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Everything posted by James

  1. But that is not exactly true. I might be wrong, but didn't the OW breakdown for TLJ reveal quite a low number of young viewers? The numbers are so huge because of the 4 quad appeal, but SW viewers tend to be older than other franchises like Marvel.
  2. This. I am one of those people who loves the prequels (well, 2 and 3 actually), despite obvious problems, LOVES the books and the extended universe, but doesn't like where the franchise is headed. That makes me a combination of a fan and a hater I guess?
  3. So the fact that I love both LOTR and HP to death and I like both Brown and King makes me a weirdo? I don't get why there should be a comparison between Tolkien and Rowling. They have vastly different styles. And they both brought a massive contribution to culture and making people read for a change. I was one of those people. I would know.
  4. I somewhat agree with this. The thing with SW is that it has cross generational appeal. That is both a blessing and a curse. It can make obscene amounts of money, but it will always be hard to please everyone, even more so than in the case of ordinary blockbusters. For new fans it is not daring enough, for old fans it is too daring. It is really hard to find a middle ground. I am guessing we will see the same thing with the inevitable HP sequel/reboot.
  5. For TLJ: - The RT audience score dropped to 55% from 56% yesterday - The IMDB score dropped to 7.8 from 7.9 yesterday - The BO.com Twitter pos/neg ratio dropped to 3:1 from 5:1 yesterday (it kept dropping since OD, when it was 12:1 I think) Call it what you want, but the movie is at least divisive.
  6. Was the schedule that different from TFA? That is a horrible drop. The weekend was only 20% down from TFA, but the Monday is almost 50% down? Was TFA's first Monday an international holiday?
  7. So now the RT score is all bots? Lmao, give me a break. It already has over 115k votes. even setting aside the 50k it had before release, that is a good enough number to gauge WOM. For further evidence, look at BO.com's Twitter Pos:Neg ratio which kept dropping since OD. I remember TFA had around 20-1. TLJ has 5-1. I am so curious about how it will hold tomorrow. I think the increase won't be bigger than 5%. That is, if it doesn't stay flat.
  8. Because the only clue we have so far regarding the reception is that score. And that is BO related. It's not like I say 'HAHAHA, LOOK AT THIS'.
  9. Technically, it is accurate to say notmySW now because the prequels, as the OT, where created by the author's mind directly. Does he still have as much of a saying in what Disney does?
  10. Ok, let's say there are trolls manipulating the score, but why didn't that happen with RO and TFA? Isn't it more believable that some die hard fans, who have seen the movie last night, are not happy?
  11. This! Especially in countries where people didn't grew up with SW. I am honestly so curious about how TLJ will perform. I asked on my Instagram who is seeing SW this weekend and quite a few people have seen it already, most of them from the US. And some of them said it was a good movie, but not much is happening and it takes forever to go somewhere. It seems to be a general criticism.
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