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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. Nah, no way it grosses more than Skyfall. Skyfall did the very best a Bond film can do, it had everything going for it with perfect timing. Spectre is not gonna do more. Edit, ignore me I thought you guys were saying £100M. I'm tired lol
  2. Jurassic World Fast and Furious Avengers Minions Inside Out Star Wars Mockingjay Bond Mission Impossible One more... Good Dinosaur should be able to do it.
  3. Eh, Bay seems to say it about every movie he makes so he presents himself as having improved, so his next movie will promise to be better.
  4. Possibly Top 5 Least Terrible Bay Movies.
  5. Huh, for some reason I thought it was R just like almost every other Stiller/Ferrell/Wilson movie Regardless, my point stands. Major comedies targeting similar audiences don't usually open together, and that's for good reason.
  6. If Goosebumps was actually opening on Halloween then I think it could do close to 40M too, but it opens a tad too early to get that high. Marketing hasn't been great for it, though with any luck it will get great legs (if the reviews are to be believed, that is). Hotel Transylvania and Pan mean the family market is already fairly busy... success is not guaranteed.
  7. 2 major R-rated comedies aimed at the same audience opening on the same day... one is going to prevail and one will fall (and either way they'll both take away from each other's potential). I suspect it'll be the red one. Only other factor is that 2lander can move dates.
  8. Spielberg can't even open 25M+ any more? Lincoln, a drama with no big star, opened to 21M... Spielberg+Hanks is a known winning combination. People will turn up provided that the marketing can make them aware of the film.
  9. Great minds think alike. I can't really comment on BLACK MASS's BO as it has had no marketing here due to different release schedules.
  10. Yep, as expected LEGEND easily took #1. I have been saying it would open to £5M for a while, hopefully the actuals land above it not below!
  11. Forgive me, for some reason I thought ToE reviews were more mixed, I thought it was like 55% on RT compared to Still Alice which got a ton of 4* reviews
  12. No, I didn't watch it in 3D. I'd never choose to make my viewing experience more uncomfortable...
  13. Meh, this film was okay. Some interesting ideas in the water that aren't dwelled on much (more so than the first film). Nice photography, stronger supporting cast than the previous film, but the first half is slow and throwaway zombie fluff. Seriously zombies are not scary any more, stop doing the old "dude walks into a dark cave JUMPSCARE ZOMBIES!" thing. Movie picks itself up towards the last 45 minutes. It does at least explain a lot of surrounding info missing from the first one, and has a satisfying twist sparking the long ending sequence. Good atmosphere... but it suffers the same problems as the first one: meek direction, generic script, and a crap performance from the mighty talents of the charisma-vacuum that is Dylan O'Brien. A lot of the movie is just kids gawping at stuff, and some of the characters are so underdeveloped that when some potentially sad things happen to them and you're meant to feel some sort of emotion, you just end up thinking, "Who was that guy anyway?" There are some neat setpieces though. A really neat scene in a nightclub that feels like it's been lifted from a much better and more interesting film, and made me wish the rest of the film was that good - but a great scene nonetheless.
  14. I shall be watching it in an hour. Watched the first one a couple of days ago so it'll be easier to compare them
  15. there was a fair amount of controversy surrounding Exodus's casting; Noah's controversy was regarding its adaptation of the source material.
  16. She is a woman. She was assigned male at birth but that doesn't mean she is a man. Trans women are women, trans men are men. It's not hard to grasp.
  17. To the best of my knowledge there are no gay or lesbian characters in this movie.
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