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Eric the Clown

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Everything posted by Eric the Clown

  1. Moderation @Ryan Reynolds is threadbanned for one week. Move along people
  2. The Suicide Squad Greater Philadelphia Area Seat Report T-4 and Counting (Thu) Sellouts Showings Seats Sold Total Seats Perct Sold TOTALS 0 36 606 8211 7.38% Total Seats Sold Today: 95 Comp 0.432x of F9 T-4 (3.07M) 0.180x of Black Widow T-4 (2.38M)
  3. Okay, it's quiet now, so I will reopen things. But before we get back to things, I'm going to lay out to people here what I want to see in this thread and talk to a few people here who are exacerbating things. While I understand the importance of talking about buzz and why a film went wrong, things are going way too far here. It's getting to the point where it's clogging up the actual numbers and diverting into a real Monday Morning Quarterback...before the weekend has even started. No matter what the evidence is right now, we can only do educated guesses on what The Suicide Squad's opening weekend will be. There's no point going into hysterics...in fact there's no point going into hysterics. This is a DC film and DC will still make movies from now until the end of time. We'll likely still get Margot as Harley Quinn and we'll likely get some sort of Suicide Squad content for years to come. James Gunn will still be employed and will probably have a smash hit with Guardians 3. The world will not break down because The Suicide Squad didn't make a lot of money. I know it, you know it, stop being a theatrical little baby. So what I ask from people here is in this specific thread is to the following: numbers, articles about tracking, and basic commentary. If you want to talk about people's numbers and mention if you think The Suicide Squad is doing poorly or not poorly, that's fine. However, there is no need to go into any insane detail. You don't have to go into any hyperbole. You don't have to talk about how DC has lost its way. You don't have to talk about how Zack Snyder ruined everything. You don't have to talk about how WB ruined everything. You don't have to start arguments that you know, deep down will go nowhere. Just take a minute before you post on the following: "Is my post worth it? Is it too unpleasant? Is it something I've already said before? Am I provoking people here? Will the world blow up if I don't talk about how The Suicide Squad is an epic failure?" If anything like that is the case, then just don't post. And if you want to kickstart these arguments, or if you see somebody you disagree with say something, I can only advise you to just ignore it. Trust me when I say that you don't have to get into a fight or an argument about every single detail. Just let people post what they think and move on. Is that all clear? Okay then. Now let me also talk more specifically to a few people here who are starting up some stuff: @TheCinephile Just from your brief time here, you seem to be an absolute troll and nuisance. You love to "haha" posts that talk about how poorly TSS is doing in presales and "Not Cool" people who are saying otherwise. All this indicates to me is that you're here to troll and get a rise out of DC/Gunn/Suicide Squad fans. Your behavior, simply put, is unacceptable, and I implore you to act like an adult, or else face some consequences. Because I don't really appreciate what you do in this thread. @titanic2187, sometimes franchises falter or go through bumps. And quite honestly, there's no need for the whole "sad such a big franchise like DC can only muster 30-40M". All this stuff does is create sky-high expectations, get a rise out of fans, and spark flame wars about the state of the franchise, whether you intend to or not, all of which we really, truly don't need right now. You're not as bad as Cinephile here, but I really don't want this kind of stuff here either way. @Krissykins, you are also not off the hook here. While I understand the frustration of people dogpiling something you love or people being supposedly hypocritical about something, yelling back at them does not make things better. And while some people here who are championing Jungle Cruise and dogpiling Suicide Squad are doing it out of volition, others, and more specifically the very people here in the Tracking Thread, just think Jungle Cruise's opening is not that bad and are not doing it out of bias or malicious intent. If you disagree with them, that's fine. But whining about how this forum's full of hypocrites just because of people's different perspectives and thoughts on a film's performance is beyond immature and indicates, to me at least, you're throwing a hissy fit over people not being ultra nice on a movie you're excited about. And quite honestly, the attitude you're exhibiting, notably on the post I hid ("I stan horror movies, which are actually profitable in this pandemic lol") is obnoxious, passive-aggressive, and something I don't want to see here. So all I'm going to say is this: if you don't like what people are saying, just ignore it. It makes things so much easier for everybody and you won't have to pull your hair out. It's okay to not reply to somebody. And to all the people here who don't like what I'm saying or think I'm being too harsh, know this: you don't have to post here. There are hundreds of other forums out there that have rules you may feel more comfortable with, and it's okay to move on. This is all I'm going to say on the matter, and I expect everybody here will behave themselves. If not, then I'm gonna have to force out ol' Gallagher on you.
  4. Moderation That tears it. You guys want to act like children? Then I'm treating you like children. I'm locking the thread up for a little bit so everybody can calm down and stop trying to get into each other's throats. I'll unlock this later.
  5. You've been under a rock, huh? In the past three years, dude and his website's been outed for general incompetence, mismanagement, poor treatment of its content creators, and even hiding a sexual predator under the rug. Even outside of that, his videos have been getting dunked on more and more lately for having either bad criticism or just being cheap and ugly with bad CGI or just the atrocities that are his clipless reviews (the reactions towards his review on Pink Floyd's The Wall is priceless)
  6. Oh there will be a meltdown. I know this forum inside and out and I know there will be meltdowns even in the 30-40 range. It's already happening now. This is already the big whooping boy for the forum as is, with people having their knives prepared for the slightest underperformance. You already have people fretting over the future of DC over this film's potential underperformance and how Warner/DC dropped the ball ever since BvS. You have the weirdo Snyder stans already set to do their usual schtick as they plead Zack to come back and complain about how DC will fall apart if he isn't involved. You have the Warner stans who are already ultradefensive. "It's a pandemic! It's on HBO Max! You can't say anything bad about this movie whatsoever! You're just hypocritical! You're out to get this movie!" This stuff, both in the tracking thread and elsewhere on the forums, is truly obnoxious, immature stuff. It will only accelerate in the weekend thread, like it does with every one of these kinds of movies. But hey, that just means I have to work overtime when it comes to this kind of nonsense.
  7. The tea is that Free Guy is surprisingly good and better than the trailers indicate. I know early critic reviews are always glowing, but the review embargo drops a week before release, so this seems like the real dea
  8. The Suicide Squad Greater Philadelphia Area Seat Report T-5 and Counting (Thu) Sellouts Showings Seats Sold Total Seats Perct Sold TOTALS 0 36 511 8211 6.22% Total Seats Sold Today: 50 Comp 0.395x of F9 T-5 (2.8M) 0.167x of Black Widow T-6 (2.2M)
  9. Either way, I think I should also clarify that the concept of a forum whooping boy is garbage, especially in pandemic times when all movies are suffering and will continue to suffer even into 2022 and that this forum would be a lot better if people didn’t dogpile on movies as hard as they do.
  10. Because TSS is the forum’s new whipping boy for some reason. People will try and twist anything to put down whatever they decide to hate in these instances. Not sure why this is the one getting targeted tho
  11. The Suicide Squad Greater Philadelphia Area Seat Report T-6 and Counting (Thu) Sellouts Showings Seats Sold Total Seats Perct Sold TOTALS 0 36 461 8211 5.61% Total Seats Sold Today: 46 Comp 0.404x of F9 T-6 (2.87M) 0.161x of Black Widow T-6 (2.12M)
  12. Tom McCarthy's career, especially post-Spotlight, is up there as one of the strangest, at least in terms of creatives working today https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0565336/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0
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