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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. I thought, it must be a joke, but then you wrote a shit ton about it, and I figured you wouldn't do that for a joke #1 as it's a waste of time. Glad to see that The Artist is at the top That explains it.
  2. It made the Tauriel-Kili story a lot worse but I don't think it did much harm to anything else from AUJ/DOS.
  3. Huh? I was expecting Star Wars or 2001. How does Transformers 3, a film that literally no one on the planet likes (with the exception of one...), make it onto a list about overrated films?
  4. awwww BotFA is a good film imo. Sorry that you didn't like it.
  5. Oh, I misunderstood you. Yeah, I totally agree, those two are some of a handful of films considered mightier than anything else in the universe, including by people who may have never seen them. In fact, you could probably put me in that group of people until I saw the film. I was like, 2001 is considered one of the best films ever, it's sci-fi, I like sci-fi, therefore I shall think of it as one of the best films ever. And then I saw it last month cause it got a nationwide re-release at the cinema... I was completely blown away.
  6. I'm very involved in gaming, and I hear the phrase "This is the Citizen Kane of gaming" more than I hear teenage boys bragging about whose mother they fucked. I think most people are aware that Citizen Kane is a highly regarded film, even if they haven't seen it themselves. It will go down as the months/years pass by.
  7. 2001 is the best film of all time. IF YOU DON'T AGREE THEN DIE! Btw I'm really tempted to do a list of overrated films of the half-decade, while waiting for my turn in the Top 50.
  8. Wow, I go one day without looking at this thread and I miss almost all of it. I don't agree at all about Jump Street. Tatum and Hill have great chemistry together, that's my favourite thing about those two movies. I agree about The Hunger Games. I happen to think it's alright, if a bit odd (they make a very dark topic very light), but I don't see why everyone loves it. Hobbit? That feels out of place on this list as so many people despise the films. (Although I love them, admittedly) I agree about most Marvel films. Captain America, Iron Man 1-3, Avengers - they're alright, some are even quite good, but they're not as amazing as some people make them out to be. Particularly Avengers, a film which I think is terrifically mediocre. However, Guardians of the Galaxy is a fantastic film. Dark Knight Rises is out of place too, everyone hates on it. It's definitely not well-loved. I think The Dark Knight deserves to be on here, but TDKR shouldn't be on here as it doesn't have the widespread love that other movies on the list do. I happen to think TDKR is the best of the trilogy btw. I COMPLETELY agree about Skyfall. I don't like any James Bond movie but Skyfall in particular is seriously overrated. I don't understand what there is to love about it. Javier Bardem with mummy issues? Think I'll pass. Shakespeare in Love is great! I absolutely love that movie. It doesn't deserve some of the awards (Judi Dench getting Best Supporting Actress is a joke) but I think it's really good. Agreed about the first Star Trek. It's decent enough but I don't see why everyone loves it. I liked Into Darkness more though. Haven't seen Chicago but Rock of Ages is fab. Fuck the haters. Potter: YES. Fucking yes. Lol, I said at the start of this thread that maybe all 8 Potters should make it.. I'm pleased to see that they did. Regardless, it's often referred to as the greatest movie of all time.
  9. He also said he was done with the franchise after the third movie, said he wasn't coming back for the fourth one - but still, he did.
  10. OMG. I just saw a picture of her and Renner together, and I can see what you mean now! That dress.. I just... what a whore.
  11. I like the Star Wars prequels so I wouldn't put those. Maybe Twilight. I love vampire teen stuff and Twilight was a miserable failure of a movie series. I'd love to see it done properly. That or Transformers. Actually yeah, probably Transformers. Would be awesome to see a good Transformers live-action movie.
  12. You really think Ethan is going to have watched Nymphomaniac?
  13. I nominate Night at the Museum for Best Picture - Comedy/Musical, for its joke about Jews. It's not a comedy?
  14. Oh. No, I honestly didn't, though I do now. Didn't realise her boobs were anything special.
  15. Her eyes are so gorgeous. I look at her and I turn green with envy.
  16. They never show Golden Globes here in the UK. Oscars is restricted to Sky Movies which costs about £897 per month.
  17. It was a joke, don't worry He's a cis guy, just a drag queen.
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