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Everything posted by marveldcfox

  1. Dwayne Johnson vs John Cena in a big budget superhero/comic book tentpole movie = $$$ Make this happen ASAP.
  2. I am on board only if I see Valerian does 200M+ DOM Otherwise there is nothing controversial or fun about this thread.
  3. This should have released this December instead of Passengers. Passengers fails to do what this does in spades. The actors in this are better than Passengers. OUCH.
  4. I find it funny when a WB guy talks about quality when of late majority of their tentpoles have ranged from garbage-mediocre.
  5. The trailer at the end says only "In premium formats". If it was releasing in any other format, it would have mentioned "Digital 3D" and/or "Imax" just like in the Logan and War of the planet of the apes trailers. I am very sure this was supposed to release in those formats as well. When even the godawful Exodus gets 3d treatment but sequel to Prometheus (which was 3d and imax) doesn't then you know something is not right. The fact they moved the film up has nothing to do with confidence. They are cutting corners and want to get it out soon before the word gets out that it isn't anything more than what the trailer shows. I would be happy with that but people have unrealistic expectations from a Ridley directed alien movie. Not having 3d and imax ain't a death sentence, but it will definitely affect its boxoffice worldwide if the reviews are not good. Prometheus did 400+WW. This would be lucky if it does same numbers without 3d and imax.
  6. 3D and IMAX canned just like they did for Fant4stic. They are keeping things under wrap unlike that movie where it was easy to scapegoat the director because of couple of his on-set foolish moments and a gem of a tweet close to the release of the film. They want to continue to maintain relations with Ridley and Fass so they will make everyone believe everything is going smoothly on this, but nah...like I said it is a B slasher/horror/gore/action film..nothing more. And I will enjoy the hell out of it but anyone expecting anything more are going to be seriously disappointed. The fact FOX has canned 3d and imax release for a big budget Ridley movie speaks volumes....even Exodus got 3d release!!!!!
  7. I have already hinted this before. There is a reason why fox did the preview thing for all their upcoming spring/summer tentpoles to hype up the journalists and make even weak things look great. People still couldn't figure out what I meant by HUGE difference between this and Prometheus. Look hard at the trailer man...it gives away...and lines up with what I have heard. They are keeping things under wraps on this one and are positioning this movie (ex: moving up the release) in a way that it is making people believe that everything is hunky dory. After all, they want to maintain great relations with Ridley and Fassbender. Another hint: Ridley's last couple of big films have one thing in common...
  8. Hint: There is one HUGE difference between this and Prometheus.
  9. Uh oh...found out something...damn. Pushing up a movie is considered a good sign but in this case it was something else that prompted them to do so. Watch the trailer closely and you will find out.
  10. Raaes looks shit. As for Rogue One, I am not surprised. Star Wars films simply doESN't appeal to the audience in India. They did so much proMotion when they re-released the original trilogy in 1996/7 but it didn't catch on except for hardcore sci-fi aficionados and fantasy fans liking them. Prequels were garbage and came around the time when Matrix, Mummy and Spiderman were killing it, thus the brand star wars never gained traction in India. And now with the Marvel/Spidey films, fast & furious franchise, massive Bollywood films, and other well known brands with known faces vying for audience attention, star wars sadly will never ever have much of a presence here.
  11. Trailer gives away many of the deaths that will happen. Tbh I doubt any suspense will be left by the time this releases. Just go in there with a bag of popcorn and enjoy the stuff on big screen.
  12. I mentioned it before that this will remind you of B/semi porn horror creature feature from Roger corman. He has recreated that Lambert scene with higher production values. Hopefully, we will see the whole damn thing...if you know what I mean..he shot it..will it stay in the final cut or modify it...
  13. Time to admit: I have neither watched LOTR movies nor HP movies. Pure fantasy/wizards movies are not my cup of tea.
  14. I wish someone like James Cameron or Ridley Scott had made an R rated AVP film with great production values. If either one had made it in 2004, it would have been a huge hit.
  15. bombs away as expected. Don't try to spin this. Take it on the chin and move on.
  16. BOMBS away. Fassbender should stick to ensembles and oscar bait films.
  17. So for you an auteur is one who is a YES MAN and is willing to let his movie be shit and not make any money...great. I guess that's the new age definition of auteur.
  18. Frankly, people overrate this franchise. There is NOTHING deep or philosophical about this franchise and nor do they have great stories as some would like to believe. First one is a well done B horror sci-fi film that had a unique creature design. The 2nd one is an awesome action packed intense film with some cool imagery. Alien 3 is garbage. Alien Resurrection is a fun movie.
  19. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA Yeah....an auteur is one who consistently makes something good and doesn't let others interfere with his work.
  20. boring numbers all around. If you are a normal person and have already watched Rogue One then there is nothing interesting out in theaters except La La Land which hasn't released here yet. Better to stay at home and watch the day long marathon of Die Hard films, Home Alone films and Jingle all the way.
  21. Looks like the Kurzel bros will keep getting work even after the disaster that came out this week. Well they seem to be still in the good books of Fassbender.
  22. I am sure after seeing the teaser you guys will know what I was talking about. And like I said it will be mostly an action horror movie. Don't know why people expect anything more out of this. It's a franchise that is past its expiry date. There is not much new you can do except deliver a ride with great productiom values. As far as story is concerned, it will be very straightforward. They come to planet. Things go wrong. Survival and or escape. The end.
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