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Everything posted by James

  1. Interstellar Total Lifetime Grosses Domestic: $120,692,000 26.8% + Foreign: $329,000,000 73.2% = Worldwide: $449,692,000 Amazing for it!
  2. I listened to this all day: [mod edit] I initially didn't like it but now that I've seen the movie I keep connecting it to that scene and it's sooo good. Definitely the best scene in any HG movie. Very moving. Could it have a chance to win Best Original Song? Or since the lyrics' in the book it's not considered orginal? I don't know how this works.
  3. I doubt they will cancel it. If they manage to keep the budget in the 100 and sub 100M area, they will be saved by OS and 3D, especially if they give the movies more action scenes.
  4. Just saw it. It's actually more interesting to me than the whole first movie.
  5. Ugh, I hope not. It sounds quite good. Haven't read it yet. I just want Tunnels. It's the best YA series ever written (overall, I don't consider Potter YA).
  6. No, but I just searched. PJ He also signed for Temeraire, a dragon historical epic
  7. Not really. We have Fantastic Beasts (that I guess will be on HG levels of BO - WW I mean), Maze Runner, Divergent series, Tunnels (if Relativity makes it soon lol), The 5th Wave, that is another action bestseller.
  8. My guess is it ends around 450-460M, above CF. China has a big thing to say about that. Like pretty much always lately.
  9. It's not that surprising. When you think that China didn't open this time around it's quite a healthy increase. The problem is it seems to be more frontloaded. In most markets it was way ahead of CF on OD, but at the end of the weekend it landed in pretty much the same are. Let's hope the initial boost will keep it ahead. The WOM doesn't seem particularly good. Or at least here. I'm guessing it's like that everywhere by some degree.
  10. It's not even a DOM flop. Not even by far. People here like to overreact.
  11. And every single Marvel movie. Yeah, we know that already.
  12. Still, I'm very excited for Inferno's run in 2016. Even with a supposedly mixed reception from DVC, Angels and Demons still made 485M WW. That is huge for an adult thriller (people say Gone Girl making 325M as an adult thriller is a huge deal, but they fail to see in perspective). A&D made 352M OS back in 2009 (and it had a 2.9 multi in the US, which is pretty good). I'm really curious to see what Inferno will do in with the expanding markets and 7 years of inflation.
  13. Angels and Demons sold 1/3 of the books DVC did. It's good to look at the article on BOM. That explains it really well. http://boxofficemojo.com/news/?id=2587&p=.htm
  14. Of course it is. Only biased people would say otherwise. No franchise constantly makes 1B if it's not beloved.
  15. The idea was genius. It was a religious/conspiracy thriller. It's my favourite genre by far. Dan Brown is a genius and Tom Hanks was fantastic, even though I liked Angels and Demons more.
  16. Yeah, we should have more generic crap like GotG and less actually exciting, interesting movies like DVC.
  17. Me too. I want JA to surprise a bit, I really wanna see how Maze Runner 2 does OS and I'm curious if In The Heart of the Sea will become an adult hit. Before Inferno and Conjuring 2 were moved, they were my most anticipated movies when it comes to BO tracking. Oh yeah, 50 Shades is my most anticipated when we talk BO tracking. Can't wait for that.
  18. Happy Feet made 200M in the US and Da Vinci made WW what GotG did, without years of inflation, 3D, IMAX or expanding markets.
  19. Wow, nice for Fury. And Interstellar is a beast. 60M should be locked. Any chance for 70M?
  20. They used the word flop to describe The Hobbit, yet that wiped the floor with 90% of the Marvel movies and they use the word successful to describe those. It's a joke.
  21. Thinking about it, it's really incredible how a smal studio like Lionsgate got their hands on 2 out of the 3 biggest YA phenomenons. Plus, they succesfully started a smaller one: Divergent. Fox has Maze Runner but somehow they fucked it up with Percy Jackson that is such an enormous book seller (still in NYT Bestseller list). I wonder what will be the next big thing and who will get it (Fantastic Beasts aside). I hear Relativity Media has the rights to Tunnels. If made right, that could be huge. It's such a well written and fantastic books series. Also very dark. Currently reading book 5, Spiral:
  22. Wait, what? What scene? Is there anything after Peeta screaming like a madman, tied to a bed? Thinking back at the movie, I think the dam scene is the best in the whole series till now. The soundtrack was just perfect.
  23. I read the book a few years ago and I completely forgot about that so I really enjoyed the scene. One of the best from this movie.
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