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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. damn, I did really rubbish on everything except Alvin which I got to 0.1% accuracy.
  2. Think I have to be in. It's the holidays, weekdays are going to be huge next week which will kill some of the engagement at the weekend.
  3. My grandma asked me just now what I am doing this evening, I told her I am watching the new Star Wars movie. She asked "is that the one we saw about the captain on the spaceship?" No, Gran... no...
  4. Poe is Han, Finn is Leia, Rey is Luke, Luke is Finn, Poe is Leia, Rey is Han, Leia is Han, and Luke is Poe. Glad we got that all cleared up.
  5. Didn't realise BIG SHORT was out on 25th. An Adam Mckay movie and a Will Ferrell movie out on the same day? However will we cope.
  6. Yes, the implication is that the death of Padmé is the cause of the entire Empire, extinction of all good in the original trilogy.
  7. hopefully final actuals will be down from everything estimated and my 226.77 prediction will be correct to the penny.
  8. we all know what went right, what is the point of this thread?
  9. Sunday is always a day off so thats not gonna be affected by school holidays. Sunday drops are pretty minimal in the UK to begin with though.
  10. Avatar: opens to 77M in holidays SW: opens to 220M+ in holidays Nope, no way it could possibly beat Avatar. It's simply #crumbling too fast.
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