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Everything posted by DAJK

  1. If it doesn’t get the Oct record I would consider it a disappointment for a number of reasons. I actually really like @Eric MacNeil’s sentiment about how it doesn’t really madder how much profit billionaire studios and CEOs make, and what the budget was. What I care about is movie theaters: ticket sales leading to concession sales that keep the exhibition industry alive. When this was announced, it filled a gaping void in October, and was an excellent sign for theaters. While 100M would be nothing to scoff at, and would certainly make Taylor a pretty penny, she still is in that category of “mega millionaires/billionaires who I couldn’t care less how much profit they make.” Same with Tom Cruise for example, him personally earning 100M+ from Maverick is a “good for him” from me and little else. All I really care about is keeping the exhibition industry alive, I couldn’t care less how much money these billionaires make in profits.
  2. Yea the new app sucks and makes tracking 1000x harder. Up until Nov 2022 the website made it super easy to track multiple theaters at once, but then it changed. Awful change, and I know a lot of people at the company who hate it too lol.
  3. Hahahahaha I can almost guarantee you it is not If so, I would love to be on the internet you are on, seems like such a nice place
  4. I don't think 70-100 would be awful taken out of context (although I don't think this will reach that high barring GOTG3-level reception). Captain Marvel was a c-level character prior to her first movie. That first film benefitted a lot by coming out between IW and EG, when Marvel craze was arguably at its peak. Had Captain Marvel come out in, say, 2013-2016, it would have likely opened in the 70-100 range (if not slightly lower) as well. This movie coming back down to Earth (no pun intended) seems more like regression towards the mean more than anything, rather than a complete crashing and burning. We'll see how reception is, and whether or not presales pick up over the next few weeks. For now, I'm expecting Black Adam numbers domestically.
  5. There's been a lot of hate for Zegler going around tiktok lately (yes, it's mostly within sexist/misogynistic circles, but it has sort of evolved into a meme into other online spaces now). If you go on Lionsgate ads for the movie on tiktok, a lot of the top comments are saying things like "I'd go see this if Rachel wasn't in it." Really a shame. One, because people are jerks. Two, Zegler's a great actress. And three, this movie looks really good. I genuinely hope its a hit, and that this little internet sillyness (using this in place of other, more accurate words) doesn't affect the movie's performance.
  6. The language in here is incredibly condescending lol. Whatever, I agree with you and it seems like the rest of the thread does too minus a single post from a specific user who could have been contacted privately. Glad this board is protecting actors/professionals who are clearly dealing with behind the scenes issues that frankly we know nothing about and therefore should be careful when passing judgement. Still, weirdly juvenile way of responding to a user's comment.
  7. I really REALLY don’t want to add to any alarmist narrative, but across the 5 theaters I regularly track, Marvels has sold 0 tickets so far in 4 of them. Yea, you heard that right. And only 1 of these are what you could consider a “small” theater. The big theater (SilverCity in Victoria) has only sold 10 tickets across the entire weekend. I don’t usually track presales data this far out, but I have a few data points to work from. At this theater, Shang Chi was at 39 after an hour, Dune was at 60. NTTD, which skews older and walkup heavy was at 19. Flash was at 26. EDIT: just realized that these numbers for the other movies are Thursday only, where Marvels has 6 (4 others for the rest of the weekend). Not even going to bother with comps to No Way Home or Eras Tour, which were in the hundreds after an hour. But this is really really pathetic, and worries me about the box office for the remainder of the year. Marvel needs to do something with this film to get people interested, and they need to do it fast. Yes, I understand that presales can pick up, but this is a very worrying start for a movie that is part of such a presales heavy franchise. At this point, I’m almost certain that FNAF will open higher.
  8. For anyone cheering movie theaters > studios... A movie with a 200M budget that makes 75M domestic is usually better for a theater than a movie with a 1M budget making 40M. Theaters just need ticket sales, that's it.
  9. Eras has nothing to do with Exorcist’s performance. Not affecting screen counts this weekend, and it’s playing to just it’s own base and won’t really have appeal outside of that. It’s not a 4-quadrant blockbuster so I would say it’s impact on anything else this month will be minimal.
  10. FNAF feels like it’s shaping up to be the next Detective Pikachu. People are gonna start predicting 100-200M+ OW for it, sticking their heads in the sand and yell at everyone who’s not on board. And then freak out that the movie is a huge bomb when it “only” opens to 40M or so.
  11. Just a heads up for some folks, tomorrow is a national holiday in Canada (schools out) so drops on Sunday could potentially look slightly better than estimated.
  12. Not to sound like a freshman anthropology/sociology major but I think the Barbenheimer meme didn’t just hit big because of the “double feature” nature of it or how distinct the films were or how audiences COULD in theory go see both. It was a perfect storm of all those factors, but I think there was a gender aspect to it all too. A women-Centered film like Barbie and THE male film bro director going head-to-head. I think years/decades of how these demographics have been served by Hollywood played a role in its proliferation and success. Not something you could replicate with Saw Patrol or Wishpoleon. It would be like trying to replicate Black Panther culturally, or re-create Top Gun Maverick by just making a random movie about dudes in jets.
  13. Love to see Claire back doing her usual thing Honestly, anything that brings me back to mid-2010s BOT fills me with joy.
  14. I liked this, didn't love it. Was hoping it would be the next Interstellar (in my heart) but ends up closer to Elysium than Interstellar.
  15. I love everyone in here, but the amount of doom and gloom taking place is hilariously stupid. Do what you need to do for likes and reactions, but my god it's a horror movie 10 years past its prime and a tough-sell original sci-fi that was only really going to play to nerds like us anyways. "Theaters need to close their doors/this is the end of Hollywood" get that stuff out of here.
  16. You know that BOT is spoiled rotten when @Shawn is here himself providing numbers first. If this isn't truly the best place on the internet for those of us who follow box office, I don't know what is.
  17. I'm seeing the exact same thing. Just this morning I was looking at sales in Canada and was thinking that 30M was assured for Saw. Weird.
  18. I know not related to tracking but Interstellar had a similar level of reviews and I still maintain that that is one of the best sci-fi movies of the century.
  19. Or a 5 year old to see a Saw movie? Although, I worked at a movie theater for 6+ years and you would be shocked at the kind of stuff parents bring their kids to...
  20. Just looking at sales around me, this weekend is shaping up to be pretty strong overall. Even if nothing is going to be a monster breakout, Creator looks like it could do 18-22. Saw is selling pretty great for Friday, thinking 25-30 is definitely possible. Even Paw Patrol is selling well, and I think this could be much stronger than the previous film (thinking 15-20). Dumb Money is expanding, but I'm sticking with around 5M for that one. Still, kind of a "something for everyone weekend".
  21. A few things. I wouldn't expect this to get Fresh on RT (if it does, that's awesome!) but the nature of these movies means that it will be off-putting to people who just aren't fans of these types of movies. High-40s to 50s should be seen as a big win for this movie. That being said, the RT critic-base has expanded significantly since Saw 3D (the "main" Saw series) so there could be more RT-verified critics who would be more inclined to give a positive review than when this series was in its prime. Also, I'm getting more and more of a feeling that this is going to be the Scream 5 of this franchise. Almost a requel of sorts that opens to around 30M, and gets the studio to fast-track a sequel for next year. Going with 25-30M OW now.
  22. Paw Patrol is a TV show adaptation, and frankly one that has its own "rabid" fanbase of 6 year olds. I could see it being slightly more pre-sale heavy than comparable family movies.
  23. Might as well do an obligatory ranking of TCU movies now that I've seen this. Conjuring 2 Conjuring 1 (I probably enjoy this one more but 2 I think has the edge when it comes to the craft) Annabelle: Creation Annabelle Comes Home The Nun 2 Annabelle The Conjuring 3 The Nun The Curse of La Llorona
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