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Everything posted by DAJK

  1. Lol guys I’m getting real concerned about Flash’s IM this weekend. Thursday sales at my locals are pretty solid (I would say 9-10M possible). Then Friday has ZERO tickets sold at one theatre, 2 tix at another, and a handful at another (but given how they are all seated together I think it’s one group). Saturday has ZERO at two theatres and a decent amount at a third. And Sunday has 1 ticket sold across all 3
  2. Really hoping Marvels delivers if this is the follow-up project. I’d hate to see this suffer at the box office the way GOTG3 did after following up a mediocre/bad film. (Yes yes, I know, I don’t think Guardians OW was entirely Quantumania’s fault).
  3. Not too sure how I feel. Looks cute, I trust Pixar for the most part, but if it weren't for Molina's involvement, I would pretty much be expecting Lightyear numbers for this.
  4. Was just texting one of my old coworkers about the changes who was always kinda… extreme… when it came to Marvel. Conversation basically went like: “I called in because I don’t think I can work today!” ”I mean maybe it’s not such a bad thing, gives them more time to work on scripts and make a good movie!” ”I don’t care if they’re good, I just want more Marvel!” Not saying that this is representative of the fanbase as a whole, but yea…
  5. Ruby Gillman tracking so low doesn't surprise me, nor does it indicate the death of original animation. It simply looks bad, and hasn't had any marketing on top of that. When a movie has such low awareness, and those that do know it exists think it looks bad, of course it will track low. Audiences being more selective isn't the same as "theatres are dead."
  6. Not sure if this is an error, but a local theatre has No Hard Feelings on sale already, and shows begin at 11:30AM on Thursday, the 22nd. https://www.capitol6.ca
  7. Funny coincidence I noticed. The last Transformers movie (Bumblebee) opened 1 week after the last Spiderverse movie. And now another Transformers movie is opening 1 week after the next Spiderverse movie. If you want to get really technical... what other movies were released in those weeks? A DC property and a big Disney live-action directed by Rob Marshall. The release schedule simply repeats itself, it just disguises itself in a slightly different skin.
  8. Watched Transformers last night. Dragged my friend to it, who really REALLY didn’t want to go (to the point where I texted a mutual friend before the show saying “lol I dragged Jacob to Transformers I think he hates me”). At the end of the movie he looked at me and said “that was such a stupid movie… and I loved every minute of it.” Word-of-mouth at my screening was very strong, and the theatre was packed. I enjoyed it enough (probably 6/10 which was better than I expected). I could honestly see this having decent enough legs. The fact that expectations were probably SO low will likely contribute to WOM (and another piece of evidence that expectations certainly contribute to WOM).
  9. I genuinely wonder if Indy is going to follow Fast/TF/TGM trends in terms of presales rather than a CBM. I don’t really think this franchise has a huge rabid fanbase, especially since I think it’s going to skew much older than other blockbusters this summer.
  10. So no Deadline update? They saving their big guns for next weekend?
  11. I mean, we’ve got 2 rom coms in the last 8 months (No Hard Feelings, Tix to Paradise) and zero Charlie’s angels or terminator since 2019.
  12. No, execs aren’t stupid (at least the ones that remain employed are). They make nostalgic toy commercials because those make money. As soon as they start getting Heavens Gate returns, of course they’ll stop. I don’t see why anyone would think they wouldn’t.
  13. Yes, but whether the studio does a sequel or not is irrelevant. Hollywood will always put out movies, and theaters don’t really care what those movies are as long as there’s new output. And there’s always new output. And honestly, stuff like Fast X/Transformers are the movies that theaters like. People who come to those movies buy lots of food. People who comes to A24 sleeper hits don’t.
  14. The thing that people don’t consider when proclaiming “theaters are dead” because a movie is a flop because of its budget (say, Fast X makes a lot of money, but not enough for its 340M budget therefore movie theaters are dead, or same for transformers at 200M) is that the budget doesn’t matter to the movie theater. All that matters are raw numbers. For a movie theater, a 340M blockbuster that “flopped” because it only made 100M domestic is still a bigger hit than an indie sleeper that made 45M domestic on a 2M budget. So something like this Transformers overperformance is nothing less than fantastic for movie theaters.
  15. Beating The Last Knight should be considered a solid result for this movie.
  16. Transformers EA sales were actually pretty solid here. Can’t remember which user said this already, but I was seeing the same thing; numbers weren’t far off from TLM EA a few weeks ago, but that being said TLM underperformed in Canada relative to its overall domestic opening.
  17. Awww you silly gooses, you must have voted me by mistake but that’s okay I don’t hold grudges ;)) Good week again folks! And thanks @SLAM! for all the ongoing work!
  18. Ugh, I’m so excited for Barbie but tradespeople on Twitter are going to be insufferable about that film.
  19. I’ve had my share of disagreements with decisions from mods (who hasn’t? We’re all just humans doing our best), but I side with @Eric 2099 on this one. Rather than that post being a ban-worthy offence, it seems to be just one in a string of antagonizing posts.
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