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Everything posted by RaidensSword

  1. Oh right, thanks. Makes more sense taking that into consideration. Ive never thought of it like this but i guess actors are like franchises n themselves and some of Cruise's less well received movies have damaged his brand.
  2. I understand mission impossible since the franchise is popular, but how did knight and day get 250+ more sites than EoT? I thought Edge would have been seen as more of a blockbuster type movie.
  3. 400 million would be a nice round number to make up for its disappointing run overall but it looks like it will fall short. Still, I know this is the place for box office discussion, but edge of tomorrow's legacy wont be determined by its immediate box office. I always say in 50 years when people are re watching older movies, they wont care how much it made back then, they will just care about its quality and how good it is. I think edge will stand the test of time as a great addition to cruise's filmography.
  4. Yes this is what stands out to me also. I dont know if the male to female ratio is very different in japan? I must say I expected a movie like EoT to be a huge hit in Japan because of the source material, Cruise and the video game like premise, but maybe they should have brought Blunt on the Japan promo tour and played up her role more.
  5. Lol yeah. I'm sure there's an analogy for hollywood movies being like a virus slowly infecting other countries and influencing foreign cultures with american ideals but I wont go there.
  6. Should be Vicki Zhao.Its really good to see a local film doing well off the back of transformers. I don't like foreign movies running all over local box office but i dont think they should be banned so this is the best of both worlds.
  7. What I find incredible is so many of these american movies do barn storming business in china, such as these amazing possible numbers for TF4, while a lot of the screenings are shown in English with Chinese subtitles. Can you imagine the reverse happening in the U.S or U.K?
  8. Cruise arrives in Japan to promote EoT with a 3 city tour to link it to the time loop element from the movie. Hopefully this will help kickstart its japanese box office."Cruise, who was last in Japan in May 2013 to promote “Oblivion,” will be making his 20th official visit to Japan. His busy day begins on the morning of June 26 when he will depart from Tokyo and fly to Fukuoka to attend a fan event. In the afternoon, he will fly to Osaka where he is expected to make various stage appearances and attend a number of press interviews. Finally, in the evening, Cruise will return to Tokyo in time for the red carpet premiere of “All You Need Is Kill.” The following day, he will finish his PR tour in Japan by appearing with Liman, at a press conference in Tokyo.According to Sankei Sports, Cruise’s junket marks the first time he, or anyone else, has ever traveled to three cities in just one day while promoting a film. As a Japanophile himself, Cruise loves appearing before his Japanese fans, who widely regard him as the ultimate American action hero. This PR tour is expected to surpass other similar tours in its scope and popularity."http://www.japantoday.com/smartphone/view/entertainment/tom-cruises-pr-tour-in-japan-for-new-film-spans-3-cities-in-just-one-day
  9. Not sure how many of these count but mine would beBest of the Best 1-4 Of course 1 rules the roost but the other 3 are enjoyable too. I wish Phillip Rhee had got a call for Expendables.Knock Off - Van Damme and Rob Schneider in Hong Kong, whats not to love?Lions For Lambs - A box office bomb, not critically favoured, but Redford, Cruise and Streep in one movie? The exchanges between Cruise and Streep during their debate are fun to watch, and Cruise is always better when he has another top actor pushing him, a la nicholson in a few good men or newman in color of money. Its incredibly short considering the subject matter but it helps its cause as a easy to digest guilty pleasure.Johnny Mnemonic - Dolph Lundgren's performance alone gives this movie repeat viewing points.
  10. I remember reading she agreed to Speed 2 in order to make Hope Floats which was obviously a passion project for her but still, I'm amazed the studio thought the sequel would be a success. The first was basically built on the chemistry of Reeves and Bullock and relied on them to hold the preposterous plot together. Taking either of them out automatically takes away the main draw.
  11. Really interesting piece, character actors are the unsung heroes of movies like speed. Sure the focus was on reeves and bullock but even in the little screen time they had, the other passengers formed an integral part of the movie. It would have been interesting to see the original concept, with them having larger roles and backstories, but I do love the movie as is anyway.
  12. Right now I'd say DiCaprio, Clooney and Christian Bale. In the past Mel Gibson and Pacino.Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman are probably the only female actresses who make me notice a movie just by being in the cast list.I'm probably in the minority in that I am still more interested in the movies headlined by a big star or a name I know, rather than concepts or the property involved.
  13. Its surprising Tom Cruise has never fully embraced the Chinese market. The international market has saved him in recent years and it would make perfect sense for him to be the one setting movies in China and having premieres there. An all out publicity offensive for Edge would have made its chinese box office even higher even though its obviously done well. I do remember MI3s finale was filmed in China but I think theres a real opportunity for someone like Cruise who still has a real star aura internationally to capitalise on the big asian markets. Something like a same date release for MI5 in South Korea, Japan and China with premieres in all 3 countries amd maybe some tv appearances could work wonders for box office.
  14. Agree with everything you've said. I really love the way Enzo was played in the movie, showing how nervous he was in that situation and Michael being the cool head. It also plays into your comment about real people in real situations. From the book we know Enzo is grateful to the don for keeping him in america and with the woman he loves but in the movie we dont need a deep backstory, we just know he respects the don and is prepared to risk his life to help him, further enforcing the influence the don has over all kinds of people, even bakers!
  15. Long time lurker, just registered. Thought this movie deserved my first post because it surpassed my expectations completely.I was a fan of Cruise's older movies, my favourites being Jerry Maguire, Color of Money, Minority Report and Top Gun of course. However in recent years his action heavy choices have turned me off his movies. Don't get me wrong, Knight and Day and Oblivion aren't horrible movies but they didnt reach the heights I expected and so didnt work for me personally. So that being said, I went into Edge of Tomorrow with lower expectations. Maybe it would be a fun 2 hours or so, nothing more, nothing less...but it turned out to be one of the most enjoyable Cruise movies. The premise worked well, from the moment he gets the power to the end I thought it was a near perfect execution what was promised. Cruise's character genuinely goes on a journey from beginning to end and he actually gets to show some more of his acting talent which has been generally brushed under the carpet in recent times. I thought the way he conveyed his love for Blunt's character and the pain seeing her die caused him was excellent.The action scenes were great, frenetic, fun, eye catching, while the time paradox elements were easy to digest and didnt leave you scratching your head too much.If I had some complaints it would be that I wished for a few more scenes of just Cruise and Blunt talking, or maybe another Blunt death scene as cruel as that sounds, just to enforce their relationship a bit more amongst all the action. Also the ending seemed a tad contrived. I would have preferred either one or both to die, as opposed to the final time jump, but I wont complain too much about a happy end to the story.Overall, I would give Edge of Tomorrow : A-
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