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Everything posted by Daxtreme

  1. Isn't CPLX Banque Scotia Montreal usually in the top? I see it pop most of the time you post the list
  2. Don't count your eggs before they hatch -- Infinity War may yet beat Titanic WW Still a possibility, albeit low in probability.
  3. Maybe Sunday will compensate for the poor Friday and Saturday jumps?
  4. edit: oops accidentally hit reply. hmm, I have to find something to say... hope actuals won't go down
  5. Beating TFA's 2nd week-end would require Darth Vader returning as a Force Ghost imo Without that, they're not tying the 3 trilogies together = not maximum BO potential
  6. Many movies would kill for a $112.4M opening the 1st week-end of May
  7. Reading the totally predictable meltdowns on Friday over the numbers
  8. Avengers 4 next year is gonna be absolutely bonkers WW. I can see worse legs but an even bigger opening If China opens at the same time as the rest of the world...
  9. Stumbled on an old Ray Subers article on The Avengers that had him peg the OW at $172.5M I miss Ray Subers Interestingly enough, you could replace 'The Avengers' with 'Avengers: Infinity War' in this article and it would still be fairly accurate. ... even down to the under-prediction
  10. This 2nd week-end is gonna be... Worthy of Zod's snapped neck!
  11. I still remember your post saying a 200M 2nd week-end for TFA would be bonkers. good times!
  12. Back then I thought 1.5b WW would be terrific for this and a big show of sustainability and stability for the MCU franchise. This is a joke
  13. Will submit my list before the deadline And yes, removing 2018 movies was a necessary evil
  14. Holy shit, hope to see an epic run and not a faceplant now!
  15. So I was trying to picture what was happening in my throat this morning. Fighting a virus is like the Helm's Deep battle in LOTR: your white cells try to hold the fort (but mostly fail) until, like Éomer, the antibodies arrive and wipe the floor with the virus
  16. I think someone copied your post over on reddit Or is that ... you?
  17. You know you're posting epic numbers when the actuals swing by $5M and almost nobody notices.
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