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Posts posted by Daxtreme

  1. So I just came back from my 3rd and final viewing.


    Lots of people on reddit said the 3rd viewing was the best - I don't agree. 2nd definitely was. That's when the music just started clicking for me. It clicked very well on the 3rd, but there were some scenes I was like "can't wait for the best scenes" instead of being in the moment, like I was for the first 2 viewings.


    Anyway, still was very well worth it. This movie is pretty good.


    Personal note: This is why I go to the movies early, when they just come out. Crowd was indistinguishable from zombies. I went to the first showing, thursday Dec 17 and holy shit was the crowd hyped, it was incredible. Well worth the trouble of waiting in line.


    On the topic of box office, I contributed $45 to the movie's total. Yay! Also, side comment, but the general populace really don't understand box office and how movies make their money.


    edit: apparently reddit doesn't either, especially when they throw comments like " China will either help Star Wars destroy the worldwide record, or help it inch past it. It's really about how much China likes BB-8 " and get upvoted 600 times that you start questioning people's knowledge of box office. 


    Barring an absolute miracle, Avatar isn't yielding out the top spot. And its record is certainly not getting "destroyed" either, even if it does fall to a miracle gross in China.

    • Like 1
  2. 19 minutes ago, Telemachos said:


    This just shows how little even veteran insiders know about China. SW has a 2-day OW there, since it's opening on Saturday. With projections coming in around a 20m OD, $50m is a big stretch, and "up to 100m" is out of the question.


    Also, they predict that TFA will finish its domestic run with 900-910 M


    Which is, honestly, the absolute floor right now

  3. Well boys, it finally happened



    Chart (click to view) Record Holder Record
    DOMESTIC Star Wars: The Force Awakens $764,408,684
    ADJUSTED FOR INFLATION Gone with the Wind $1,739,604,230
    WORLDWIDE Avatar $2,787,965,087
    RATED R Passion of the Christ $370,782,930
    RATED PG-13 Star Wars: The Force Awakens $764,408,684
    RATED PG The Phantom Menace $474,544,677
    RATED G Lion King $422,783,777
    RATED NC-17 Showgirls $20,350,754
    MOVIES THAT NEVER HIT #1 My Big Fat Greek Wedding $241,438,208
    IMAX Space Station 3-D (IMAX) $93,150,141


    This page changes very rarely. Witness it changing live ;) 


    edit: It's also the last time it changes for probably quite a while

    • Like 5
  4. Concerning this week-end, one bad drop doesn't mean the end for the remainder of the run.


    For example, ROTK dropped 50% on its 4th week-end Jan 10-11. On its subsequent week-ends? 28.1%, 33.6%, 21.7%, 19.2%, 2.5%, 31.9%, and 23.7%.


    Might have something to do with oscar nominations :rolleyes: Wins aren't until late february so, no impact here.

    • Like 2
  5. Inflation-Adjusted Top 10 Movies Released Since 1977

    Note: This chart is adjusted for inflation. The figures represent the total amount of money a movie has taken in domestically over its lifetime taking into account the cost of tickets.

      Released Film Name Total Box Office
    1 1977 Star Wars Ep. IV: A New Hope $1,362,751,062
    2 1997 Titanic $1,139,182,838
    3 1982 ET: The Extra-Terrestrial $1,124,651,941
    4 2009 Avatar $826,198,130
    5 1980 Star Wars Ep. V: The Empire Strikes Back $808,182,542
    6 1983 Star Wars Ep. VI: Return of the Jedi $778,214,979
    7 2015 Star Wars Ep. VII: The Force Awakens $758,198,252
    8 1994 The Lion King $756,219,975
    9 1999 Star Wars Ep. I: The Phantom Menace $755,899,504
    10 1993 Jurassic Park $755,387,687


    5 Star Wars movies in the top 10. Unreal. I think America likes Star Wars :P

    • Like 2
  6. 6 minutes ago, philippe08 said:

    Ok, in 1997, there was no hacking for Titanic. But today, the entrance to the cinema to SW7 is near $ 10 on average for Titanic was $ 4.7

    We in France, we do not understand you count in dollars.

    In France, the box office is in attendance and Titanic is always first. If it was in dollars, it would be the fourth.


    That's why there's a domestic Adjusted list. It's not reliable though :(

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