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Everything posted by James

  1. No they never do. Monday afternoon we get the actuals and that's it. It's annoying since I'd really like to know the separate numbers for Fr/Sat/Sun. Anyway, looking at the shows left for today (the last one beginning close to midnight), there are vey few locations all across the country that aren't sold out or at least 80-90% full.
  2. Niiice.It's good to see the BO exploding like that. Japan it's really such a surprising country sometimes.
  3. 881.718 according to Cinemagia, the best source when it comes to Romanian BO
  4. Yeah, Avatar too. Actually, it's a bit tricky. The level of admissions for the big movies kinda stayed the same. Baiscally, big movies do over 200.000 adm, like back in the 2000s, but lower than 300.000. What really boomed is the medium sized portion of the BO, that was pretty much zero in the past. Today, most "hit movies" end up in that region (150.000-200.000 adm). I mean, look at this year: '300 2', Noah, Lucy - all are in the 200.000+ adm area. Interstellar will likely make 300.000+ in the end. Back in 2002, the biggest movies - 'The Mummy Returns' and 'Scary Movie 2' also made 200.000+ adm. Nowadays we can have more 200.000+ adm movies, but it's still extremly hard to go beyond that. That's why movies like TH, Ice Age, POTC or Interstellar are so exceptional.
  5. Well, the grades on the biggest movie site here look like this: FOTR - 8.9 TTT - 8.7 ROTK - 8.8 AUJ - 8.6 DOS - 8.7 BOTFA - 9.2 So it's kinda the same. BOTFA has a good chance of ending up the best received of the Middle-Earth movies. And TH vastly outsold LOTR in tickets. FOTR - 191.035 TTT - 128.721 ROTK - 213.500 AUJ - 409.993 DOS - 388.107 AUJ is the first movie in the last 16 years to make over 400.000 adm. BOTFA is sure to beat that.
  6. UPDATE: After 'Exodus' got pulled out of the theatres by the biggest theatre chain to make room for the final Middle-Earth movie, it looks like the same will happen for 'Night at the Museum 3', that was supposed to open here on Dec 26. It is no wonder though, considering 'The Hobbit' has almost all the 3D screens and sells them out at a rapid pace. So now TBotFA has 2 out of the 3 biggest weeks of the year all to itself. In the third biggest week it will face 'Into the Woods' and 'The Seventh Son' (the books are very popular here)... that is if Cinema City doesn't decide to remove them from schedule also. Meanwhile, 'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey' is the Christmas event movie this year on Pro TV, the biggest TV channel in the country, taking the usual place of LOTR.
  7. BvS is locked to be massive and why do you put Fantastic Beasts on the wtf category. The fact you dont like HP doesnt change the fact it is locked to be huge WW.
  8. 2016 looks much better. After Inferno moved the only movies I really look forward to are JA and Mad Max. And FF. I doubt I'll see more than 5 movies in theatres and that's awful after the almost 30 this year.
  9. I am so in awe. I went in with skyhigh expectations and even so I was blown away. My show was 100% full and the audience loved it. I've never seen an audience reacting so much to a movie. With "wow"s and "aws". I heard girls crying when Kili died and when Tauriel was over his dead body, I heard "wow"s when Thranduil started slaying orcs and when Legolas and Thorin battled their opponents and laughs when Gandalf was cleaning his pipe at the end a big. And a general "AWW" when Bilbo sees the Shire and that music starts playing. My audience was also so diverse. A lot of children, a lot of old people and most of all people in their teens and a bit older. They actually stayed until the credits were over, which never happens here. Also, before we went in we met this super friendly kid that was afraid Thorin will die and I had to keep myself from laughing. At the end we meet him again and you could see he cried. It was also amazing to see people whispering whenever a LOTR connection appeared. At the Sauron battle scene (looking around I saw people with their mouths open), at the Aragorn reference at the end, at the ring in Bilbo's hand near the final scene and, of course, at the knocking at the door. Also heard people (when trying to get out - and we waited for about 10 minutes to get out since it was so crowded) saying they want to re-watch LOTR. On the movie itself, I have nothing to add. It felt like Middle-Earth movie. It really did. And after I saw Interstellar earlier this year, I thought no movie will surpass it, but it did. I don't remember having this much fun in theatres since the final Harry Potter two years ago. A+ Comparing it to the other Hobbit movies: BotFA - A+ DOS - A AUJ - A- Comparing it to the whole ME saga: ROTK - A+ TTT - A+ FOTR - A BotFA - A DOS - B+ AUJ - B
  10. The LOTR trilogy is better than anything Noan ever done and I am huge fan of Nolan.
  11. You're not the only one. I've never spent this much time following a future release.
  12. Thursday update: The final update before the weekend. After 2 days of huge increases in showtimes, the number finally stabilized, understandable after all since there are ony so much shows you can give a movie without pushing the other films completely out of the theatres. The showtimes went from 1050 testerday to 1080 today (+30). The sellouts went from 152 yesterday to 195 today (+43). **In these numbers are included the Thursday late shows that are playing right at this moment. Buying tickets online is generally possible till there's an hour left to the beginning of the show. So from online sales exclusively (read: no walk-ins included) we had a great Thursday night. From the 10 marathons playing today, 9 were sold out and the last one was about 90% full (it sold out for sure with walk-ins). Also around 90% of the late night shows were sold out and the other 10% was 80-90% full (again, walk-in business should bring the theatres to full capacity).
  13. HTTYD2, TF4, TASM 2, Godzilla, Apes, Noah?
  14. One or two movies aside, the US BO was so boring to watch this year. A lot of movies failed to meet expectations, let alone break out.
  15. This is my statement from Monday: The OW money wise will fall for sure, even with the bad exchange rate and I'm more and more positive TH will not only set a new attendence record, but it will shatter BD2's one. It really sucks we don't have a central database like in SK so you can see the exact number of presales, but my guess is they are over 70.000 right now.
  16. Hobbit 1 - 410.000 tickets Hobbit 2 - 390.000 tickets Hobbit 3 - ? I'm really curious how TH3 will do here compared to Portugal, especially since it already doubled the record number of showtimes ever received by a movie.
  17. Wednesday update: If yesterday was insane, today was batshit crazy! The showtimes went from 640 yesterday to 1050 today (+410!!!) The sellouts went from 137 yesterday to 152 today (+15). The number of showtimes given to 'The Hobbit' is insane. Expect huge drops in theatre counts for the holdovers. There are many locations where TH gets a show every hour. The huge number of shows also explains why the jump in sellouts is so low. Still, that should change tomorrow, the last day of presales before the Friday opening. A big chunk (around 350) of the new showtimes came from the main theatre chain, that now own 662 of the 1050 shows across the country. That's around 63% of the marketshare, way less than it usually owns (70%+). That only goes to prove that even the small theatre chains give every screen they've got to this movie. Also, a few 2D shows started to appear, but they sell poorly, so Romania is a market very fond of 3D.
  18. Tuesday update: 'The Hobbit' showtimes and sellouts skyrocketed today. The showtimes went from 410 yesterday to 640 today (+230). The sellouts went from 109 yesterday to 137 today (+28). As the 19th release date approaches, I expect sellouts to spike even more in the next 2 days (especially because there are a hell lot of shows that need to sell another 4-5 tickets to be completely full).
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