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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. I am willing to bet two Likes with someone that it is Leterrier who gets the job.
  2. Huh. The song is decent, obviously Sam Smith has a phenomenal voice. I hadn't listened to it before, as the song was only on Spotify for like a week and a half... (and I don't have spotify)
  3. I totes agree that you have to stick to your guns and not just jump on a bandwagon. But personally, I remember sitting in the cinema thinking, "I hate the 3D, I hate these characters, I hate the nonsensical story, I'm utterly bored, it feels like I've been here for hours and I want to go home" I really disliked it when I saw it upon release, and have disliked it ever since.
  4. Thanks for all the lists guys! People are still welcome to send lists to me over the next day or two, but we've got a good number so far. Thanks for telling me, sorted.
  5. A vocal minority has been "trashing" Gravity ever since it released. And bear in mind that some people liked it on the big screen, but upon second viewing on TV were disappointed. There have been plenty of people expressing dislike for Gravity certainly over the past year on this board.
  6. 2003 version had an excellent casting choice of Jason Isaacs (hello to Jason Isaacs) as Hook. In fact, its cast was pretty rock solid all around.
  7. The Lone Ranger has some impressive VFX sequences. The Martian is great but it's not an effects movie. To be honest, I'm a little surprised its budget is quite as large as it is.
  8. I don't disagree, I would do the same thing with my biggest franchise. But the movies themselves are awful. Get rid of Bay, remove the creepy sexual and racist stuff, and fill it with Chinese actors, and I'll feel like the movies are at least honest about what they are.
  9. Having now seen The Martian, I am confident there's no way it could get a nomination in the category.
  10. no that's fine I won't start the countdown immediately, I will leave a gap so people can get late lists in too.
  11. Yeah. Every aspect of a movie is influenced by a vast array of creatives. The cinematography is influenced by the story writer. The sound design is influenced by the director. The actor's performance is influenced by the editors. And vice versa, etc. etc.
  12. Tomorrowland and Prometheus share very similar problems in their writing, so it's very tempting to place all the blame on Lindelof. But I don't actually know who is responsible for what, so I ain't gonna judge.
  13. Right, exactly. It might have been one person, it might be another, but I don't have any real objective information, so I'm not going to arbitrarily single out one of them. All the writers responsible for the screenplay can take the responsibility - whether it's for a good or bad script.
  14. Don't worry, I hate 3D and found 98% of the film's 3D not bothersome. Only bits I didn't like were some shots towards the beginning, and some of the vlogs in which the UI comes out of the screen.
  15. I didn't say that early IMAX release cannot be successful. I am simply saying that their success is not built on whether the film was shot on IMAX or not. I would suggest that MI4's IMAX run would have been just as successful had it been standard film projected on to an IMAX screen.
  16. I won't defend him, in the sense that none of the movies he wrote are well written. However, I will absolutely defend him in the sense that he is not solely to blame, and his co-writers are every bit as responsible for a poorly written film.
  17. This released in like 20 cinemas in my country, fortunately one of those was the one I work at. The film is one of the best movies of the year, if anyone gets the chance to see it, they really should.
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