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Everything posted by Wrath

  1. Which is why my favorite series finale of all time is Mortal Kombat: Conquest from the late '90s. I've talked about this a few times before, but it never gets old. The last two episodes were a two-parter where Shao-Khan launches his master-plot. Kung Lao and side-kicks (the primary heroes of the series) were lured into a trap, and Shao-Khan's priest-assassins spent the bulk of 2 straight episodes killing off *every* minor character who'd appeared on the show. Whether they'd helped the heroes or were a minor bad-guy, Shao-Khan killed them ALL. Must have been ~30 characters. Finally, he lured Raiden into a climatic battle which Shao Khan is winning. Just as the dramatic moment arrives where you expect the the mortal heroes to arrive and save the day, Shao Khan reveals that the trap worked and they're all DEAD. He's got all their special weapons and stuff to prove it. The heroes of the series frigging died *off-screen*. Raiden is stripped of his powers, banished to the cobalt mines, and the Earth Realm descends into 1000 years of darkness and brutal tyranny. The end. It was amazing.
  2. The list of things Emma Stone would ruin is a very short one. The script/story-line will probably be re-written to some degree.
  3. I agree. The problem with the stakes being too high, a world-sized threat, is that there's no chance of failure. If the Avengers fail to stop Ultron, humanity is done along with all the movies. Therefore there's no plausible chance the heroes will fail. But if Cap is trying to stop Hydra from robbing Ft Knox, you don't know how it'll turn out because Hydra could totally win, which would probably serve as a stepping stone to a future plot-point. Smaller stakes are actually more interesting.
  4. Yeah. Good god, Minions was insane. There were probably aboriginals in the Australian desert who didn't have eletricty or plumbing and were like "ENOUGH WITH THE MINION TIE INS ALREADY! Every single frigging rabbit I catch has a little yellow guy tattooed to its ass and the nearest Regal is 850 miles away."
  5. Not letting me in either.
  6. I faked my cancer death and burial, I was just in a coma! Or did I? dun Dun DUNHHHH
  7. Part A: 1. Will Spiderman make more than $100M? 1000 *YES* 2. Will Spiderman make more than $125M? 2000 *NO* 3. WIll Spiderman drop more than 15% on Saturday? 3000 *YES* 4. Will Spiderman make more than 75% of the total gross of all films reported on BOM this weekend? 4000 *NO* 5. Will Friday account for at least 40% of Spiderman's weekend gross? 5000 *YES* 6. Will Depsicable Me drop more than 50%? 1000 *YES* 7. Will Baby Driver drop less than 50%? 2000 *YES* 8. Will Cars 3 stay above The House? 3000 *NO* 9. Will Wonder Woman increase more than 35% on Saturday? 4000 *YES* 10. Will the top 12 films all make more than $1M? 5000 *YES* 11. Will The Big Sick's PTA stay above $6,000? 1000 *YES* 12. Will Captain Underpants stay above The Hero? 2000 *NO* 13. Will The Book of Henry make less than $75,000 for the whole weekend? 3000 *YES* 14. Will Baywatch stay above Alienl? 4000 *YES* 15. Will Guaradians cross $385M by the end of the weekend? 5000 *YES* 16. Will All Eyez on me have a PTA above $900? 1000 *YES* 17. Will Transformers have a PTA above $2,250? 2000 *YES* 18. Will City of ghosts have a PTA above $5,000? 3000 *NO* 19. Will Undercover Grandpa have a PTA above $1,500? 4000 *NO* 20. Will Superpowerless' total Weekend gross be more than 0.5% of Spiderman's Friday gross? 5000 *NO* 21. Will Spiderman's Actuals be Higher than the official final estimates for the weekend on BOM? 1000 *YES* 22. Will Wonder Woman's first Deadline weekend estimate be within 500k of the actual total? 2000 *YES* 23. Will any film in more than 100 theatres drop more than 80%? 3000 *YES* 24. Will the whole weekend total of every film be above $175M? 4000 *YES* 25. Will Tom Holland go all Emo and then snap the spine of someone he loves? 5000 *Sure. Then he'll throw their broken body on a pile of all the other people he's done it to before.* Bonus: 15/25 2000 16/25 3000 17/25 5000 18/25 7000 19/25 10000 20/25 15000 21/25 20,000 22/25 25,000 23/25 33,000 24/25 40,000 25/25 50,000 Part B: The top 3 predictions will score points as follows: Closest: Within 1% - 15,000, Within 2,5% - 12000, Within 5% 9,000, Within 10% - 6000 Outside 10% - 3000 points 2nd Closest: Within 1% - 12,000, Within 2,5% - 10000, Within 5% 7,000, Within 10% - 4000 Outside 10% - 2000 points 3rd Closest: Within 1% - 10,000, Within 2,5% - 8000, Within 5% 5,000, Within 10% - 2000 Outside 10% - 1000 points 1. What will Spiderman make for its 3 day OW? 118M 2. What will The House's Saturday gross be? 1.18M 3. What will The Transformers' percentage drop be? 61% Part C: There will be 6 films to place and points are expanded because traditionally people haven't scored well here: 3. Baby Driver 5. Transformers 7. House 10. Big Sick 12. Pirates 15. All Eyez
  8. Its ludicrious that I seem to be better at predicting OW's before the season starts than I am the week before the actual openings, but that seems to be how it works.
  9. Part A: 1. Will Despicable Me Open to more than $100M? 1000 *NO* 2. Will The House Open to more than $25M? 2000 *NO* 3. Will Baby Driver have a 5 day of more than $22M? 3000 *YES* 4. Will the three main openers combine to more than $150M? 4000 *NO* 5. Will The House overtake Baby Drivers Domestic Total by the end of the weekend? 5000 *NO* 6. Will Wonder Woman drop less than 40% 1000 *YES* 7. Will Transformers drop more than 57.5% 2000 *YES* 8. Will All Eyez Stay above Captain Underpants? 3000 *NO* 9. Will Guardians 2 have a lower percentage drop than Pirates 5? 4000 *YES* 10. Will it comes at Night drop more than 65%? 5000 *YES* 11. Will Will Big Sick have a PTA above $10k? 1000 *YES* 12. Will 13 minutes have a PTA above $6,000? 2000 *NO* 13. Will Rough Night have a PTA above $900? 3000 *YES* 14. Will My Neighbour Totoro's apparent Sunday release be reported in BOM's Weekend Actuals list? 4000 *NO* 15. Will Tele finally be taken in by the subtle brilliance that is the Minions? 5000 *It will be revealed that Tele secretly IS a Minion, albeit a self-hating one.* Bonus: 9/15 5000 10/15 8000 11/15 12,000 12/15 16,000 13/15 20,000 14/15 24,000 15/15 30,000 Part B: The top 3 predictions will score points as follows: Closest: Within 1% - 15,000, Within 2,5% - 12000, Within 5% 9,000, Within 10% - 6000 Outside 10% - 3000 points 2nd Closest: Within 1% - 12,000, Within 2,5% - 10000, Within 5% 7,000, Within 10% - 4000 Outside 10% - 2000 points 3rd Closest: Within 1% - 10,000, Within 2,5% - 8000, Within 5% 5,000, Within 10% - 2000 Outside 10% - 1000 points 1. What will Despicable make for its 3 day OW? 94.5M 2. What will be the difference in The House and Baby Driver's total gross by the end of Sunday? 18M 3. What will All Eyez of Me's Domestic gross be by the end of Sunday? 44.1M Part C: There will be 6 films to place and points are expanded because traditionally people haven't scored well here: 2. Baby Driver 4. WW 7. 47 Meters 10. Rough Night 12. All Eyez 16. Paris Can Wait
  10. Well, 5-way until Goffe got booted. That was pretty much the only thing that happened from Episode 5 onward that we didn't expect. Teamwork, especially with a sharp group of folks who all genuinely bought in and worked together, ended up being so powerful a strategy it almost felt like cheating. But now, you and your boy-toy are going down.
  11. Also, while I love you like brothers and we've been through hell and back together... ITS ON! True Love vs Father/Son 2v2... FIGHT!
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