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Everything posted by Wrath

  1. I think I'm a little ahead of you, but only because I used a stain remover. Seemed like a week with a very high risk of a zero so I used one, only to, apparently, not actually get a zero.
  2. Free Fire and Unforgettable Sunday were my two worst. No zeros, but those two were quite low.
  3. Setting aside for a moment that its stupid to think a studio would try to cut short the run of one of its own successful movies for racial reasons, why would Mama's run have any bearing on this idea? The stars are Chastain and Coster-Waldau who are two of the least black actors out there, the director is Argentinian and thus Hispanic, but he doesn't particularly look like a minority, and the villain is a hard-to-recognize ghost-mom sort of thing. Honestly, does this movie even have an african-american character in it? It seems like it'd be the poster child for *lack* of racial diversity rather than an example of an overtly african-american-themed film and thus a candidate for racially-based kneecapping. The choice of examples, combined with bits like "... a movie doesn't really need to have a great WoM in order to warrant theater boosts or to remain in theaters unnecessarily long. " (bolding mine) and abusive posting make me certain this is trolling. I agree with narniadis. This is clearly trolling and a ban is warranted.
  4. You picked some weird examples of putting people on pedestals. I don't know of anyone who puts Pryor on a pedestal for his personal life. Hell, he himself had entire routines about accidentally setting himself on fire while doing drugs. He's lionized for breaking racial boundaries and being REALLY funny DESPITE everyone viewing his personal life as a complete trainwreck. Carson, I have no idea, but the man retired 23 years ago (and died 12 years ago) and the bulk of his career took place, not unlike Pryor, 35+ years ago when expectations were different. Afaik, everyone has considered Spade and Cook assholes for quite some time, the start of which coincided almost perfectly with their careers tanking. Seriously, Cook hasn't done a tour or comedy album in 7 years, and the biggest movie he's done in the last 9 years was voicing Planes. And Spade's career over the last several years been almost entirely direct-to-DVD material. If they're on pedestals, those are some really small pedestals. Sandler, to be blunt, made so much money that he could have been burning down orphanages and people would have given him a pass. Its not because he's a guy, its because he's been a walking gold mine. Also, the comments by Sweeney on Sandler, at least the interviews I've read, are a LOT less negative than you're portraying it. Its not that they tortured her, its just that they didn't think she was that funny. I mean... do YOU think she was funny? Other than Pat, can you think of any skits or bits that you associate with her and were particularly funny? Part of it is a changing of the guard-thing. She came in during the Lovitz and Hartman years, and they all left pretty much together except for her. The next wave who came in were a good bit younger and had a very different style of humor which didn't mesh as well with her. Most of the comments I've read about Sandler have been tolerably complementary. Finally, Louis CK... Ok, on him, I don't really have an answer. He's so charming that everyone loves him no matter what he does. Edit - To be clear, I'm not arguing women don't face different standards than men, because I agree they do. But your examples of men who were lionized despite bad behavior aren't really on-point, because almost all of them were either from multiple decades ago, successfully way, WAY beyond what Ms Schumer has achieved, or actually saw their careers largely fall apart after their bad behavior became common knowledge. Plus, as counter-points, you've got the other examples that have been brought up in this thread, Eric Roberts, Val Kilmer, and Mickey Rourke, among others, who were also arguably more successful than Ms Schumer and saw their careers completely destroyed for decades because of how difficult they were to deal with.
  5. I know. With a weekend like this, I figured we all needed to pitch in and help. I'm thinking I should start a huge flamewar with someone just to get this thread to page 3.
  6. Yep. Usual Suspects is my favorite movie of all time. My most off-beat favorite has traditionally been Rope which I usually put in the top 10. But I just saw it again a few weeks ago and for whatever reason it didn't grab me quite like it used to, so I've bumped it down a little. Blade Runner, too. Its a great movie, but I'm finally starting to think that interesting world building, atmosphere, and one of the greatest lines of all time aren't enough to make up the terrible pacing. That having been said, I threw that list together in like 20 minutes so its directionally correct but I've sure I've forgotten like 15 no-brainers I should have included and its not as precise as I'd like.
  7. Is what we might say if this was the weekend Last Jedi was coming out. Or maybe GotG 2. Or Spider-Man or Thor: Ragnarok or Furious 8 or Wonder Woman or, heck, even like Despicable Me 3 or Pirates of the Caribbean or like 20 other at least arguably interesting openers. But its not.
  8. Usual Suspects Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Citizen Kane The Godfather Shawshank Redemption Saving Private Ryan Seven Samurai Pulp Fiction The Sixth Sense Star Wars Finding Nemo The Incredibles The Godfather II Lawrence of Arabia Raiders of the Lost Arc Fellowship of the Ring Rocky The Dark Knight Return of the King One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest Jurassic Park Spider-Man 2 Toy Story Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Star Wars: The Force Awakens Blade Runner Shrek Rope Toy Story 3 Mary Poppins Matrix Guardians of the Galaxy Aladdin Captain America: Civil War Dr Strangelove Forrest Gump Kramer vs Kramer Shindler's List Spider-Man Chinatown POTC: Curse of the Black Pearl Iron Man The Sting Inside Out The Graduate Toy Story 2 North by Northwest Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Terminator Zootopia The Lion King Goodfellas Finding Nemo Who Framed Roger Rabbit The Two Towers Vertigo Rain Man The Avengers Up Deadpool Mad Max: Fury Road The Exorcist Back to the Future Frozen Cinderella Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Fight Club Silence of the Lambs Skyfall E.T. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Avatar Terminator 2: Judgement Day 2001: A Space Odyssey Taxi Driver Beauty and the Beast (1991) Beverly Hills Cop Close Encounters of the Third Kind Monsters Inc 101 Dalmatians The Hunger Games Saturday Night Fever Independence Day The Jungle Book (2016) Memento Die Hard Groundhog Day The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Jurassic World Titanic Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Cast Away Breakfast Club Singing in the Rain Dumb and Dumber Princess Bride Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Beauty and the Beast (2017) Blazing Saddles The Jungle Book (1967) Did it kinda quickly so I'm not very happy with it, but at least its done.
  9. Yeah, seriously. This weekend is prediction hell. Even BO.com kinda threw in the towel.
  10. Ouch. Sorry, man. That sucks. Just because its "teen drama" doesn't make it any less horrible. The good news is that life really does get better once you're no longer a teenager. In part its because you've got WAY more autonomy (among other things, if someone is causing you trouble it gets a LOT easier to avoid them. Plus, obviously, having more of your own money and getting to decide on things more firmly for yourself. I hate mushrooms, I haven't eaten one in 10 years and no one can make me eat one.), but also you get a lot of clarity on things like "Who AM I? What do I love/hate? What makes me tick?" which seems trivial, but ends up being huge. Not only does it save you a ton of emotional energy in second-guessing yourself, but also you stop doing things like going to see a music group you don't really like with people who don't make you feel good about yourself, because you aren't really confident in who you are and who you want to be and how that all relates to what you want to do and who you want to spent time with. It ends up being a huge win. To be clear, its a gradual process rather than an overnight kinda thing, and you'll still second guess yourself and agonize over existential angst and whatnot. But in time you'll realize that while you're still doing it, and it FEELS like you're doing it a lot, you're actually doing it like 10% as much as you did when you were a teenage and it was pretty much all you did.
  11. THAT'S my team! With blades *this* sharp, it'd be a waste to only use them on our enemies, or so gramma always said.
  12. But in all seriousness, it is sad to see you go. Its been a fun competition so far, and you were a worthy and entertaining opponent.
  13. The difference between murder and euthanasia is the point of view of the person with the pillow, right? That's why they call it "putting someone to sleep", or at least so Mom said when I asked what happened to Sparky.
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