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Everything posted by Macleod

  1. Probably Legendary kicking Warners' doors every day to make sure they did, as they funded 75% of it. And it's no secret that Legendary made it quite well-known to Warners that they weren't happy with including DUNE in the HBOMax 2021 plan: https://deadline.com/2020/12/warnermedia-legendary-challenge-dune-godzilla-vs-kong-streamer-battles-looming-1234651283/ Village Roadshow's long-partnership in co-funding with Warners seems less antagonistic; they co-funded all the MATRIXs. And I think a lot of the rest of Warners' pics for this year have laid low on marketing...partially because they knew they had a weaker slater overall. But I'm sure there'll be a MATRIX blast over the next month.
  2. I doubt there's any truth to that notion, they just want to generate further hype. It will show up online 8:00pm or 9:00pm EDT, that's my bet.
  3. This is win-win either way, for both Sony properties, and for both partnering studios. It's all about synergy, these days...
  4. By the way, Cumberpoopoo will most definitely be appearing for this as well, considering they're doing Strange reshoots 20 minutes across town. But of course no one really cares about him for this movie... 🤣
  5. In reference to the current subtitling of this thread: James Cameron doesn't "delay"...he only PERFECTS.
  6. All this messin' with the multiverse is surely gonna get The Beyonder's attention eventually, won't it?? 😁
  7. Here's the full article. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/doctor-strange-multiverse-madness-reshoots-1235045328/ It's probably a combination of factors considering the contemporary situations we're dealing with, and yes, the fact that the movie is likely filtered with copious cameos...that they couldn't quite get right throughout the past year, either on-set in terms of space/performance, or in terms of scheduling.
  8. Why would this be a problem? In fact, it's even more fun...Holland's Peter would be suspicious of Harry's Dad, that would be interesting. Of course we're supposing the fact that Holland's Spidey even finds out these guys' real names?? May not be the case...
  9. "Good movies" unfortunately don't equate to investor confidence. But agreed, Bumblebee was the most enjoyable of any of these movies since, well...the very first one.
  10. The only reason must be that...they re-wrote this thing multiple times already, and simply could not come up with a way to rejig it yet again to write her out...or were simply too far into pre-production to change course on the overall narrative. They must need her.
  11. Folks: Don't immediately assume this is about this movie, itself. This was the Star Trek date -- which Paramount simultaneously pushed back to December 2023 -- and I'd be more apt to believe, based on recent history in that franchise, that it's the Trek production that they're still figuring out. This is how unwarranted rumors get started, with no evidence otherwise...yet.
  12. "Sounds" and "Is" are two different things, of course... Regardless of what anyone's "heard"...It's all about what story is being told -- and how -- on screen.
  13. Excerpt from the new TOTAL FILM feature. Holland is back to his old self! OPEN THE DAM, SONY!!!! Tom Holland talks Spider-Man: No Way Home: "It’s three generations coming together" https://www.gamesradar.com/spider-man-no-way-home-tom-holland-interview-generations/
  14. Feige is Producing the movie...and there were rumors of marketing disagreements. Has anyone thought that someone at SONY [Not Rothman, there would be a "fall guy"] might be the one who concocted this crazy endeavor we just witnessed...just because they were peeved that Feige didn't officially want to "open the doors," yet?? 😁 [Hey, allow a guy to have a little fun...it's a wild night!] Regardless, I'm betting the timeline for Trailer #2 just got...rapidly pushed up.
  15. Why would you immediately assume Avatar would be the one moving? It's history of "delays" aren't really "delays"...but of course most people don't understand that. But yes, it will be interesting to see which production blinks, here...one of them likely will. Not only are they two stratosphere blockbuster-potentials...they are both wildly parallel in dealing with...underwater adventures.
  16. Great new interview with American TV's 1970's Spider-Man -- Nicholas Hammond! But who knows, he could be lying, too! 🤣 ‘Spider-Man’ TV Star Nicholas Hammond Wasn’t Approached for ‘No Way Home’ — But He Sure Wanted to Be https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-features/spider-man-tv-star-nicholas-hammond-no-way-home-1235019437/
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