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Everything posted by MCKillswitch123

  1. It's possible that it's drop can be close to half of Cloverfield's 68% 2nd weekend spike. Pretty awesome. Stronger legs than the first movie confirmed; now all we need is for those legs to carry it all the way to match or even beat the original's 80M for this to work out just as flawlessly as possible for Paramount. Seriously, they kinda needed this win desperately. Their 2015 was awful besides Rogue Nation, SpongeBob and Daddy's Home.
  2. Next week's top 4 predictions (this week's results are pretty much in set place already): Zootopia - 24.2M The Divergent Series: Allegiant - 13.6M My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 - 12.7M 10 Cloverfield Lane - 8.6M Am I forgetting anything at all? Nah, I don't think so. Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - 178.5M
  3. Somebody needs to tell the local zoo that one of their trolls went on the loose. Might take hours for sane society to hold the chaos off.
  4. But you can only truly say that you've watched the greatest trilogy ever to Ethan if you've seen the Toy Story trilogy.
  5. I'm just saying. None of them made it to 1B, regardless of wheater or not they stopped naturally. Although Lion King 3D, like mentioned, could've gotten to a billion w/a China release, considering how close it ended up.
  6. I think some projections had it plagued at over 900M+, which means it absolutely has a shot at a billion. That being said, hardly would this be the 1st 900M+ animation to die in the beach (The Lion King, Despicable Me 2, Finding Nemo and Shrek 2 all have over 900M; guess their studios couldn't be assed to push it a little forward). Regardless, the fact that Zootopia of all films may stand amongst those is pretty insane, considering my initial judgments of the film a bunch of months ago.
  7. I do. As probably does everybody who saw The Lego Movie and loved it (like I did), and also happened to think Batman stole the show. Plus, the Lego Batman games are fucking awesome, anyway.
  8. Still, it's a bit relieving that it did increase rather than match or decrease the original's numbers in some form, but I guess the real test of how well it'll perform will be this weekend. I think a 50% drop is the very minimal base, but I don't think it will spike as bad as the original did. Not from the looks of it, at least.
  9. 10 Cloverfield Lane's 1st Tuesday had a ~22% increase on the original Cloverfield's 1st one (2.115M). Not bad at all. Solid legs indicator maybe? EDIT: Also, iirc, Deadpool was at 708M WW after the weekend. W/Monday and Tuesday's nearly 3M domestic haul combined, that would put Deadpool at least on 710M. If that can be confirmed, than Deadpool has just passed The Amazingly Awful Spider-Man 2 globally (709M WW)
  10. Damn, Zootopia is killing it If Moana underperforms, then THIS will be the Inside Out to Moana's Good Dinosaur, when most of us thought it was gonna be the other way around
  11. 2019 is gonna be the biggest year ever: Avatar 2 (because if it's being delayed until at least 2018, why not wait a year more for the decade-after-original effect?) Star Wars Episode IX Avengers Infinity War II (plus Captain Marvel and Inhumans) Justice League 2 The Incredibles 2 (ok, nowhere near as big as the others, but a movie I've been waiting since fucking 2004) And now, Indiana Jones And The Attempt At Redeeming Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull
  12. Nope. The first animated Lionsgate film is................ ................. wait for it...................................... NORM OF THE NORTH.
  13. 1. Zootopia - 36.4M 2. The Divergent Series: Allegiant - 28M 3. 10 Cloverfield Lane - 13.5M 4. Miracles From Heaven - 10M 5. Deadpool - 8.8M
  14. According to Rotten Tomatoes, 10 Cloverfield Lane only did 3.2M this weekend. Wow, whoever only follows that site for box office news must be feeling extremely confused right now.
  15. When Spectre hits 200M next week, a cat will shit some bricks to party out. Seriously, that's a bigger story than whatever Allegiant does(n't).
  16. Every studio should incorporate that idea ever from this point on for movies that undeservedly underperform. If you had thought of that before, Tomorrowland and Man From UNCLE wouldn't have ever lost money for their studios. You sir are officially a genius.
  17. We're gonna have three 300M+ hits before Summer season even starts (Deadpool, Zootopia, BVS). Has that ever happened before?
  18. Quiet but kinda expected. This was a superhero movie in 2014, a year in which every superhero movie crossed 700M - even the atrocious Amazing Spider-Man 2. It was Disney Animation's newest film since this little thing called Frozen. And it was the only major movie in the family market during the time. All it needed was favorable WOM and it would've done great business. I imagine nobody paid it much attention since all the hype was centered on Interstellar, which yeah, didn't turn out such a hit. I guess people kinda don't like to discuss BH6 since it was sort of a buzzkill for Interstellar (continuosly beating it at the BO and all)? Even though IS did beat it WW. Bit of a similar situation to the Mad Max: Fury Road vs Pitch Perfect 2 feud.
  19. DAYUM, 2016 has been a year of surprises so far, arguably overall more exciting than 2015 was at this exact point. Zootopia w/what a year ago I thought would be pretty good for its opening weekend as a 2nd weekend gross. Extremely impressive. If it drops another mere 30% next week, it has a genuine shot at threepeating and edging out Allegiant, and I'm seriously rooting for that to happen (c'mon Zootopia!!!). 10 Cloverfield Lane not pulling off the 30M I hoped, but oh well, it didn't have to, anyway. It's already a success, probably recovering its budget w/marketing included on OW. Here's to hope for acceptable legs that carry it to 80M, if not 100M (wouldn't it be hilarious if this actually outperformed the original domestically?). Deadpool also very impressive w/another impeccable drop. American Sniper is down at this point. If Fox can hold it in theatres until late April, possibly May even, it may beat The Passion Of The Christ as well. Unfortunely, the epic bombage of Grimsby completely fucked over my derby. Shame. Oh well.
  20. To be fair, if there's enough support, I think it can happen. There's a very slim chance, sure - franchise movie, coming out in March and all that. But you never know. I mean, off the top of my head, considering how predictable the Oscars are, I assume that Fassbender will be nominated for Light Between Oceans, maybe Michael Keaton for The Founder, Joseph Gordon Levitt for Snowden and probably Nate Parker for Birth Of A Nation. It would be weird to see a performance from 10 Cloverfield Lane side amongst those, but I guess it could kinda make up for the snubbing of Charlize Theron for Fury Road.
  21. Deadpool - 132.5M OW, 353M DOM, 750 WW Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - 180M OW, 453.5M DOM, 1.35B WW Captain America: Civil War - 178M OW, 460M DOM, 1.25B WW X-Men: Apocalypse - 93M OW, 210M DOM, 800M WW Suicide Squad - 100M OW, 339M DOM, 825M WW Doctor Strange - 75M OW, 185M DOM, 555M WW
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