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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. also in @JamesCameronScholar's voice, doubt just fuels Jim. I'm doing my part
  2. speaking from experience of marvel films yourcake is probably right that it's overrated, as pretty much all other existing ones are. Sub-8.0 maoyan isn't going to propel this into greatness, we looking at $100-130m total here.
  3. I did know that of course, nothing I said showed otherwise. You should try a little harder dudalb.
  4. Well said, he has important things like saving the earth to do, which he needs money for. Now that I think of it theres a deep irony to my distain for the new wave of comic book movies, when I'll a fan of a real life superhero.
  5. I like to think he was a little nice in his reviews of the films so he could get the rights back.
  6. hell I probably don't even know the name of dozens of films I've watched, due to watching something just because it was on tv.
  7. Cameron's got back the rights, this is very much Cameron's Terminator back in full force.
  8. narniadis here, to positive spin everything disney with calenders and weather
  9. Anyone interesting in the reboot should watch this. Pretty sure someone in this video he says they spend 3 months or so doing the scripts together, there is already another sequel planned for if it does well.
  10. The non-canon terminators have done too much damage to the name, the general audience won't bite. It could make deadpool money though.
  11. The LOTR trilogy in cinema was amazing... sure Two Towers and ROTK weren't as good as fellowship but I'll never forgot watching the helms deep sequence in cinema, the atmosphere was unreal.
  12. I caught it last year in 3D, incredible. Yeah I remember that thread, the more I think about it the more matrix moves up my list... god I've seen it so many times.
  13. Don't know how this didn't make my top 20, guess I just forgot? One of my most re watched films I would say. Did you watch T2 in cinema Baumer? The opening credits were spectacular.
  14. If one of you could make the trip that's fine also, I'm living in a house right now that I didn't inspect myself. I just saw the pictures and listened to the explanations from someone I trusted. I don't know much about the American housing system but why pay rent when you can pay mortgage right? When renting you're just throwing money into The Abyss (trademark james cameron). The trickiness comes from the dynamics of 5 parties owning the house, can these people be trusted in a long terms? Will someone get wet feet and want to drop out... etc. You would need contingency plans. The third option is the reality for most university goers! Strangers are fine most of the time, or maybe I was just lucky. Invite the two bio girls and your friends to go eat or something if you want to get a better grasp. I must have lived with about 12 strangers so far, sure they come and go but I was friends with most of them when we lived together. Just sign a 1 year contract, if it doesn't work out find somewhere else for your second year (assuming this is your first year of university). option 1&3 are the perfectly normal and won't be too much different, if you can pick 1. Option 2 is a little wild, you will need listen to and trust your parents on that one if you think of doing it. Of course this is just for consideration after-all like JamesCameronScholar my expertise lies in the field of James Cameron, in life sometimes you got to do things that seem a little scary at first. I was shitting it when going to my first year dorm, never having lived away from home or making my own dinners / washing my clothes / paying bills, but it's all pretty easy and it all went dandy.
  15. I'm sorry but why would I want to watch an animated remake of a terrible film?
  16. han you should do a case study on youtube views against box office gross
  17. Huh? If anyone's got feet to stand on saying this sort of thing it's those speaking about Avatar 2. I mean it's from James Cameron the man whose already made Avatar AND Titanic... not to mention his earlier works.
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