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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. I agree with this. If anyone watched the theatrical cut of Kingdom of Heaven and thought it was meh, re watch the directors cut. It's one of the best historical epics of all time.
  2. I can't tell if Gerald is extremely happy in this, or weirded out while smiling
  3. I've seen it over 6 times but never once in cinema... I was busy during it's re-release period. I caught T23D in cinema though... the opening scene is unreal on the big screen. tears to my eyes
  4. If Avatar and Titanic is shown anything it's that incredible visuals grounded by a character focused story is universally loved, they're going to love it. The only unknown to me is the exchange rates.
  5. director only in name. The Abyss is brilliant no shame in that You've fallen pray to online geek culture, this is far from the case. only 1026 day until avatar 2
  6. over Avatar, below TFA Overseas - CHina was 1800m for Avatar. so if China goes huge then 3.5 billion is on the cards
  7. It was the #1 spot in early 2010 until it was beaten by Transformers Age of Extinction mid 2014.
  8. hey... give me witcher 3 over any comic book movie. Think that's kinda a low blow on Grey Ghost there Goffe, video games are another creative medium the comparison is fine.
  9. Don't worry I know who it is... luckily Jim is infamous for not listening to studio producers or we could have ourselves another Last Jedi situation where the director gets bossed about by a Disney exec.
  10. lol one guy that's the best you can do? I've skipped a nights sleep before.
  11. Think the recs are because people's eyes light up when they see a purple name, they go into automatic. That mixed in with the fact people love to hate Jimbo... Thankfully recs are anything but an indication of who is right.
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