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Everything posted by MikeQ

  1. My tally for correct predictions for nominees: Picture - 7/8 Director - 4/5 Actress - 4/5 Actor - 5/5 Supporting Actress - 4/5 Supporting Actor - 4/5 Original Screenplay - 4/5 Adapted Screenplay - 4/5 Film Editing - 4/5 Cinematography - 4/5 Production Design - 4/5 Sound Mixing - 5/5 Sound Editing - 4/5 Visual Effects - 4/5 Costume Design - 4/5 Makeup & Hairstyling - 2/3 Original Score - 4/5 Original Song - 3/5 Animated Feature Film - 4/5 Foreign Language Film - 3/5 Documentary - 3/5 Documentary (Short Subject) - 3/5 Animated Short Film - 5/5 Live Action Short Film - 5/5 TOTAL: 97/121 Not terrible, though I could have done better. Peace, Mike
  2. The Revenant is truly primed to maximize it's box office, when considering awards attention. It just opened, with a very strong opening (nearly $40 mil), won the biggest awards at the Globes heading into the week, and is now the clear Oscar winner when it comes to nominations. The fact that it is the most nominated film (well above any other nominated film other than Mad Max) means, for better or for worse, it gets all the headlines. It will be fun to see how it does this weekend. Peace, Mike
  3. Abrahamson for Best Director for Room is a pretty huge surprise for me! Nobody was predicting him to get a best director nod. Even if one of the five from the DGA were getting "knocked out" so to speak, nobody saw this - predictions were Spielberg or Todd Haynes to sneak in. Peace, Mike
  4. As far as box office is concerned, I think The Revenant comes off as the clear winner tonight to the general audience, and it just opened (really well too), so I expect the film to ride this wave into a good second week/run at the box office. It's a shame that Spotlight or The Big Short didn't get any acknowledgement to boost their profiles and get more people to see those movies in theatres - both really good. What else will benefit? The Martian is pretty much done at the box office, but is still in a few hundred theatres so it may get a little uptick. Steve Jobs, if it were still around, could have potentially gotten an uptick, but it's done as far as I know. A little bit of visibility for Room with Brie Larson's win, perhaps will help! Peace, Mike
  5. Spotlight and The Big Short didn't win anything tonight, and I had them as the frontrunners heading into this awards season... Peace, Mike
  6. I was very much hoping for a Spotlight win. I guess I have to see The Revenant now. Peace, Mike
  7. True that. I guess, as someone for whom indigenous issues are important, I'm just very happy he spoke out for the importance of acknowledging indigenous persons and the protection of their lands and ways of life. Peace, Mike
  8. Best speech of the night goes to Leo. Way to go! Peace, Mike
  9. It seems like every year someone says "What a terrific year in film". Every year can't be "terrific", right? Peace, Mike
  10. I think Best Screenplay was the most likely award for Steve Jobs to win here. I love me some Sorkinese. I don't expect that this means Fassbender will win (still think it is Leo's), but we'll see. I love Leo, and have long been on the campaign for Leo to finally win an Oscar, but I actually wouldn't mind seeing him miss out again this year and win for an excellent performance of his in the future. It's not like he won't have plenty of more opportunities - he is truly an impressive actor. Part of me worries once he wins, we won't see any more of him, heh. Peace, Mike
  11. I'm behind on commenting, but WOW at Kate Winslet winning. I did not expect this to happen! Loved her in Steve Jobs though. It was her, together with Michael Fassbender, that really made the film work for me. Peace, Mike
  12. Indeed. The current nomination system also involves each Academy member individually nominating only 5 films for Best Picture, rather than 10 - thus, The Force Awakens would have to crack a lot of members' top 5 (and be #1 on enough ballots) in order to have a chance of being nominated. That seems to make The Force Awakens' chances even slimmer. Peace, Mike
  13. In regards to The Force Awakens potentially receiving a Best Pic nom at the Oscars, I think it's chances are pretty slim at this point. Speaking as an Oscar/awards nerd and follower, The Force Awakens didn't get a PGA nomination, which is a big hit against its chances as the PGA is arguably the most important precursor. If any group is likely to recognize big blockbusters like The Force Awakens, it's the PGA. So I'm pretty doubtful of it's chances at this point. I'm not sure it would matter in terms of it's box office anyway, as the film has had an exceptional run so far. Peace, Mike
  14. Also, rth just confirmed that your number for MI5 is basically on the money. So, not only is that other dude's comment mean/unwarranted, but totally unfounded. Thanks Gopher for taking the time to give us numbers! The rest of us appreciate it
  15. For what it's worth, Variety (as of 25-ish minutes ago according to timestamp), says $29-32 million Friday for Inside Out, and $78-82 mil for the weekend. Still has JW at $100+ million. http://variety.com/2015/film/news/jurassic-world-inside-out-box-office-1201524057/ Peace, Mike
  16. With rth's latest numbers, I think this will be a close weekend! JW definitely benefits from Father's Day, and it looks like IO will be doing gangbusters. I hope both JW & Inside out hit $100 million. Peace, Mike
  17. Thanks for your input rth! I appreciate it, and understand how hard it can be to interpret early numbers. Thanks for taking the time to give us your thoughts and number updates! Peace, Mike
  18. Um, WOW. Absolutely incredible. Even if rth is off with the 31-35 estimate and JW gets $30 million Friday, that is STILL nuts. And $30-32 million for Inside Out is friggin' incredible too. I love Pixar, so I'm super happy for them if this holds. And rth made it sound like he may be lowballing Inside Out - that it may actually go higher. I think Inside Out actually has a chance of being #1 this weekend based on this. Two films over $100 million this weekend? Could be a reality! Peace, Mike
  19. As PDC mentioned, TDK was in the middle of July. But also, Jurassic World will not decrease 16.3% on Sunday - it is Father's Day, so it will hold flat or decrease very slightly on the Sunday. Peace, Mike
  20. Jurassic World has an 'A' Cinemascore, so I would say the WOM for the movie will be quite good.
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