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Everything posted by Macleod

  1. It's fascinating how Fandango has now come around to embracing this movie again, like many others. I could go on an Essay-length counter-argument, here, to the dominant narrative of the last 14 years, but I'll just say this: Raimi's Spider-Man 3 isn't perfect, isn't a patch on 2 or the relative creative chance-taking on 1 -- but I think this whole "SM3 sux" and black-suit-Bully-Maguire thing has been pulled out of context through the years. The whole point of Raimi's take was that Bully Parker was *still* lame-o Parker, as evidenced in the scene above, just now with a crueler edge. The way he struts in and out of the shop and ladies look at him like he's an alien both before and after, for his bizarre behavior in 2007 New York -- is not some bold creative misfire -- it is Raimi and Maguire's whole spin on "What if this actually happened to *our* Peter Parker?" He would turn into an asshole, sure, but he would also *still* be looked at like he's a reject/weirdo, most women who don't already know him would be put off by him (my interpretation is that Raimi's Betty always had a secret crush, and Gwen had a neglectful boyfriend, so she'd gravitate towards any nice attention). This black-symbiote-induced Parker would still ultimately become a pariah (as the brilliant Bully-Maguire fan videos often point out). JUSTICE FOR BLACK-SUIT-BULLY DISCO DANCING PETER!! 😁
  2. As long as AVATAR stays (which with just-emerged interviews with Cameron, is looking very solid), then this will move. Don't know why Warners is doing whatever they're doing with MATRIX, but after this December, I don't think they'll make the same decision again for next year, to put one of their own potential blockbusters directly against an almost-guaranteed sure thing. *Especially* because these two spectacles will share an underwater theme...
  3. I think you should see the movie. And you might want to take the red pill first.
  4. In DOFP's case, it was definitely FOX's request due to the underwhelming results of FIRST CLASS. I guess one can't really argue it's the case with MCU/SONY Spidey, since the last one grossed over $1billion, but I'd still say it feels a bit cynical, yes. As in...it's a shame they couldn't develop a few more better villains for Holland's Spider-Man in his own universe. On the other hand, Raimi's actors are getting up there (esp. the villains), so I get it, it was kind of "now or never." I'm not planning to go to this until next TUESDAY. So I'm going to be testing my zen-like skills of avoiding most internet/social media...except for this reasonably-trustworthy non-spoiler thread! Wish me luck!! (I've read a few early leaks, but really I only have a guess at the whole framework, and I'm sure there are still plenty of surprises...and as I've argued here -- how it all plays out on screen is the most important thing!)
  5. Thanks. I'm not up on my latest Film Critics, lately...but I just hope they're better than these usual YouTubers I see...😉
  6. Too late. He went on a late-night show three years ago and announced that he was quitting! Now I believe in nothing except multiverses! 🤐 I expect to see him again as Daredevil in May. https://variety.com/2019/film/news/ben-affleck-leaving-batman-explanation-1203141328/
  7. This doesn't really affect me when I've never heard of any of these things or people; all these names mean as much as Bill Murray's brother to me. [Bill Murray glum face] 😂 Plus, the way you said it reminds me of middle-school gossip. Or Mean Girls.
  8. Please educate your partner to not judge a film until she sees it, herself. I am not advocating for the Matrix sequels, I am merely advocating to interrogate films yourself, don't let 'popular consensus' decide for you. The above is also not a condemnation of competent film critics -- although I do feel that they are much harder to find these days.
  9. Not surprising. It's hilarious that they don't even care that the actors match looks at all -- but Warners is in a tough spot here -- if they made-up Mikkelsen, the Depp comparisons would be even louder, I guess... Well... the "overall plot" should have been (and was) Fantastic Beasts, from the beginning on... but Warners seemingly got cold feet even with the performance of the first film...now they're just full-on embracing Potter-dom to help this thing survive!
  10. With all due respect -- none of this matters. The only thing that matters is how the film plays/works on-screen for audiences. It's a visual storytelling medium, first and foremost.
  11. Sure she will -- she already shot a lot of stuff. That's not the question, here. The question is will she finish it? And whether she will continue in the MCU? I think the answer to the second question is pretty obvious...but stranger things have happened. Still, until this is actually reported by the trades, I would hold off accepting this fully. Although at a certain point...where there's so much smoke...
  12. If you want to believe "Giant Freakin Robot" as the source... always trace the sources, people. Is all of this likely? Possible. Sure. But no major news or trade is reporting this quite yet, so...remain quizzical.
  13. They probably showed AMC and theater chain execs what they showed the rest of crew/cast last year -- three scenes that were relatively completed back in August 2020 (though I'm sure there's been more tweaking since).
  14. Are you advocating that Cameron should handshake Xi in order to get AVATAR released in China? Same begging I saw from Marvel fans on getting Eternals released ("Chloe Zhao should just apologize.."). No thanks. AVATAR may have already written its own ticket (the re-release did gangbusters, as well), the movie is the true power. No PR games.
  15. Studios do this all the time with partially-finished film series of all iterations: Warner Bros. sold its classic Superman series with Superman Returns, Sony sells the different Spider-Man series together, etc. They just want tie-in sales. The franchise is arguably already in dire straits with its very mixed reception to the second film, its major recasting due to Depp's issues, and its narrative shifting away from the character it was initially based on to "legacy" characters like Dumbledore.
  16. Warner Bros. and Lana Wachowski have secretly developed a real Matrix technology to beam in Keanu and Carrie Anne Moss to select early screenings that week for "Live" Q&As. 😁
  17. Now, lately, yes. Donnie Yen agrees -- he's talking about the Hong Kong action style, particularly...but anyone who's been paying attention knows that Hong Kong has ceased to be Hong Kong anymore, it is now effectively an arm of China. https://www.tatlerasia.com/culture/entertainment/donnie-yen-john-wick-keanu-reeves?fbclid=IwAR2VS2H2_sPtZE1vVWMhC_y9DZCdm2TDrn7z_L1__f0M7bWQrqbNzzrccnw And China is insulating itself with its own blockbusters, lately. This is why Cameron remains King -- he makes films that cross cultural and linguistic borders with ease -- I expect Avatar 2 will be no different.
  18. Boulderdash. If we can't talk about how a country's politics and culture affect their own box office and any potential Hollywood imports, in any one of these forums, what's the point? Here are two recent Variety pieces worth looking at. https://variety.com/2021/film/asia/hollywood-china-box-office-eternals-shang-chi-2021-1235045498/ https://variety.com/2021/film/news/china-box-office-2021-hollywood-pandemic-1235115853/
  19. I don't even know if I know what "doomposting" is but he's speaking some words, it is not edited...unless someone did, and he's talking about the world of the film and his character, so I don't know why this is "taken out of context." But I'm glad some of you are indeed wanting fuller stories of interviews -- be sure you ask for that in your Marvel stories, as well -- narrative consequence and nuance!
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