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Everything posted by marveldcfox

  1. Jackie chan's boxoffice pull has dwindled considerably. Did anyone see NYSM2 beating IDR in china? Similarly, Tarzan can suprise. They are all bombs, but tarzan has outperformed all of them compared to pre-release expectations. Even if it doesn't make a profit theatrically, it won't be the disaster many here declared it would be. I am talking about under 50 domestic and under 200 worldwide.
  2. Based on its performance in Australia, it likely won't open more than 30 million in North America. Doesn't matter if it does under 100 million domestic because it will still be a money maker.
  3. No amount of spinning can make IDR look okay. It's a flat out bomb. The thing got a superbowl spot, which Trazan didn't. It is a sequel to a massive blockbuster. Should have grossed atleast 600 million worldwide with 3d and inflated ticket prices. Tarzan exceeded everyone's expectations. I am also confident it will gross as much as IDR if not more in China.
  4. Looks like it will open only 6 million less and will have a bigger 4 day than IDR OW. IDR is the bigger embarassment because of the expectations. Many on this forum were expecting sub 20 million OW for tarzan and not more than 60m domestic. But last week I found out how much of a turkey IDR was going to be and that convinced me that Tarzan will do much better than pre-release expectations. Now it will most likely outgross IDR domestically. If it manages to do 400+ WW, WB will be happy.
  5. Told you all that Tarzan will do much better than expected. Also, I am confident it will outgross IDR domestically because it is WAYYYYY better. Critics are harsh on this one because of all the pre-release talk of budget and stuff.
  6. This will be much more profitable and make more money for fox at the domestic boxoffice than Assassin's Creed. Take that in writing.
  7. First 102, then 100 and now under 100. Pathetic. Congrats fox. I laugh at your incompetence. Bombs away.
  8. I love the first two movies. Looking forward to this new iteration. Next summer looks great on paper, but will the movies deliver both quality and box-office wise. We will see.
  9. It might do very well in China, but that's all. I sense a Maze Runner 2 type situation unless Fox markets it brilliantly and the movie is as good if not better than first movie. Kingsman was such a pleasant surprise. You don't get movies like that often.
  10. Didn't you read the script before signing? Anyways, it's okay. One's gotta eat. But please deliver as Grandmaster otherwise you will end up in my "Cool 80s/90s actor who is now shit" list.
  11. Only Michael Bay can save us now!! The true master of disaster porn! Fuck the German.
  12. @Jeff Goldblank @Jay Hollywood I feel bad for you jeff. Wish this wasn't your first big movie after such a long time. Should have been something else. Anyways, Marvel to the rescue!
  13. Fox should bribe the sheikhs in return for IDR to be the first movie to get released. Maybe it will manage to do 15-20 million thanks to very expensive movie tickets.
  14. WTF?!! Some serious manipulation being done by Fox India. It did around 1.7 million NET this weekend. I don't think the GROSS can be double of that. No Way. They probably fudged the numbers to get it to a 100+ overseas opening.
  15. Holy shit. They make some really boneheaded decisions there. I am pretty confident most of us here can run fox better than the current establishment, which is going to get worse. Every year they have 1-2 fluke hits not because of them, but because either the movie turns out great or the stars/filmmakers are heavily involved in marketing materials.
  16. Ah.....cjohn...the guy who has an uncanny ability to jinx a movie by stanning for it hard. This power is awesome, but you are killing everything I look forward to. If there is a little bit of soul in you, you know what to do!
  17. Yeah she is bad. Also heard and read same about Stacy Snyder. Apparently, she is one of the reasons for DreamWorks slow and painful demise. Rupert Murdoch likes her so...but i don't think she is capable of producing massive hits or long running sustainable franchise. I am having serious doubts about Avatar 2 let alone 4 new ones. Please, James Cameron, make fox work overtime to make sure the marketing is upto snuff otherwise another casualty in the making.
  18. wow, didn't know that! He is Brett Ratner, ay? Maybe he should become a producer rather than continue as a director.
  19. White house down flopped internationally. This is also tanking overseas. Will be lucky to gross half of original's 500 million.
  20. Never say never. Xmen apocalyPSE after dofp? Tbf, that movie got harsh reviews. Didn't help it came out after civil war.
  21. Can Roland Emmerich stop making films, please. He has had 4 back to back failures and its become obvious that his spectacle films no longer sell. Even 2012 with excellent marketing, good hype and buzz, did only 166 million domestic. Overseas saved that movie. He has yet to make a thoroughly satisfying movie as ID and his last solid movie was TDAT.
  22. Lol. Fox can't make a great summer tentpole to save their lives. 2014 was an abberation. Hopefully, next year, kingsman 2 and War of the planet of the apes will be great. But I won't be shocked if both underperform at the boxoffice because of fox's marketing. Worst big studio.
  23. Yet some of the so called boxoffice experts on this site refused to believe it would do under 200 million domestic and under 800 million worldwide. Now under 80 million dom and under 250 million os is looking good considering the awful word of mouth. You guys should have left my thread open.
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