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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. Sorry if I'm being thick, just reading about this car crash thing. Sorry but how is the director responsible if Uma Thurman crashes a car? He told her it was a straight line? Well does she have a driving licence? And you know, eyes? If she crashes a car because she doesn't see a turn in the road, that is her own stupid fault. Maybe I have misunderstood this but I'm not seeing the issue. Although if she actually didn't know how to drive (I guess some actors don't need to?) then there should have been someone else driving the car, I will say that.
  2. Budget is "in the 55M range" according to THR, but remember Netflix bought all international distribution rights so the budget is probably mostly covered. Netflix is paying ludicrous amounts for top tier (read: Cloverfield Paradox, Bright) movies on their service. Paramount will be fine from this.
  3. I was mildly intrigued by the premise, trying to find a hidden target on a train. But as soon as the film decided to give up on the premise and just turn it into Taken on a train, it was boring. the action scenes really took me out of it, I'm prepared to suspend my disbelief quite a bit but this jumped the shark. Also were we meant to be shocked at who the villain was? Because as soon as he walks into the bar at the beginning you think to yourself, "oh okay, so that's the villain", at least I did, and I'm not very smart so I assume everyone else did too.
  4. theres nothing wrong with a good old Hitler comparison. any argument/point should still be true when taken to the extreme. it is a fair comparison
  5. Makes me sad that these guys put in so much effort and dedication to the craft in order to make a hit movie, while superhero producers can just put a whole bunch of money into a computer and a movie comes out the other side, and then it makes twice as much.
  6. No course you don't, but its funny how they single out certain people in an effort to bring them down. Very convenient that this audio was "uncovered" shortly after Tarantino gets himself in trouble. What a coincidence! Where was the outrage when Tarantino actually said it back in 2003? Where was Queen Meryl to tell us what's righteous? I'm the hypocrite?
  7. 0. SAMSON 191. Black Panther 192. Avengers 193. Deadpool 2 194. Solo 195. Jurassic World 196. Ant-Man 197. Aquaman 198. Mary Poppins 199. The LEGO Movie 2 200. Captain Marvel Wreck it Ralph 2 and The Grinch open very close to each other, if they were on their own then either one would get past 200M, but I have a feeling they'll damage each other and neither will get to 200M.
  8. Crazy thought, if you get to work with the love of your life making something yourselves, when you're both in control of what you're working on, you enjoy it and you make money from it... why would you stop? Good for her, I say. Even if it sucks for us people who actually consume the end product.
  9. No it is not about defending his work. That list I wrote of people defending him are people who explicitly defended Polanski's actions with regard to his conviction. That petition was to let Polanski go free of his charges. There are various quotes you can find from people defending him, that infamous Whoopi Goldberg interview where she keeps saying "it wasn't rape rape" being just one.
  10. what's the criticism? I thought everyone loved him..
  11. And now I can't sleep because of some stuff I've taken, good stuff, but man I'm gonna need a miracle to get up for work tomorrow.
  12. Pulled a girl tonight by doing a Bane impression. That's something I never thought I'd say.
  13. My ex let me full on strangle her and choke her, she liked it and told me I could do it. I guess I must have committed a crime because strangling is bad no matter whether people agree to it or not right? Not sure where I am going with this analogy tbh but hopefully it makes sense. Two sides to every story etc.
  14. @Telehilation with re: my last point that you said is BS. Please dont take it personally, I'm not saying everyone who is in your industry is a predator. But I'm sorry, I just cannot sympathise with an industry that stands up for and supports a man that raped a 13 year old girl. I can't do it. Sorry. And I dont care if they all claim they've changed and now they really care so much. The Polanski petition was less than a decade ago.
  15. I don't know what happened either way. I haven't read any details about that person, I don't even know who she is, I just was going through names and that one rung a bell with Harvey Weinstein scandal. Same as Penelope Cruz who I think claimed she is a victim of Harvey Weinstein? I am just saying there's a whole lot of hypocrisy. Obviously I sympathise with someone who has been raped, that's not what I meant.
  16. ^ yeah surely the actors are consenting to this stuff? I mean if my boss asked me to do something very dangerous or something I was very uncomfortable with, I would refuse or at least discuss it...
  17. Most everything in movies is fake, I struggle to buy into the thinking of "How else are you going to get a shot of someone being strangled, without strangling them?" - are you actually suggesting that all shots in all movies ever of strangling, are real life strangling?
  18. Here are a few names you might have heard of, that I could find who came out and explicitly defended Roman Polanski many years after the fact. This is not to speak of people who continued to work with him or people in the video above who celebrated him. Note people such as Asia Argento who claim to be victims of this whole scandal. Woody Allen (hmm.... K) Wes Anderson Asia Argento Darren Aronofsky Monica Bellucci Ethan Coen Penelope Cruz Alfonso Cuaron Alexandre Desplat Guillermo del Toro Stephen Frears Peter Fonda Harrison Ford Terry Gilliam Whoopie Goldberg Isabelle Huppert Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu John Landis David Lynch Michael Mann Sam Mendes Alexandre Payne Natalie Portman Salman Rushdie Martin Scorcese Meryl Streep Tilda Swinton Kristin Scott Thomas Emma Thompson Tom Tykwer So what are you gonna do, boycott all these peoples movies? Never another Wes Anderson or Coen Bros movie? Boycott Star Wars? It is a tricky one. I am not saying any of these people are right. They are not. I think it is disgusting to defend a rapist. But you have to accept that if you're going to be a consumer of Hollywood, that you're consuming stuff made from predators and creeps. They're like a big gang of sex offenders. Suck it up or boycott all American entertainment, I guess. Sad to think about really.
  19. what's that got to do with anything? Everyone in hollywood defended Rapist Polanski. The entire place is full of disgusting creeps who care about nothing but money and power. just watch this standing ovation for Rapist Polanski who couldn't attend the Oscar ceremony when he won best director for the Pianist because he was a fugitive convicted child rapist. Keep an eye out for Meryl Streep, she of the #MeToo#TimesUp bullshit campaign, who is such a big fan of Rapist that she stands up even before Jack Nicholson - the very slime who was complicit in Rapist's crime.
  20. That's what people said about Welcome to the Jungle. I agree it will drop, that's a given, sequel increase would be unusual. Could increase WW especially if it gets a good China slot. It will still do well in America, 250-300M would be achievable.
  21. The oscar movie grosses are so boring, they're all the same, Lady Bird, 3BB and Shape of Water all have made 44M. Would be nice for best picture winner to be something audiences actually watched
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