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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. Really hoped I would never say this, but THE PHANTOM MENACE was better. Good night, I'm going to cry myself to sleep.
  2. I don't want to just sound like an echo for Coolio but I share his thoughts almost exactly. The first act is great, but it goes downhill fast, laying waste to actors, characters and relationships in favour of rehashing scenes from the original movie and doing little else. John Boyega is fun, Oscar Isaac is a magnetic gem, Ridley though is pretty poor. All three of them are unexplored, as is the disappointing relationship between Han and Kylo (in fact, this is the most disappointing thing about the movie). There were a couple of great action setpieces, although the final air assault at Starkiller Base was underwhelming. Music was dull. The film was very funny though. I do agree that with this one finished and with new characters introduced, the next film has plenty of room to do something interesting. But ultimately, it ain't very good.
  3. Someone was trying to tell me that there was an allusion from Snoke to something in the prequels suggesting he could be Plagueis, anyone know what this person was going on about?
  4. The opening scene was the best scene in the film. Every second without Isaac, I just wanted more. He needs to be the lead in more blockbuster, his charisma is too damn highhh.
  5. Positive things about the movie: Oscar Isaac John Boyega Villains BB-8 Chewy doing more Good action setpieces Nice changes to lightsabers
  6. The few things that they introduced in the film were completely wasted. Exploring what happened to Luke seems interesting, with him abandoning the resistance, it would have been interesting to see how his character develops. But nope he's basically not in the movie. The relationship between Han and Ren, what the fuck happened there? Didn't go into any depth whatsoever about why they are apart, what happened, why they feel anger or regret towards each other. Speaking of which, lol @ the scene where Han and Leia are explaining the plot to each other. "Kylo Ren is our son, Leia"; "I know, Han, and he's turned evil!" no shit guys. Also what's with the First Order? There is a Republic in place and the Order are some fringe group... yet they have armies the size of an empire, and they have a weapon that destroys dozens of planets at once, and the Republic gives no fucks? That wasn't explained, like at all.
  7. Yeah vast majority of audiences will enjoy it. It is mass consumption entertainment. And the reactions in the audience I was with were all positive.
  8. Yep, I thought at least nothing could go wrong with the score, but Williams put in a lackluster effort. The only pieces of music which had any emotion or texture were old themes.
  9. what the fuck was the point in making this. I'm sorry but it should have just been branded as a remake. Entire scenes are lifted out of the original, right down to the movement and placement of characters, to dialogue, character arcs and plot points. It literally is a rehash of the original movie. There are good things in it - the humour, the performances from the villains, the side characters like Maz Kanata and Poe Dameron. But it just feels so wasted. They could have done so much, but they decided to just remake the original film (which is perfect in the first place), and everything new not to be explained and just left for some other time in 2017.
  10. I would say if you have any questions then please ask, but I'm going out now, to face my destiny. No doubt once I return I will be on here all night, and will answer any questions about my tracking. Quote me and I'll answer.
  11. Yes! I can hang out in a SW thread again. Just over an hour to go.... Speaking of which! Final sellout update for midnight shows (starting in 2 hours as of time of tracking). 34 showtimes added today, 43 sellouts. Here's a brief report; opening weekend release patterns are quite different in the UK than in the US, so please do take this with a pinch of salt. Regardless, hopefully some of you find it useful. ------------------------- This is data taken from 112 venues across the UK (out of an estimated 650 venues in which Star Wars will release, or 17% of cinemas), so this data should be fairly representative. Note 3% of cinemas do not have showings tonight, first showings are tomorrow morning. |||| In total, 45.9% of shows tonight are sold out. |||| 2D shows are just over 50% sellouts. 3D shows just over 1/3 sellout. Naturally, all IMAX shows are sold out. To put this in context is tricky, as night-before previews are not very common in the UK (happen a few times a year, compared to every Thursday in the US), but I'll provide a couple of comparisons and you can judge for yourself. Jurassic World did not have previews*, first shows were at 10am Thursday morning (JW and SW both open Thursday not Friday). Tracking from shows starting at 7:30 showed 9.3% sellout rate. So, Star Wars is 5x higher than Jurassic World with 4.5 fewer hours (but, many fans may have seen the film earlier in the day). *It's not true to say there were no previews at all, but there were only a few in the country, and no preview data was reported. A better comparison is Spectre. Shows started 7:30pm on Monday, and I counted 38.3% sellouts, but from many more shows. It grossed $9.5M, which roughly equates to $61M in US box office money. This is not particularly helpful for judging UK numbers tonight (and when the numbers come in tomorrow, they in turn will not be a perfect guide for US previews, given the time differences), but it does give a good idea of what to expect in US. If my numbers are anything to go by, then optimistically, Star Wars may be able to conjure up as much as $65-$70M in previews. Realistically, beating Deathly Hallows looks likely, with anything more being a bonus. As such, the opening weekend record of $208.8M should be broken.
  12. Yeah, it's one of my favourite films. One of the cinemas in my town does "Vintage Sundays"; every Sunday afternoon they put on an old classic. Hitchcock, Kubrick, Lang, Tarkovsky... every sunday afternoon. It's good.
  13. Yeah, these are more down to the cinemas. They're not fully-fledged "re-releases" in the sense that they are wide release or showing for weeks; it's usually just a one-off showing at one venue. But it's still really neat. Sometimes it feels a little bit of a rip-off - like for ET, it was literally just projecting a blu-ray disc of the movie and selling tickets for that. But at the end of the day, it's freaking ET on a massive cinema screen; the parents said it was absolutely magical watching it with their kids. Speaking of re-releases, I'm just looking now and in January there is a showing of TOTAL RECALL!!!! but it is almost 3 hours away. I'm so damn tempted.
  14. That's neat. I live in quite a culturally rich area and studios don't seem to keep quite as firm a grip on older titles in the UK, so we're blessed with some pretty great rereleases. This year I've seen 2001: A Space Odyssey, Blade Runner, The Shining, Raiders of the Lost Ark (sequels were shown too but I had to miss them!), The Dark Knight trilogy, and Die Hard. The cinema I work in had a season of horror re-releases, every Friday night including The Exorcist, Carrie, Nightmare on Elm Street, Evil Dead, Halloween, Dawn of the Dead, Poltergeist and others. Other cinemas in my town have had everything from Lawrence of Arabia to ET to Titanic (2D!! ). This xmas there are things like Miracle on 34th Street and It's A Wonderful Life. I've missed some real gems but I'm sure there'll be even more next year. Re-releases should be much more widespread, I think it's really wonderful when you're able to see a classic on the big screen, especially when some people will be introduced to the film for the first time in that format. It brings the movie to a new audience.
  15. Actually no, this is a refund for Terminator Genisys. If you went to see Terminator Genisys in theaters, then you are entitled to free admission to this movie.
  16. Apologies, I had read articles saying that both Empire and BFI were getting laser projection installed. LIES, IT'S ALL LIES.
  17. I'm confused now, the BFI IMAX uses laser projection but Schumacher is saying SW will not be laser projected there..? @SchumacherFTW
  18. Oh I didn't know that the film has to be specifically produced to run on laser. Cause both venues have laser projection. Then yeah, Empire would be much better. I wanna see it in 15/70 2D tho ideally
  19. Terminator 1 and 2 were re-released along with Genisys here, not sure about where you. I agree though, it sucks that on the rare occasion that we do get to see older films (which I wish happened more often), they are deliberately exclusively released in a worse format.
  20. Why would the Empire be better? Because it's a slightly wider screen? I have been to both and they are both equally massive to me size isn't everything, I'm not used to them so it is gargantuan regardless. And for the Falcon scene BFI would be better, it's taller screen right? Science museum is the one I'm most interested in, not sure how long they have the 2D print for.
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