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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. Ah. Fair enough. This will get better reviews than all the other movies except the ones that it doesn't.
  2. that is true, although you could say the same thing for the past 17 Marvel movies...
  3. My son has 28 severe allergies. How could I take him to see Peter Rabbit?
  4. it opened on the same weekend as the previous movie. It performed poorly because it was a dark film that appealed to very few people, it would have made those numbers whether it was released in february, september, july, october whenever.
  5. exactly. if a film appeals to an audience, it will appeal no matter what month it's released in. Whether people end up seeing it on weekdays or weekends it will still reach the same audience. I don't think it matters too much what time of year you release your film. competition is more important than date.
  6. The "summer boost" is really only applicable to kids movies, in my opinion. The fact that studios avoid September doesn't mean that September is a bad time to release a film. Studios put rubbish films in September, therefore September is full of rubbish films, therefore September must be a bad time to release movies because all the films do really badly. It's a self inflicting vicious circle thing. Isn't this Predator meant to be R rated? Although either way it's still an adult oriented film, I really dont see the problem with moving out of summer. It used to be that August was the awful time to release films right? Until Guardians of the Galaxy and Suicide Squad made 300M+ and now it's prime time release window...
  7. Really? Mission Impossible, The Equalizer, and The Meg, all releasing within a week of Predator. The change is sensible.
  8. Jumanji has had an extraordinary run. No doubt about it, it's amazed me and I am very happy that the film has done well. And yes obviously it's grossed twice the amount of TGS. But when you look at it relatively, TGS is going to have a 20x multiplier, which is better than Titanic, which has been the only wide release movie to do that in the past 20 years of box office. Granted, TGS opened mid week but still it's incredible. Predictions were that it would flop, and those predictions were proven right. It was a complete flop. It made 10% of its budget on OW which is awful. But then it has turned into a really strong hit and will get close to 200M. It was 8 weeks before it had a weekend that was lower than OW. I am happy to be wrong but I am going to guess that there's not a single wide-release film tracked on Box Office Mojo (past 28 years) that can say the same.
  9. The Greatest Showman is the most impressive run. Jumanji is an awesome run but TGS is even more impressive.
  10. I saw The Room at the weekend. Me and my friend went in tuxedos, kind of expected more people to dress up but apparently not... before the movie I got pictures with Tommy and Greg, Tommy told me - "Oh, I so happy you have dress up, you will come on stage with me, ha ha", he was very nice. Little did I realise, he was serious. When we were all sat down and Tommy and Greg were on stage about to do the Q&A, Tommy says "where my friends who in tuxedos? I thought you are coming on stage? Get up on here". So me and my friend go up at the front of the cinema, and they do the whole Q&A session with us. An audience member asked Tommy why there are so many sex scenes in the film, he goes, "No, there are no sex scenes, I not call them sex scenes..." and I interrupted and told Tommy "No, they're love scenes", and he brings me forward and shakes my hand. I also got Tommy to shout, "You are tearing me apart, London!" which was awesome. Greg is seriously bored and sad, seems really unhappy. I kind of don't blame him but at the same time, come on man, cheer up everyone here loves you. Seems to me like you're the expert, Mark! Greg is unhappy that his Hollywood career never took off, while Tommy is so excited and proud of what he's done. I went out during the movie to grab a script and Tommy got talking to me, told me he was really happy that I dressed up and that "We come back in September, for Best Friends 2, you must come see me again in September, Tree, I want you to be in tuxedo!" He wrote a nice message on the script and he had to write my name and cross it out three times because he can't spell for shit, lmao. We had a nice conversation and he made sure the photos that the staff took were good. He took my phone, "I need to make sure photo is good, you need to look great, or we take it again". He is just a wonderful, friendly human bean. Also when I got Greg to sign my copy of The Disaster Artist, Tommy took the book, crossed out Tom Bissell's name and signed it himself??? Does Tommy know that he didn't write the book? Funniest moment - Question: "Tommy, what's your favourite video game?" Tommy: "Hmm, my favourite video game? Star Wars. Yeah, favourite video game Star War." 10/10 would Room again. Below: Greg Sestero, me, and Tommy Wiseau, presenting The Room. The greatest worst movie ever made, or "the best movie of the year", apparently.
  11. totally bizarre film. Thought it was going to be a biopic but the film is set after Van Gogh's death. So its basically a detective story in which a character that we dont care about, walks around a town interviewing other characters that we don't care about, who give different versions of what happened the day of Van Gogh's death. None of this gives us any insight into who Van Gogh was. A character telling us that "Oh it wasn't in a field, I heard a gunshot come from the barn" is not interesting information. None of the characters stories give us virtually any information about Van Gogh. So with Van Gogh, despite being the centre of the plot, pretty much ignored, the film is much more interested in telling this detective / whodunnit and featuring these various personalities. But on that front it is an utter failure too. There are no dimensions to any of the "characters", in fact I can't really call them characters, they're just voices that read out some information. I read a review that said the characters speak in "Wikipedic dialogue" which is accurate. They just convey information and there is no feeling to any of the dialogue. I think this might be because it's written by people who don't speak English as their first language (the filmmakers are all from Poland) but regardless, it doesn't work. All the dialogue is very clunky. It's videogame writing. The main character talks to various people and they all tell a piece of dialogue that involves a flashback, in the same format, this happens like 10 times and that's the whole movie. It is extremely boring and is a terrible detective movie. The only saving grace is the animation. The rotoscoping effect is impressive but it doesn't feel like a painting when the characters are interacting with each other. The backgrounds are great (they were original painting) but the rotoscoping stuff is just gimmicky. I knew nothing about van gogh before I saw this movie, and I now still know nothing.
  12. well yes, if you compare a social issue to the end of the world then it looks trivial, but I think that goes for most things...? And to suggest that "everyone is worried about racism and nothing's being done about climate change" simply isn't true. I am not someone who particualrly cares about racism and I dont personally see it as an issue to worry about but I think you are delusional. With the exception of Trump's America, there is new legislation in most of the world coming through all the time to push for renewable energy, recycling, lower emissions, etc. for example my country the UK has recently decided to ban the sale of petrol and diesel powered cars. For every technology company that is innovating to protect our environment such as Tesla... well, how many multibillion dollar companies are there that are fighting racism? Just because you hear about global warming less than racism on social media, doesn't mean less is actually being done.
  13. 8% drop this weekend then it's defo beating spiderman.
  14. no but pretty common for movies that cinemas don't think will do well, to only have one showing in the evening each day. depends on the size of the cinema, if you only have 5 screens but still want to show the movie but dont want to dedicate a whole screen to it then just put one showing and have other movies on that screen earlier in the day.
  15. yeah, there's a thumbs up/down thing here. you can still review movies though, if you click on a film and scroll right it shows the user reviews.
  16. I sometimes get the impression everyone has me on ignore.
  17. I made a joke at Transformers. And no its not rape just because americans call it statutory rape anyway, my recent ex girlfriend was 16 and I'm 21, perfectly legal, so don't call me a rapist, thanks very much
  18. I found the transcript from the movie. Can you guys taking a fucking chill pill lmao Cade Yeager: This is not happening. Shane Dyson: Oh, it definitely is. [Cade looks at Tessa who nods her head in agreement] Cade Yeager: How old are you? Shane Dyson: Twenty. Cade Yeager: She's a seventeen year-old girl, so we can work this two ways. One, I punch you right in the mouth and you call the police on me. Tessa Yeager: Dad... Cade Yeager: Or two, I just call the cops on you because this is illegal, she's a minor. Shane Dyson: We're protected by the Romeo and Juliet laws. Tessa Yeager: We dated for a little while, I was a sophomore, and he was a senior. It's fine. Cade Yeager: No, it's not fine. Shane Dyson: We've got a preexisting juvenile foundational relationship. Statute two-seven-zero-five dash three. [Shane holds up a paper with the Texas Statutes "Romeo and Juliet" law written on it] Cade Yeager: What? Texas statute? Is that a real law? Shane Dyson: Yep.
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