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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. Dave is the greatest channel, it shows like nothing but Top Gear and Red Dwarf reruns.
  2. Last Flag Flying is on prime here. Came on like two weeks after the theatrical release. You sure it's not on prime? You guys had the theatrical release like 2 months earlier than here as well.
  3. That was a pleasant movie. I really enjoy Linklater's style of filmmaking, I usually find his films relaxing. Good Sunday afternoon movies. A bit frustrating that I can't even name any characters apart from Mitch. I also didn't recognise a whole lot of stuff from my teenage years, although it got a lot better when they get to the party.
  4. Oh lmao I spoke too soon, McConaughey just showed up. Glad I'm not being dumb. And seems I'm 42 minutes in not quite half way through.
  5. Watching Dazed & Confused. I know Matthew McConaughey is in this but I'm half way through and can't figured out who he is. Guess he's changed quite a lot in the last 25 years.. I'm determined to figure it out by the end of the movie
  6. Watched this today after listening to an interview with Margot Robbie. Really enjoyed it, balances the line of comedy/drama in the abuse scenes very well. The moment with the knife was heart stopping. Laughed when Margot tells us at the start she is 15 and she's wearing braces, I felt quite embarrassed for the film. Also it was too long.
  7. Why is Mojo predicting a 120M weekend? Havent seen any indication at all for this and just seems really unlikely.... Patience, haven't even got Thursdays yet.
  8. @Telehilation ... why did I decide this was a good idea?
  9. also Chris Pratt is in his 30s how is he "age inappropriate"?
  10. youre right @marveldcfox there's a youtube video posted of a negative reaction. damn. so yeah everyone hates the movie.
  11. what the fuck was I doing last night. can barely remember it. @Telehilation @Rorschach
  12. Sorry. I can't really say much. But I do truly hope your sister gets better.
  13. very unlikely. coke is really not very dangerous. thank you mate. honestly appreicate it. I'm not sure that is working....
  14. probably a fiar point. pretty pissed atm so not really thinking. not done any coke in the last half hour so be proud yeah?
  15. And some more musiic...... This film was utter crap. I dont know anythnig about PT Barnum but I struggle to belevieve for ones econd g that believ anything that happens in thsi movie is true. He looked after outcasts and gave them a famiilly? Yewah, seems unlikely. But whatever I might think of the film, this is a musical, so what really matters is the music. And it's fucking terrible. I mean you can take any of the songs from this film, and you can write over them with like any song from the past 20 years and it sounds exactly the same. The Songs are so generic. Despite there being like 13 songs, not one of them is vaguely memorable. I only remember This Is Me, and that's because it's in all of the adverts, not because it was any good in the movie. La La Land Another teriblle musical from the same writers as the above film. NOt a single memorable tune, plus all the actors are quite poor, in fact much worse than Zac Efron and Hugh Jackman who are at least natural performerns. Overall - I'm pleased these movies did well at the box office because I like musicals and I want the genre to do wel. But both these movies, from the same songwriters bear in mind, were utterly forgettable and I can't say I cared about any of the characters or liked any of the songs.
  16. Music The LEGO Batman Movie LEGO Batman had a great soundtrack. Two original Batman songs, plus a great array of backing tracks ,including Man inthe Mirror whihc I love. Who always pays his taxes? NOT BATMAN Theyre not as memorable as LegO Movie's EVERYTHING IS AEWRSOME, but they're still great catchy tunes that are sweet to the ear. Really can't complain about this soundtrack! Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2 This movie had just as lovely a soundtrack as the first one. OK, maybe the songs don't match the dancing quite asmuch as the first movie, but still they were excellently placed songs that really moved me, especially Father & Son. Brandy is also a terrific song that has a real role in the film. Ultimtely, the soundtrack was every bit as good as the first movie. The Disaster Artist Most of you won't remember this film for the music, but I thought hte soundtrack was full of great songs. It's full of inspirational songs and songs from that era, including Never Gonna Give You Up, and Faith No More. A great soundtrack full of songs to make you feel the 90's. Baby Driver Okay so simply put, this had the best soundtrack of the year. tHE FIlm revolves around "Baby", who listens to Ipod music to keep himself calm, and all the songs are synced to the action. The music is upbeat and catchy, and whether you like the songs or not, the action sequences are choreographed to match the songs playing in Baby's ears. It's beautifully done and when you watch it, it's like watching a grade 8 pianist play the piano. Pure genius.
  17. I'm not addicted. I bought some stuff at the weekend when I was with my mates doing drugs. Took some home, just did some while my friend was round. they didn't want to do any. wills save the rest until a time when i'll be doing it wth other people
  18. Okay. I've stopped for tonight. Thanks @MrGamer @Rorschach @Telehilation I really struggle to stop doing it even when my frends stop doing it with me... i have loads left and I just cant hep myself. Just need someone to interrupt me and tell me to delay it by like a day. appreciate it yo ugusys. probably do it tomrorrow with my friends which si fine, ujust hink think it's bad to be oidng it on my own
  19. can you give m a reason. please. don't care what it si, doesnt have to make sense, just vie me a reason.
  20. literally was keeping doing lines while my mates were here. Then my friend left and my housemate turned up and I kept doing lines. Now she's gone.... I don't know why I keep doing lines. There's noone to talk to or party with. literally no reason to do it. but I can't stop unless someone tellls me. soeone just pls tell em to stop, any reason
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