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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. "I'm surprised we caught you before the Order did" Yes, I think it's quite convenient too, Han... Like seriously? The Order has cruisers right over Jakku exactly where Rey and Finn are, and Han is flying all over the galaxy... and they just so happen to travel to that spot in the 10 minutes that Finn and Rey aren't captured by the Order. I am fine with small plot hole leaps, but that took me right out of the film. Also, anyone know how Poe got off Jakku? His ship exploded, the Order blew up the ships in the village he'd been in, and he had no money to get a transport.
  2. didn't understand anything about this movie, and didn't care enough about any of the characters to actually want to figure it out.
  3. no, i couldn't figure it either, I had no idea punching wounds makes them heal? there was a shot where you saw blood come out when he punched it... is leaking blood a good thing? idk.
  4. I don't know about toxic WOM but I don't think it's gonna be quite as well received as some people are hoping. I was planning to see it 15+ times, since I get unlimited free tickets whenever I want, but now that I've seen it and didn't really like it, I will likely only see it twice more - taking my friends, and taking my family.
  5. I know. But, working in a cinema, for the next month or so I'm gonna hear nothing but people coming out of the cinema saying how great it was and how glad they are to have Star Wars back... that 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.... it's going to destroy me. But I shall have my revenge... one day...
  6. Yeah. I was only 2 years old when The Phantom Menace was released, so I grew up with the prequels and have since then watched the originals and fell in love with those too. I've heard all sorts of stories about Star Wars fans watching The Phantom Menace on opening night and being so disappointed. I know now how they felt. When I got home last night, my mum just gave me a big hug as she could see from my face that I'd been disappointed, knowing how much Star Wars means to me. Like those who were excited after the originals, Star Wars has had a huge impact on my life, and its world has been there for me when I was going through tough times; just being able to watch the original movie and escape into pure fantasy, or read one of the SW books (which are some of the very few books I have read), SW has always been comforting to me, so I was excited. And I was let down. I feel sorry for everyone 16 years ago at the launch of TPM. I don't recommend people get excited for this movie. I truly hope as many people enjoy it as possible, but if you get yourself super excited then you are only awaiting disappointment.
  7. Not the case here. Star Wars is literally the only movie franchise I enjoy. I can't stand Marvel / DC films, don't like Fast and Furious, I couldn't care less about Jurassic Park, I don't really like Harry Potter, hate Transformers, bored by Hunger Games... so what exactly do you think I am worried that Star Wars will beat? I love the SW brand, so why would I lie and say that I didn't enjoy the movie? I've been feeling shit all of today, it actually feels like there's a hole in my stomach, because I've been waiting so long to get back into that on-screen universe and I feel nothing but disappointment. It sucks that the film is not good (in my eyes) but its just the truth.
  8. I am fine with it being safe - nothing in Lucas's Star Wars saga has been even slightly edgy or daring. But there's a gaping void between "safe" and "remake", imo. Well, of course "nothing is original" in that sense. The structure of the characters and story in the original film was nothing new. But that doesn't mean that Lucas didn't create a huge, awe-inspiring universe full of fascinating characters, places and systems. Even though you knew it was going to end happy, you felt thrilled by the events of the story and you deeply cared about the characters. Star Wars may be a new take on the same story, but The Force Awakens is the same take on itself. That's a much worse crime.
  9. The winks and nods are fine. I mean, there are too many of them, but they're expected and they don't really detract from the experience. Some of them are even sweet and funny. It's just the fact that the entire film is a rehash of the original, and the film refusing to do anything new.
  10. For 19:30 showings onwards, sellouts are at 20.4%. Double Jurassic World.
  11. Are you suggesting that people who don't like Jurassic World are not sincere in their dislike for it? Also, if we're big fans of something then why would we want to dislike it BKB? You're off your rocker, again.
  12. Yeah that was dumb. At least in the original they said they found a tiny flaw in the station to exploit - this was just a standard bombing run by the looks of it. Not sure why First Order can't prepare for that...
  13. Ugh, Han's death is completely botched. It's not moving at all - the film spends no time on developing and understanding the relationship between him and his son. Maybe that'll be explored in future films but right here, right now, it's a massive flaw in the film. Same goes for Luke. Don't introduce an idea if you are not going to do anything with it within the film.
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