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Everything posted by TStechnij

  1. It already has 30 reviews which means it may move +/- 5. Besides, all the reviews accounted for are the highbrow and middlebrow critics. We certainly can't call this anything less than universal acclaim.
  2. ^^ That's how I have gone into most of movies here at TIFF. I will say I wish I would have known a little more about this than I had. I just knew it was being raved and it is by a masterful director and one of the best working writer's. All that being said, it is a solid A- movie for me. I will need to see it again, because I am on film overload, but it is currently sitting at 11 on my TIFF List and in the Top 20 of my year. I'm the only person who doesn't find it a masterpiece I guess.
  3. Arabian Nights Trilogy, Tree of Life and American Hustle are my favorite films since 2010. PS, If you are someone who likes pensive world-film, Arabian Nights is a masterpiece. It is a 6 and a half hours long reflection on the Portugal people and conditions. It combines documentary, narrative and surrealism to paint some really incredible images. Many people dislike the third volume because it is beyond slow, but I found it lovey through and through. My favorite film of TIFF followed by Davies' Sunset Song and Sorrentino's Youth. We'll see if these last 14 films change that!
  4. I don't understand where this idea that Innaritu is a master director comes from. Critically, he has made a great film and a few average ones. The Revenant could be really average or gorgeous, but still average. This is come from someone who loved Birdman and had it winning BP.
  5. What people under 17 were going to see a "boring" period horror film directed by someone know best for their world cinema? This always seemed niche to me.
  6. Ugh, if this wins BP I'll be so disappointed. It would just be an uninspired victor. I saw it like half an hour ago. I thought it was good and sometimes great. The cast is great but Keaton and Ruffalo both had ticks that annoyed me. Ruffalo's role is showier, but some of his lines come off super false due to writing. It is a very engaging thriller! I put it on the same level as Truth. A solid 3/4. Steve Jobs, Carol and Joy would all be more exciting winners.
  7. I call her home girl Vikander too. I think it is between her and Mara for supporting. What did she say about the Fincher? I've always liked her because she seems down to earth and doesn't really play the game. She is playing the game this year, but it doesn't seem smarmy and insincere. That being sad, disagreeing with a director's vision I think is fine. Being a bitch about it isn't.
  8. And Ex Maxhina isn't that good. She wasn't given much to do. That is Isaac's movie. Root for Testament of Youth. One of my favorite performance of the year and her best.
  9. No. Focus said they haven't made a final decision, but everything points to supporting. I'd just hope she goes lead because she is the lead.
  10. Yeah. My dream line up is: Blanchett Blanchett Mara Vikander and then either Lawrence, Rampling or Larson.
  11. Mara is confirmed for supporting. Weinstein rep confirmed for Variety yesterday. I think Blanchett could get snubbed with vote splitting. I hope she gets in for Truth because that could be a winning role. She has a strong narrative with all of critical acclaim this year, she could contend for a win with either role.
  12. I think A24 was showing interest, but it was so damn expensive. Sold for $5 million.
  13. Glad it got picked up by Paramount! I saw it last night and really adored it. However, I think a lot of reviews are quite hyperbolic. It isn't as relatable I am used to with Kaufman.
  14. My problem with Hanks is it doesn't look like a challenging or showy role.
  15. Our Brand got poor reception besides Bullock.
  16. Brooklyn is also killing it at TIFF. I think Ronan might be in since Bullock and Moore seem like non-starters. Also moved up in to my top ten for best pic.
  17. Ugh. Today might be my floppies day of the festival. Hope The Dressmaker turns out okay.
  18. His implication is that it is so polished (it is), that he wants to cleanse himself of the smarmy glamour by doing vices. It sounds daft because it is daft. :eyeroll:
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