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Posts posted by Daxtreme

  1. 45 minutes ago, SWXII said:


    And we had so much in common with Star Wars. :(


    I respect your opinion, my friend, and I wasn't bashing the movie, however...


    Batman v Superman in film school won't happen. Sorry ^_^


    That has nothing to do with opinion, or the quality of the movie. Even if it had better reviews and people loved it, it still wouldn't be discussed in film school.

  2. 11 minutes ago, SWXII said:

    Been watching YouTube reviews and most say very similar things. The rising hero guy sees the more complex nature of this film. But nobody, I think, fully understands the batfleck. This is good. This film will be discussed at film schools for years.


    Seriously believe Alfred Hitchcock could have written this style of cbm. 



    • Like 3
  3. 13 minutes ago, boomboom234 said:

    It out opens tdkr by a significant amount in almost every major market 


    And yet Hobbit 3 out-opened Hobbit 2 in just about every market it was playing in. Look what happened. It made $30M more in China, but $30M less everywhere else. And I repeat, it out-opened hobbit 2 almost everywhere. Still 30M less.


    Nothing is guaranteed, especially with a movie getting such bad reviews.



    that movie Hoyt 636 OS in the US the absolute floor is 380 it needs 620 OS to get that 1 billion that's pretty easy.


    Getting TDKR numbers with the reviews BvS has is definitely not something I would qualify as "easy", even if it out-opened it.


    Avengers 2 also out-opened Avengers in just about every market it opened in, and it still grossed a lot less in all of them. China saved the day though, and it doesn't look as bad as it was because of that, but it should have.


    When TFA came out, people were saying Titanic was toast. Some people said it wasn't as clear-cut, that there was still a way for Titanic to stay #2, and on reddit anyway they were getting downvoted to oblivion. What happened though? Titanic won.


    Nothing is guaranteed. The numbers will speak for themselves.

    • Like 2
  4. 8 minutes ago, boomboom234 said:

    No move that opened at this level missed a billion it just doesn't happen it out opened tdkr in every territory it was the best Warner movie in every territory you are sailing the worst legs imaginable in every territory domestic won't be 370 when 380 is the absolute floor potter legs aka the worst legs of any major movie . Honestly it's the same every day the numbers shut the trolls up for a few hours then they come roaring back only to get shut up again by the next numbers I do t know how mods stay sane handling this


    Most movies don't open at that level because most movies don't open worldwide like BvS just did. The sample size of movies opening in the exact same pattern as BvS is very, very limited and thus, drawing conclusions just from it is rather preposterous.


    I say we'll see, but don't be so eager to count this as an impossibility when it's clearly still a possibility that this movie misses $1B

    • Like 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, wildphantom said:


    No it is non-sensical to assume because we haven't seen the Saturday number yet. 


    Perhaps my comment about rooting for things to do well wasn't quite how I intended. I merely meant I'd rather spend time talking about the numbers on here, than trolling like some are. That's all. 


    As for opening day being immune to word of mouth - Fantastic Four? Opening days can absolutely be affected by word of mouth and reviews. Especially these days. 


    No arguments from me man. We're all on the same page mostly. I just don't like this trolling from some, as I'm sure you don't. 


    Fair enough. You just can't expect people not to criticize a movie they didn't like. I agree that this thread has gone out of hand somewhat, but it's because of the roller coaster that is the box office.


    It just does what it does!

  6. 14 minutes ago, wildphantom said:


    This 'negative word of mouth is in effect' stuff is non-sensical.


    I'm not the poster you quoted but, it's far from non-sensical. In fact, Batman v Superman is the worst-reviewed tentpole movie since Pirates of the Caribbean 3.


    Negative word of mouth is in effect, it just doesn't show on opening day, which leads us to...



    How can you summise negative word of mouth from one of the biggest days in box office history? 



    Opening day is literally the only day in a movie's box office run that a movie is immune to word of mouth. 



    This is meant to be a box office site where we all get excited and root for things to do well. This constant negativity about the film is actually causing me, and many others, to not want to come on here.


    That's your perception of things. I'm here to discuss box office, not "get excited and root for things to do well". I don't really care if a movie I don't like doesn't make loads of money. I'll be glad to know about it, but that's it.


    If this site squelched everyone's opinions, I'd be sure to get the hell out of here as quickly as you can say "Batman".

    • Like 5
  7. I just wanna say this


    I went at the earliest screening I could get in my town, and man, what's up with the energy I have come to expect from midnight screenings? Nobody did anything! No reaction, nothing.


    I went to the same early screenings for X-men DOFP, Guardians, Cap 2, Avengers 2, Star Wars, and each and every time it was well worth it just for the hype.


    Tonight? Nothing :( 


    And it has nothing to do with the movie, I just like watching a movie with people who are enjoying themselves. Star Wars was freakin epic for that

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