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Everything posted by tonytr87

  1. ASM will drop more than 50% from it's Fri-Sun number, especially since it had a 6-day weekend. It's looking at 60m for Fri-Sun, so ASM won't make above 30m in its 2nd weekend.
  2. Almost any villian can be made great if fleshed out enough. A talented filmmaker can take Venom, Carnage, Kraven, Mysterio, any of them and make them great characters, even if they're subpar in the comics. Carnage, for example, could be made into a pretty dynamic adversary with his unique status as a serial killer (something never approached in a comic-book film). They could play with his psychology quite a bit and make him more than just a wacko with bloodlust.
  3. Looks like a Paul WS Anderson movie i.e. shit. 13/35m
  4. If it wasn't for Steve Carell the film would've started out in limited release, so I guess the drop is reflecting that. Should've been a fall release IMO.
  5. ASM could've been affected by people doing their 4th of July thing instead of going to the movies, but after checking years past that's been the case only some of the time, so I guess it depends on the movie. Fri's number will tell us a lot more.
  6. Good point. Nevertheless I still like to compare everything.
  7. Stylistically, yes, but as far as themes and story content (50's era family life fits right in with the 60-80 year-old contingent that dominates the Academy), not really. I'm also pretty sure it wouldn't have made the cut if the exact same movie had a director other than Malick's name attached to it.Back on topic...hope Ted keeps chugging. We need more original hits.
  8. Besides EL&IC they were good/decent flicks, but I like to see great/relevant/challenging films nominated. Only three of last year's nominees (The Descendants, Midnight in Paris, and Moneyball) were in my top 12.And Albert Brooks should've replaced Sydow in my opinion (or Jonah Hill). I know a lot of people like to say that a performance without dialogue is more difficult, but I say the opposite.
  9. I assume you mean the nominees released in 2010? Because last year was a minor travesty (Extremely Loud, War Horse getting nominated/great films like Shame, Drive, Take Shelter getting shut out/a trifle like The Artist winning).
  10. Then what's the point of grading movies?
  11. Sad that standards are so low these days. A grades for ASM? The Avengers is an A movie, and ASM is not on the same level.
  12. You're crazy. SM3 was pretty disappointing but I can name at least 10 that are worse.
  13. For an opener like this I average together the 3-day weekend number and the 5/6 day number. So say it makes 60m for the 3-day and 135m for the 6-day, that would average out to 98mil. So the multi from that.
  14. The thing is WOM doesn't have to be bad for legs to be weak. If the general consensus among casual moviegoers is "it's okay" or indifference, that's not going to convince their friends who might be on the fence to go watch a Spider-man movie in theaters for the fourth time.
  15. 250m would be a modest success when you factor in OS, but overall it's disappointing due to the fact it's Spider-man. Batman Begins and Superman Returns were coming off not just poorly received precedessors, but long layoffs and four previous films instead of three. According to many here, this was/is supposed to cross 300m on brand alone.
  16. I've never understood why this forum doesn't take a page from SHH and simply designate a place for people to discuss things with spoilers.
  17. That was my biggest problem too. The film manages to be slow while still glossing over some major character development, for both Peter and Connors. Also, even though the moments they have together are some of the best in the movie, Peter and Gwen's relationship is rushed.
  18. True. Forgot about that (already forgetting important parts of the film...whoops). Nevertheless it just makes more sense that the spider-bite would've given Peter the ability to spin webs. Source material is not perfect, some things CAN be improved. And I feel that was one change that was an improvement on the comics.Also, if they want to show Peter's intellect...spider-tracers.
  19. Eh, not really a good enough reason to include them. My biggest problem with the mech shooters is how purely illogical they are. A small wrist-sized cartridge can produce webbing for hours on end? Ironically ASM never even used the "run out of webbing" nailbiter. They also didn't even show how he acquired the fluid from Oscorp. He just has it sitting there in his room all of a sudden like he mail-ordered the thing.
  20. Aren't there usually drops on the 4th? People are barbequing, visiting family, and watching fireworks, not going to the movies.
  21. I don't think most of us are saying that. We're just not buying that this is going to cross 300mil (at least I'm not). This will be a modest success like Pirates 4 and Shrek 4 were modest successes.
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