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Everything posted by TStechnij

  1. He is referring to the clip the air at the Oscar's as they announce each nominee. Those clips usually have a fair bit of scenery chewing and melodrama. That being said, Keaton has a few moments that are loud and fun. Ruffalo had the most passion of the team but I'm sure the Academy is more incline to reward Keaton over Ruffalo.
  2. She isn't on my ballot because this season is tough, but it is a great comedic performance. She actually plays the dramatic character of the 2016 THE MEDDLER that premiered at TIFF. I think that is probably the comedy of the decade. So damn fun and has great emotional heft. She is fabulous and Sarandon is GENUIS. I can't wait for you guys to see this.
  3. I don't agree at all. I thought Keaton proved he was a stronger actor over Ruffalo in this. Ruffalo is more showy and whiny.
  4. Absolutely. This is a very reactionary response...
  5. lol. A lot has changed since TIFF. DOR Innaritu McCarthy Boyle Haynes Nemes Miller Spielberg Tarantino Fukunga? Crowley?
  6. The more I think about this, the more I liked it. It is really lovely and classy melodrama. Could have a really nice indie breakout as it is a pleasant watch.
  7. I'm fearless when it comes to heights and I still was saying "oh shit" every few scenes. I did get used to though. And by my very mixed review I am about to put out I guess I didn't think that was enough.
  8. He just is so smug and pandering and insincere. I've always like him, but between this and Don Jon I'm flipped.
  9. I just got back from this. Holy hell. JGL IS SO PUNCHABLE. Kind of hated it but there were some really good moments.
  10. With the Inarritu rewrites I wouldn't call this very realistic anymore. In fact, it was always just "based on" the Glass story.
  11. That'd be interesting! I really liked her performance but it is very minor and I don't think can land a win.
  12. It still isn't a reasonable sample size especially when you have to asterisk a whole bunch of performances. I don't know.
  13. What does excited me about The Walk, which I am seeing tomorrow to review, is the sentimentality for the Twin Towers. I think that sounds nice.
  14. You realize a voting body can't reasonably decide this boundaries yeah? The sample size of people who've won three Oscars is way too low to jump to these conclusions anyways. That being said I was probably just being reactionary to Cate's masterclass performance in Truth and don't think she'll get nominated for that especially with about five detailed raves about her performance in Carol today. What it comes down to seems to be Lawrence, Larson and Blanchett. The Academy "isn't ready to award" Blanchett or Lawerence again and I'm not sure I see a path for Larson. So, I really don't know.
  15. Yup. Calling it now: The Revenant will implode because of overhype. Think about it. For this to constitute as a success it won't just have to be huge across the board for Oscar nominations. The expectations will be even higher than Birdman because of the more known talent involved. PLUS, and this is a big plus, it will have to make a shit ton of money to not be considered a financial failure. Torture porn isn't audience or Oscar fodder. Everyone is hypnotized by Leo and Lubezki and blindly calling this a masterpiece when it could be a pretty disaster, totally uncommercial and not awards-y at all. Between the public's hype and Innaritu's auteur tendencies that drove the project way over budget we could be watching a catastrophic failure.
  16. Well De Toro was on the flop of a Cannes jury...
  17. A pop star with gorgeous legs that probably wishes she could be friends with JLaw and settles for models and B-list celebrities?
  18. The stuff with the son doesn't look good to me, but it is just a trailer. The lighting obviously looks amazing and the trailer does a really good job capturing tension. I'm just too worried people are going to prematurely herald this a masterpiece. They already are!
  19. Yeah... It looks beautiful and some parts make me really excited (that last shot), but this seems like it could fail and more footage only proves that. Leo looks great.
  20. Brooklyn isn't a landmark film but I liked it a lot more than I expected. I'm not sure if it will get nominated or if it should but I'd be happy if it did. I think it will miss a lot of ballots though because it seems like a solid 6-10 best movie for Academy voters. And I think it will mellow out to high 80s and high 7s on RT. It is a really solid 3/4 for me. Just under 3.5. Probably liked it a little more than Room but think Room would be a more exciting BP pic.
  21. I've seen an embarrassing FIVE of these. Son of Saul seems like a certain nominee and I think The Clan has a great chance for a nomination. Would love to see Arabian Nights and A Pigeon Sat on a Branch as they are two of my favorite films of the year. Neither seem Academt friendly. I wish they would've submitted the whole Arabian Nights trilogy. It is just too much of a directorial accomplishment to ignore as a whole.
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