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Everything posted by James

  1. For now it seems to have fantastic WOM. I see no reason why it wouldn't do over 350m.
  2. That is a great hold for Alice, right? Didn't the forecast predict it would drop 40%? Also, according to IMDB, The Conjuring 2 should have opened this weekend. Did that happen?
  3. All the previous movies have a lower than 100m budget. So if this does even just 600m-ish it would be a a much better budget/gross ration than Inside Out got, with it's 175m budget, and it would also be more profitable. And people call IO a huge massive success so why wouldn't IA be considered the same? I was the same, but I found myself quite enjoying Be Cool SD, mainly because of it's witty humor. It is funnier than previous SD series, but I really miss What's New SD, which was my favorite SD show. Mistery Inc. was also good. As for ther straight to DVD movies I feel they'll lost their touch. Their 1998-2008 streak was beyond fantastic (Zombie Island - my fav, Witch's Ghost, Alien Invaders, Cyber Chase, Legend of the Vampire, Monster of Mexico, Loch Ness Monster - my second fav, Aloha, Where's My Mummy, Pirates Ahoy, Chill Out, Goblin King). Not one bad movie! Since then I enjoyed Samurai Sword and Camp Scare, but the others not so much. They are decent, but compared to their old days they seem flimsy efforts. Yeah, it's all about expectations. Tarzan is having surprising WOM. It will end up probably as the leggiest non-animation blockbuster this summer, which is crazy to think about. That 46% drop would be around 40% it the OW wasn't inflated by 4th of July. That would be an identical figure of what TJB did, and it may be even more impressive considering it has been achieved in the middle of Summer. Yeah, TJB made much more, but that's not the point. Till now, Tarzan is playing like a family movie, with strong week days. If it can manage to survive competition it will end up doing some money. TJB dropped 29% in it's 3rd weekend. I think that might prove to be too difficult for Tarzan, but then again, Ghostbusters is much lighter competition than Pets was, so I fully expect a drop in the 30-40% range. Either way, this continues the successful streak for Warner. The only movie that disappointed for them this Summer was The Nice Guys. It's pretty much as good as a studio can ask for.
  4. I don't think you can call it modest. It's at 158m right now on a 20m budget and it will likely end up close to 200m. That's 10x it's budget and profit wise, just like Conjuring and Annabelle, it will probably make more for WB than most big blockbuster movies (let's not forget than in 2013 for example, Conjuring was more profitable than The Hobbit 2 according to Deadline). BOM updated it to 158m (54.8m DOM, 103m OS).
  5. Yes, I did. And I'm predicting 150m+ for SS on OW so you can count that as well Not really comparable though. Japan's film industry is very unique. For them animation is the defining genre, but most of their movies aren't actually made for kids. They have thrillers and horrors and dramas and R-rated stuff. Thele is right when he says the US studios don't treat animation as a genre. When was the last time an animation was directed towards adults or had an R rating? A Scanner Darkly (2006)? Laziest my ass. If Jackson didn't prove love and dedication to that universe I don't know who did. He tried to convey everything that was within WB's rights to show. He was the one that proposed a third movie just to show everything. So please direct your bias elsewhere. That is incredible for Tarzan! -46% after a holiday inflated weekend? Without the holiday the drop would have been around 40%. That is great WOM.
  6. I wanna see Bourne, Inferno and Fantastic Beasts and be done with this year. Nothing else really justifies paying for a ticket (I'll torrent Star Trek and Assassin's Creed tho).
  7. Not really. I mean yeah, 20 years ago Summer was shit. But in the last 2-3 years I find it more and more difficult to care about big tentpoles because they all look the same. I mean, look at Summer 2017. I will root for Wonder Woman to do well because I like DC better than Marvel, but I'm not excited for it, just as I'm not excited for Suicide Squad. The last Transformers movie seemed empty to me without Shia's character so I don't really have an interest in the next one. I really liked the first Kingsman, but I wish they would leave it alone. I seriously can't spark any love for another Spiderman, especially because I don't like the new actor. Then there's The Mummy, but that franchise is not the same without Brendan Fraser. I will root for DM3, but I have no interest in seeing it. Same for Annabelle 2. Uncharted is a wild card. So really the the only movies I'm even remotely excited about are Dunkirk (just because I liked Fury and I hope this is close to that), Valerian and POTC5 (guilty pleasure). And of those I will probably see only POTC in cinamas. As for the rest of the year, it may sound weird, but I'm only excited about King Arthur. That is probably my most anticipated 2017 title. And maybe Justice League to some extent. 2018 looks even worse. I am interested only in Fantastic Beasts 2 and maybe that Scooby-Doo movie (nostalgia). So no. It doesn't really get better and better. But then again, in the last 2 years most of my favorite movies where DTV, low budget ones. So...
  8. Pets will do 100m. Dory needs to have good holds from now on to touch 500m. Good hold for Tarzan. Thinking it could hit 19m. Amazing for Central Intelligence. And looool at that BFG drop. Where is it's amazing WOM?
  9. As long as they give it a decent budget it could work well as counter programming. But alas, I doubt it keeps that date.
  10. It's not only that. The movie is made by Spielberg and the RPO novel is universally acclaimed, unlike Divergent so the movie will very likely get good/great reviews. Plus, it is distributed by the Warners as one of their top tentpoles so you can be sure they won't dump it like it happened with The BFG. Also, from this point of view, you can't compare WB and Lionsgate when it comes to marketing power and strategy.
  11. I have no idea what Sing will make, but just as an observation the official first trailer combines around 40m views only from YT and was posted just a month ago (that is only a bit less than the first Pets teaser in, I repeat, just a month). Also, I feel like I'm gonna get slapped for this but the Rogue One trailer combines 50m on YT. The difference is not so big. Not saying Sing is gonna be anywhere close to RO (lol), but it has quite a bit of buzz. I think it will open to at least 70m.
  12. That would be a great opening for Storks. It would basically lock 100m which is very good considering WB probably spent around 50-60m on it. With OS it would look at a nice profit.
  13. Amazing how people keep talking about Dory when Pets just registered a midnight that might push it over 100m for the weekend, a first in animation history. WTF?!
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