any summer in the past decade. This year we may only get four. 2014 was a year of mid-range hits. 2015 is a year of feast or famine. Recent summers and 200m grossers: 2014: 7 2013: 7 2012: 6 2011: 4 2010: 6 2009: 5 2008: 6 2007: 7 2006: 5 2005: 5
  18. It was not completely devoid of hits. Saying that is reductive and groups all films in either huge hit or failure buckets, when in reality there's a range. Several films did very well last summer. Collectively, the summer was poor, but it produced a pretty good number of moderate hits, even if there were no prior out-and-out blockbusters to GotG. Maleficent, DoFP, DotPotA, Godzilla, 22 Jump Street, Lucy, The Fault in Our Stars. Those were all hits.
  19. Is anyone going to be super surprised of the Russos drop out of the Infinity Wars? It's nice enough, yeah. Hot enough for heat warnings. Upper 80s, low 90s.
  20. That's being a bit reductive for plot analysis. All of the FF films have many similar elements and themes, but that's to be expected because it's a franchise. You don't want each film to stray too much from each other, even if they have been fairly transformative about the types of films they are over the course of the series. But even with that said, the "something different" as it pertains to movies as a whole isn't about plot. It's about the two things that FF films do that almost no other major blockbuster franchises are doing. First, the series is not fantastical. It's not realistic, at this point, but it definitely has a sense of being grounded in the real world. There's no magic or super science involved. The only other franchises which can claim the same are those of the super-spy genre. And the stakes are really not world-threatening. Second, the series is really diverse. It's a huge counterpoint to every other franchise which is headlined by white guys. These two factors make FF feel unlike anything else out there.
  21. Animated films in July tend to jump about 25-30% on their second Saturdays. That probably puts Minions in the range of 19-21 for tomorrow, given the 15-16 for today. Best case scenario is probably 55 for the weekend.
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