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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. Looks like it will hit around $1.25b, we'll have to see how it performs in China. You're right though JCS, that would be an incredible achievement.
  2. sadly you're right.. only sequels and franchise films get the $100m+ opening.
  3. a solid 9/10, the experience in cinema was like no other, it has room for improvement so expect 10/10's for the sequels
  4. video game, comic book, books, film, disneyland, 4 planned sequels (2 in production)
  5. Apologies for interrupting but I believe this thread is for franchise discussion, perhaps you could make a Disney safe space thread? It should be very exciting full of interesting people with lots to say.
  6. looking through my pm's to find Kal messages and I asked @baumer a question but never pressed send on my thank you response
  7. is that the same for all threads or just classic
  8. My knee-jerk reaction in 2012 or what ever was that it was a bad thing, I wanted to see what his vision stretched My, my I've come around. He's doing something huge here, this is his baby and he's taking it to the it's maximum heights. Avatar a truly a cinema experience like no other, when he replicates that for the sequels not once, twice, thrice but thoyice (made that up) he could end up with something incredible. by the way it looks like XR rates are becoming more and more favourable for Avatar 2 in 2020, sorry to bring this up Tele Suppose it's win/win for you tho Tele, it makes $3b then wow! let's celebrate by making jimbo golden, or you get free gold for a couple month.
  9. I've come around to Rodriguez, I think he is someone.. very special. He can do it.
  10. Yeah seems that way, I've heard him refer to it in an interview and it's in my activist survival guide.
  11. Well I can't find the unobtainium superconductor scene on youtube so I guess it's time for my bi-monthly Avatar watch
  12. Jim said in an interview that he deliberately show'd not tell'd. trying to find the scene where unobtanium is explained as a room temperature superconductor, sure it's in there. ... ... i cant find it
  13. I believe the unobtainable being a superconductor part is explained, but not why the mountains float, a deleted scene was grace explaining why to Jake while they're on a floating mountain.
  14. Jim, Weaver and Lang have already hyped the stories/plot going forward. "shit yourself with your mouth open" etc I think A2 will be about Jake trying to get all the tribes to unite, thats a stab in the dark though.
  15. wonder when the melting point (literally) for USA will be, when they realise the planet is fucked and they're largely responsible.
  16. Wait are you telling me that the man who directed and filmed the two highest grossing films of all time and films such as Aliens and T2, lead a team of engineers to create a deep sea exploration sub then manned it himself to the deepest point in the ocean, is there anything this man can't do?
  17. If we're looking into the future we can say that Avatar 2 is going to beat every film in existence.
  18. Honestly the fact that people would go out in droves to see something with such a big environmental message is great, hopefully the sequels can have some affect on climate change however small.
  19. he comes in and says hi every 6 or so months in the Avatar thread, haven't seen him in a while. He's got married and moved on it seems, maybe he'll come back for Avatar 2.
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