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Everything posted by DAJK

  1. Nah we aren’t dissing CODA. Such a sweet, heartfelt movie. And a true underdog story at the Oscars. I’ll die on that hill.
  2. https://deadline.com/2023/06/box-office-the-flash-no-hard-feelings-jennifer-lawrence-1235422274/amp/ Elemental/Spider - 5.4M / 18M weekend Flash - 4.3M / 14M weekend (75% drop) NHF - 5.3M / 14-15M Transformers - 10.6M Asteroid City - 7.5M
  3. You know, I will say sometimes it sucks being in the minority on a movie. Either everyone loves it and you don’t, and it feels like a constant party that you’re not invited to Or you really enjoyed the Flash and it makes it harder to laugh at the misery WB is facing as a result of their terrible decisions. Even though you really liked the movie itself.
  4. I mean they can't buy tickets for them, thereby increasing their box office earnings lol.
  5. The fact that my most consistently well-performing tiktoks are comedic anecdotes about sneaking into R-rated movies shows that there’s still some interest out there for R-rated comedy/horror in the theater. Just maybe not among the right demographic that can buy a ticket
  6. Imagine 1960s Robert Oppenheimer thinking about what his legacy is going to be in the coming decades, being told that in 2023, one of the first words that people think of when they hear his name is "Barbie".
  7. Yea, I couldn’t care less what sort of profits a movie brings in to a studio that doesn’t care to pay or treat its animators or hard-working artists fairly. Box office, at least for me these days, is all about expectations, and keeping the theatrical model alive.
  8. How much of that is early access though? If it’s only like 200-300k, good. But if EA did like 1M and Thursday only did 1.1M, that’s bad.
  9. 1. Across the Spiderverse 2. Elemental 3. No Hard Feelings 4. The Flash 5. Transformers 6. Asteroid City 7. The Little Mermaid 8. GOTG3 9. The Blackening 10. The Boogeyman
  10. Asteroid City is selling like crazy here. No Hard Feelings is actually doing pretty decently as well. Hoping for 10M for the former and high teens for the latter.
  11. Hopefully this scrapes together a decent worldwide total in the coming weeks. Otherwise I feel like, box office wise, this will have a similar legacy as TRON: Legacy (no pun intended). Not an awful run by any stretch, but Disney was clearly hoping for something special, and while it wasn’t a financial failure that lost them hundreds of millions of dollars, it’ll merely be viewed as “fine” years down the line. Which I guess is “better than it could have done” but also “not as good as it could have done” either.
  12. Kind of a shame that both big movies this weekend were really solid films and they’re both the bombs of the year. Oh well, you win some you lose some. I’ve kind of accepted that me and critics, or me and audiences, won’t always agree on every movie. And that’s completely okay. I just hope Muschiettei continues to get work.
  13. Wow… I can honestly say my theory of “Flash is bombing because it sucks” is down the drain. I know it’s just my personal opinion, so don’t come after me, but that was one of DC’s best movies.
  14. I think we can all agree that Jurassic World had the best weekend thread of all time. Those numbers going up and up and up throughout the day/evening Friday was legendary. June 12, 2015. No day on BOT has topped it since.
  15. Jesus Christ I can’t believe this thread had to have an Amber Heard warning… and people are STILL saying it’s the best weekend thread in a along time. Yea I’m tapping out. This sucks lol.
  16. I don’t really like this “they must have paid off all the celebs who endorsed it” nonsense. Once, we have no evidence of that. Two, the film got decent reviews (over 60% of professional film critics liked it) so is it really that far-fetched that some big names in Hollywood would have enjoyed it too? Heck, just because it’s a box office flop doesn’t mean it’s a bad movie. People just seem to be projecting.
  17. Uhhhh, so I was optimistic about Flash earlier this afternoon. But looking at walkups this evening. I might honestly join a sub-50 train…
  18. Yea, sales seem to be picking up here for both movies. Nothing spectacular, but I think we might be able to avoid doomsday scenario for both openers. 65 for flash could happen, as could 35 for elemental.
  19. This was actually really good. First act takes a while to get going, and the initial “story/problem” that kicks off the plot is honestly pretty lame/generic. But man the second two acts kind of rule. Characters are very well fleshed out, and the world feels a lot more lived-in as the film goes on. Social commentary is nicely handled. This feels like Pixar’s most personal film in years (it very much feels like a writer/director telling a personal story rather than a corporate movie). There are some issues that really hold it back from being top-tier Pixar, mostly script-wise, but I’m not kidding when I say that this is 1-2 drafts away from being nearly Inside Out level. By this I mean there are problems, but they are “obvious” and “fixable” enough that I think the film could have gotten there with a few more rewrites. Overall very surprised. Sadly I think this will open low, but I think WOM/legs will be great. It will also be a Disney+ monster in the vein of Encanto I think; it’s going to be a very special movie for many specific demographics that I think it will catch on culturally over time.
  20. Well I mean... Following Shazam's pattern here, we're in for an infinity opening weekend.
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