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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. Right okay. Maybe if you had explained that in the original post we wouldn't have had this confusion?
  2. I don't understand sorry. You posted a chart that said Black Panther had previews as a smaller % of its OW than civil war and avengers. But that's just speculation because we don't have any numbers.
  3. huh? We haven't got any numbers except previews. As soon as Friday estimates are in we can say whether it's less or more frontloaded.
  4. No. Don't know for sure that it's less frontloaded than Civil War, and even if it definitely is (it definitely is) that doesn't make 200M locked. Locked is a strong word. Unless you mean 200M 4-day?
  5. if it's any consolation, I did ask a grown woman out yesterday. got rejected. so I have at least tried, OK?
  6. What do I gain from censoring my thoughts? everyone should just say whatever they want and be honest, the world would be a better place. I'm perfectly self-aware, its just not something that bothers me - and equally I'm not bothered by what people think of me. I see, ethan. Do you have exclusive rights to gossip-posting about ex's?
  7. hey now I've only had one girlfriend in my 21 years of life so you'll be damned if I wont talk about it. Clearly you guys need to get me like an adult girlfriend thats my own age so that I can talk about her instead and stop creeping you all out
  8. I don't have a filter online or offline. I get my fair share of flack for it, don't worry. And for this specifically, just about everyone in my life has ripped the shit out of me for it. But I will do what I want, and what makes me happy, and I have no regrets or shame about anything that I do
  9. And yet you can't help yourself. In my defense I'm only replying to other people's comments. (that makes it okay.)
  10. it's all good, it's legal in my country I refuse to use my mobile phone to attempt to find a girlfriend.
  11. she's the only relationship I've ever had so not much to compare it to. I think she's super hot but she is a typical hormonal teenager and I don't really need to deal with that. Its like when people justify an age gap because "she's really mature for her age", well she's not, she's an emotional mess. Thing is, it's easy to say this when I'm thinking straight but when she came into my work this week, got touchy with me and told me she wanted me, its hard to say no. body is 10/10 she's beautiful but shes also crazy and apparently suicidal. she also once had a full on panic attack episode while we were having sex, that was really fun, not.
  12. I got threadbanned from this thread last week because I made a joke about Trans4mers' Romeo & Juliet scene.
  13. She worked in our office as a summer job when she finished secondary school just after she turned 16, we got on well so I asked her on a date, and it just went from there. Didn't really work out because she was very emotional and vulnerable but when it was good, it was really good. Saw her this week as well, she told me she missed me so hooked up again. But I have realised I only like her for the amazing sex, but probably isn't worth the emotional turmoil.
  14. It's not a regressive attitude to be against age gaps, if anything it is progressive. Years and years ago large age gaps were perfectly normal. Romeo & Juliet is the ultimate love story right? People seem to forget that Juliet was 13 while Romeo was a grown man. But still we refer to Romeo and Juliet all the time.
  15. so if Civil War wasn't a real Avengers film, then the lukewarm reception on AOU will affect IW right? I'm sorry but everyone here is being two sided. If there's a positive thing about Civil War, then it'll boost Infinity War, but if there's a negative thing about Civil War, then its not a real Avengers movie and won't affect Infinity War... make up yo mind.
  16. Spiderman was already in the last one. Everyone said "Spiderman is in civil war so it's gonna do so much more!" and then it still dropped. Why would it be different now?
  17. Oh you're right, morally its fine to have sex with teenagers as long as you aren't "dating" and it's only a fling! I don't agree with what @Cmasterclay says but that seems like an odd response filmlover. Why does it matter if its a date or a fling?
  18. I am 21 and have been dating a 16 year old girl. Wot U fink bout dat?
  19. yeah it was but its a 2017 US release so I'm including it so that I beat your RAW
  20. I'm sorry I just dont see how the people who saw GOTG would only go and see avengers because of GOTG. Ant Man was in Civil War, don't recall an increase from age of ultron ...
  21. But all the avengers movies have had characters who've had smash hit films... yet they've still dropped I really don't think there is much of an audience who are fans of individual Marvel heroes but don't go and see the avengers films.
  22. Surely it only counts if you saw them in the cinema right? Anyone can watch something on streaming. I saw all these in the cinema. Can anyone beat I, Daniel Blake? 199 Free Fire A24 $1,799,312 237 Terminator 2: Judgment Day 3D Distrib. $1,037,809 242 Last Flag Flying LGF $965,481 326 I, Daniel Blake IFC $260,354
  23. Ultron dropped 26% from Avengers. Civil War dropped 11% from Ultron. Whichever you consider to be the previous avengers movie, the same drop again would put it below GOTG2. And this is not the final film so don't give me that "finale bump" shtick.
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