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Everything posted by James

  1. I really wanted to ask you smth: what demographic represents the majority of moviegoers in US? Here, from what I see everytime I go to movies, 80% or more are teenagers or people under 25.
  2. It really depends. It's a generationl thing I guess. lot of people I know know who Bay is. The same goes for Cameron. Nolan it's not that well known and Lucas... well, he's kinda never brought up so if someone really knows who he is, I wouldnt know anyway.
  3. They say the same thing about TF movies, but I still like them. I am a movie fan but in many ways I am a GA member more. I love to be entertained and if the idea of a movie it's interesting enough for me and the visuals are nice, I can accept the bad acting if it's not on a mediocre level. And in SW it's not. For some reason, people seem to blame the actor that played Anakin for how bad the movie was, but I liked him in Jumper as well (probably because I loved the book, but still).
  4. The last one, yeah. Well, I liked the prequels. As I said, for me Anakin is the most interesting character in the SW universe.
  5. Well, I watched and liked Star Wars Ep. I, II and III. I quite loved the third one. Nice visuals and I really love the antihero angle of the story (Anakin's ark was great to follow). It's probably the reason why I also liked X-Men: Tha last stand so much (because of the Dark Phoenix ark).
  6. Cant wait for this. It's probably one of my most anticipated movies in the next few years. Btw, it's any of the old ST movies worth watching? And do any of them have decent special effects? Because I couldn't make myself watch a full old Star Wars movie because the way it looked
  7. I love SH movies as much as the next guy, but isn't this a bit too much?
  8. Total Lifetime Grosses Domestic: $215,377,745 27.2% + Foreign: $577,400,000 72.8% = Worldwide: $792,777,745 It's already at almost 800M. I cant see it missing 850M.
  9. I really have a problem with that. I (And everyone I went to TF movies with) loved those goofy scenes between Sam and his parents or his dog or the government officials. In fact, overall, I think I loved TF 2 most of all the TF films. It had humor, great action scenes, MEGAN FOX, Shia (which I really come to associate with this series) beautiful locations and awesome music. So for me it is: TF2>TF1>TF3>TF4.
  10. Still good for Purge. 27-28M for the weekend? Maybe 30 if it's good. The first one dropped like a rock after it's opening day.
  11. Good for TF4. It will probaly stay ahead of CAP2 for another day
  12. Maverick. Now I gotta watch it because I have no idea what it is.
  13. Speaking of, why don't these forums have a dislike button?
  14. Haha, you should be used to it. It's just the way it is. What would the world be without a bit (more) of overreacting?
  15. Well, HBO and CW are the best Tv programs. And I don't have much knowledge of this, but is Fox really a bigger brand/trust than Time Warner? Quote from wikipedia: It is the world's third largest broadcasting and cable company in terms of revenue (behind The Walt Disney Company and Comcast, respectively), as well as the world's largest mediaconglomerate. The current Time Warner company consists of the assets of the original company formed after Warner Communications andTime, Inc. merged, along with the assets of Turner Broadcasting that were acquired via the companies' 1996 merger. Time Warner has major operations in film, television, and publishing. Among its subsidiaries are New Line Cinema, HBO, Turner Broadcasting System, The CW Television Network, Warner Bros., Kids' WB, Cartoon Network, Boomerang, Adult Swim, CNN,DC Comics, Warner Bros. Animation, Cartoon Network Studios, Hanna-Barbera, and Castle Rock Entertainment.
  16. Yep, just imagine TDKR one-liner version...
  17. It was as epic as: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiB98Wbsdlo
  18. Uh. Please no. WB is probably the best of the big six studios marketing wise and also the best when it comes to the range of movies it promotes. With a few notable exceptions, Fox is a mess.
  19. Maybe. But the fans (like me and every other fan I know) will accept a compromise just to return to that world.
  20. Well, if that number holds, there's a pretty good chance that Wednesday also stays ahead of CAP. It's Wen was only 1.7m, coming from a 2.2 Tuesday.
  21. Wow! Last night this had like 40 pages. Now it's at 93 What happened?
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