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Everything posted by tonytr87

  1. It's just as much fun. The film isn't even that dark. Certainly more fun than Iron Man.
  2. Before the reboot nobody gave a crap about Star Trek anymore and the later films were the subject of many a scorner.
  3. Either the Trek franchise simply has a relatively low ceiling due to decades of ridicule, or they made a big fucking mistake waiting four years to release a sequel to one of the most beloved blockbusters of the last decade. Considering the reaction that the reboot received, the sequel shouldn't be starting this slow. I'm sure WOM will be great, but still.
  4. I don't even know who that is. A random member here?
  5. I call bullshit on that jump. Not happening.
  6. If you're disappointed in GG's midnights then I think you're out of touch. It's still a female-driven period film. 3.2 mil for it is insane.
  7. I remember we used to talk of foreign audiences as being more discernible than U.S. audiences. For whatever reason, it seems like foreign audiences are more easy to please now.
  8. Please go away. If you think Children of Men is overrated then you don't know film. And yes, I am serious.
  9. I wish Downey Jr. would quit the Iron Man stuff so he could start accepting roles in movies like this and Inherent Vice.
  10. It can get plenty of nominations. These days, that's all I ask for. I've resigned to the fact that certain types of movies won't win.
  11. I'm pretty selective. But I like to watch a wide spectrum of films so that I remember what bad movies and mediocre movies are like relative to good ones. It helps to put things in perspective when you watch stuff like Oz and Gangster Squad. I guess I just don't see the point in reviewing movies based off the crowd reaction. Also, an 'A' for me is The Social Network, The Dark Knight, There Will Be Blood, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Fight Club, etc. Seminal films. So I don't get it when you give movies like Oblivion an 'A.' But like you said, if it's just based off the crowd experience, then okay.
  12. Yes. Yes I am. I kinda like Prometheus, but you're not wrong about geek bias. Ever been to Joblo? I don't think I've ever seen them hate on a male-driven action/scifi film unless it was directed by Bay or Emmerich.
  13. Kosinski is solidifying himself as quite the mediocre director in my book. The guy knows visuals and not much else.
  14. Then again Lions for Lambs, Knight and Day, and Rock of Ages probably wouldn't have done well even without Cruise's bad PR. But Valkyrie, Jack Reacher, and Oblivion would've benefitted from not having that, I think. Still an indie success.
  15. But he used to hit 100mil consistently. He was on a Will Smith type of roll in the early-mid 00's.
  16. Agreed. I still thought ED was enjoyable, but it was lacking in real scares.
  17. You answered your own question. The reason the CS is low is because horror movies have the hardest time pleasing people. Why? Fear is very, very, very subjective.
  18. Evil Dead: 7:55pm 90% full Trailers: The Purge - some talk, except for the dystopian setting it looks too much like The Strangers Iron Man 3 - whispers You're Next - silence, looked too similar to The Purge This is the End - BIG laughs The Conjuring - screams, great reaction Carrie - chatter Movie: B- Not particularly scary (minus a couple moments), but entertaining and well-made nonetheless. Jane Levy and Lou Taylor Pucci (best character) give strong performances and the makeup/gore factor is quite splendid. Fernandez's older brother character gets a little annoying at times with his refusal to believe anything supernatural is occurring despite one of his friends cutting her own face open and attacking them. Visually stimulating, though I think the relatively low-contrast lighting (for a horror movie) brought the scare level down a few pegs. Many scenes were just too bright.
  19. I pray they keep the original title: American Bullshit. Wouldn't be that hard to avoid the "shit" in marketing.
  20. A lot of people don't realize that movies like this and Monuments Men don't take nearly as long to make as big blockbusters.
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