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Everything posted by marveldcfox

  1. Anywhere from 2.8-3.4 I see. And you say the wom is solid, so hopefully that will propel it to 10+ million USD if not more.
  2. Wow..the Red Ranger from Power Rangers is in season 2. That movie turned out to be good for the leads. Now the African american and latina actress need to get something..a role in a big movie or a big leading role.
  3. double digit figures would be okay i guess...what was the weekend number like though? 2+?
  4. hmm...But Val did only 6M on Saturday and projected to do 16.5-17.5M for the weekend. Not sure where you are getting 27-28 from. With more PLF 3d screens and IMAX, this would have done 20+ million easily. GITS and Jupiter Ascending had advantage of Imax and both had 17+ openings.
  5. How much is that in US$ for Val? And how much do you think it will end in US$ gross?
  6. Jesus christ! That looks insane as hell. It looks sooooo much fun. Better than even Guaradians and Guardians 2...Watiti is GOD. edit: They all seem to be having fun but the acting isn't necessarily good acting...everyone is just being themselves in this LOL. Will get 90+% on RT and smash it at the boxoffice. I cannot get over the fact that Besson's ego prevented Valerian to get a proper release i.e. IMAX 3d. So pissed.
  7. agreed. so much fanboy drooling...overrating stuff that looks standard affair or been there done that in terms of visuals. Nothing imaginative as far as these two trailers.
  8. The dialogues are awful. Some of the acting is horrible. Rest of it looks awesome. But will still get 70+% on RT because critics are feeling high after WW.
  9. looks like those movies won't be coming anytime soon or have been put on the back burner.
  10. The first trailer of Valerian which got lambasted by so called movie geeks on this forum had MUCH better cgi in its first trailer. This movie finished shooting a while ago and had plenty of time to finish the effects for atleast the teaser/comic con trailer. But like I said it doesn't matter. Even the awful BFG got 74% on RT, so this is bound to be overrated as hell. It will also manage to do solid bo because of the marketing+berg+imax+3d+tomato law+lots of recognizable movie/pop culture characters.
  11. If this movie gets anything more than 60% on RT then it is so obvious that they are just sucking upto Steven Spielberg. The CGI looks horrible and nothing looks even remotely as cool as Valerian's trailers did. But the internet is going to hype it up like crazy and critics will overrate it because it is directed by the beard. The lead looks good though. Boxoffice wise it will obviously get a proper marketing campaign and a proper release with IMAX and all..will do fine. Maybe 400-500 WW.
  12. One year ago...valerian debuted and made an impact...fast forward...i can't believe @That EddieKaspbrak Guy is all normal after valerian tanked completely everywhere it released this weekend. Oh well. Excited for Tomb Raider and DC films.
  13. Any idea how Besson's movie will fare in France. They should have delayed the US release to 1st or 2nd week of August. Hype should have transferred from Europe to here. Now only negativity is spreading like wild fire all around the world. China could have saved this movie if it was releasing within a week or two. By the time it releases there, it will be too late.
  14. Dude.....just a few days ago it was 180M net. All of a sudden, it is 150? Does that make any sense to you? Are you telling me they got 40M in tax credits from French govt and some producers/distributors from other countries to invest in it, thus bringing their budget down to 150? Yeah...i don't buy it. This is MINIMUM 180M Net.
  15. This. A few days ago they were saying that this cost 180M AFTER tax credits. Now they are saying 150M. I think Europacorp is doing damage control and lowering budget to save face.
  16. Told you that this will bomb overseas as well. The miscast leads and poor marketing/distribution has finished this movie completely. Moreover, the reviews didn't help matter. France won't do any better. Asia will reject it. China won't save it at all. Sub 150 WW is a real possibility. Besson, I fear, will not gather the energy and passion to direct another film for a long time. This was his baby and it is just outright bombing everywhere. Total rejection.
  17. That is based on a fairly well known property with comics, animated movies, toys and stuff. It also had an A list star. Valerian is based on an obscure french comic book that the US audience hardly knows anything about. I think it did okay considering that. Then again maybe sci-fi nerds and Besson fans flocked to the theatre so it may still be frontloaded. The problem is that the east coast is not even remotely interested in this film. It seems to be doing better in West coast and some pockets of central USA. Oh and this didn't have Imax. I think in August with Imax it would easily have done 2.5+ previews and 30+ ow with that. Besson has only himself to blame for that.
  18. http://www.empireonline.com/movies/valerian-city-thousand-planets/review/ I really feel that critics are being extremely harsh to this film. If garbage rehash with not a single ounce of imagination like Jurassic world can be fresh on RT then why not this which has so much imagination...Dock points for leads and story...But common..All these big magazines, newspapers and trades are handing out 1s and 2s irresponsibly. This deserves atleast a 3 star rating. It doesnt help that Besson dared to release this against Nolan's film. British critics are going to tear this apart. All in all a very disappointing attitude shown by these so called professional critics. I mean films with questionable acting and story telling get 70+% ...Hell 80+% with ease, so why not this? What worse is that audience nowadays are sheep..They praise and/or trash a movie depending on reviews without ever seeing it just so that they can be part of the crowd.
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