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Everything posted by filmlover

  1. http://www.theverge.com/2014/12/21/7430205/watch-dr-evil-mock-sony-pictures-and-north-korea-on-snl
  2. Pretty good for The Hobbit. If it follow's Return of the King's trajectory that'll be a $55M 3-day opening. Unsurprisingly tepid for Night at the Museum and Annie. Exodus completely collapsed. Oof. Wild did really good in wide expansion. More nice numbers for The Imitation Game. Alarming drop for Inherent Vice.
  3. It's solid. Should have a good weekend multiplier since a midweek bow burned off a good portion of the upfront demand.
  4. Was anyone actually asking for another Night at the Museum? No? Then this is the result.
  5. Agreed with this. If the hackers are caught by say February or March, they should just instantly go for an April release. That's the most likely scenario at this point instead of doing something completely unprecedented by releasing a major Hollywood movie (one that has stirred up as much controversy and headaches as this has) on a major streaming platform, risking said platform getting hacked too. Both Sony and the major chains both deserve equal amount of the "blame", not just Sony like Obama did; if the studio hadn't basically surrendered and given the theaters the "go ahead" to drop the movie, that would likely have an impact on the future of the studio/theater chain business relationship when it comes to distributing movies. This is already a completely unprecedented situation, so the way they are reacting, when really thinking about it, doesn't seem that absurd.
  6. Maybe they'll wait a bit until all this cools down and to encourage the major chains to show it on a later date. Maybe try a "quiet" release first in a handful of theaters and expand. We'll see I guess. Although if this does debut as a wide release, it's gonna have a massive opening now, whereas it would've done only alright business before in its original spot controversy-free.
  7. I wouldn't include Enchanted (sorta parody of animated Disney princesses) or The Muppets (musical numbers have always been merely a tradition with them) with any of the aforementioned musicals. All of those films (minus High School Musical) are "true" musicals since they were based on Broadway shows.
  8. Big Eyes is now a wide Christmas Day release, so I imagine that will be in the auditoriums where The Interview would've played.
  9. And to think that James Franco is gonna lead us into WWIII. I knew he would do it, that bastard! "Are we human or are we Franco?"
  10. I pray that it gets nominated and wins Best Picture after all this. This whole saga is going to be remembered more than any other movie related thing from 2014.
  11. Now that the hackers know they have Sony within their grasps, this won't even be close to the end of it. The demands will keep coming.
  12. This whole saga has gone from hilarious to juicy to troublesome to sad to disturbing. That the hackers have made a major Hollywood studio their bitch like this is horrifying.
  13. The hackers have now sent a new message: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/19/hackers-sony-message-the-interview-_n_6354790.html
  14. I thought I was the only who was pretty much Over It, but guess not. It's too early to say where it's headed though. So chill everyone.
  15. All of this is gonna make for one hell of a movie someday. You just can't make something this bizarre up.
  16. I think I read somewhere Sony owns the worldwide rights to this movie, which means it might be difficult to sell off.
  17. There is far too much interest in the film at this point (really, it must have at least four times, if not more, the amount of awareness as every movie it would've faced had it stayed there). Obviously releasing it on Christmas Day became too much of a risk, but I really doubt, after all this controversy and widespread outrage over it being pulled, that they would shelve the picture permanently. It's a tough situation (at least until the hackers are found), but I think there is little doubt this will eventually see the light of day (and if it does, and gets a wide release, it'll be huge now). It's going to be too hard to sweep a fairly big-budget movie that has caused this much commotion under a rug completely. We'll see, I guess. It's all a big "if" at this point.
  18. It isn't cancelled. Sony is looking at (most likely early) 2015 release now. http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/sony-hack/sonys-interview-will-eventually-hit-screens-experts-n271171
  19. It could be anything since I doubt we have the full story. Either way, it just sets a really spooky precedent, never seen anything like it in all my years of actively following movies.
  20. This whole hacking saga has gone from hilarious to downright sad with The Interview being pulled, possibly never to see the light of day. There is no way Amy Pascal isn't no longer working for Sony in a few months.
  21. Here's the thing though: doesn't this just make theaters more vulnerable a place now that the "threat" (being The Interview) is now out of the way and no one is expecting an attack? Again, I think there is much more to the story than we've been told so far.
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