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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. It was never a joke, it was an important bench mark for The Last Jedi which it failed to reach. I'm happy I'm unintentionally funny though so thank you. Any reasonable estimates for Monday? I'm thinking less than $10m looking at Deadpools 72% drop from this sun to mon.
  2. I got 4 Tele, then again I'm mid twenties so I probably failed just as hard
  3. If the will of the herd is to stop poor Jimbo talking about his beloved highest grossing film of all time then so be it, I won't be the one to bring up Avatar any more in weekend threads. It would be nice if some of you learned how to respect others though, the amount of hate in here is astonishing.
  4. Oh wow, the person in the gif looks really agitated, I hope I'm not inside your head or anything that's never my intention. It's just all this Black Panther excitement is getting me riled up, I've having visions into the future... I can see it now Empire $3b.. $3.5b.. $4b.. it won't stop increasing. Listen mr City it would be a real pity if I got under your skin, I'm here to enjoy myself like everyone else. Everyone like his post, it will calm him down, thanks in advance.
  5. my time is soon... only 1025 days until the big moment. The moment cinema takes a u-turn, the day cinema is elevated to new heights, blockbusters will never be the same. The days of directors with no artistic merits and no creative spark will be behind us, studios will look for talented directors over the ones which say "sure I'll do what you say! I'm your guy"... this guy is no ones guy, they're destined for television not cinema. Listen tree.. you can see it coming I know you can. It's going to be incredible, every bit of internet hate and doubt is extra uranium for the jimhatton project, to quote the Director, Story Teller, Explorer, Pioneer, Writer, Marine Biologist, Engineer, Editor, Artist, Producer, Inventor, Philanthropist, Bar Setter, Record Breaker, Teacher, Visionary, Entertainer, Author, Work Freak, Documentarian, Autodidact, Futurologist, Philosopher, NASA Advisor and Box Office King.. "you'll shit yourself with your mouth wide open". I can't wait, biding my time, waiting for my moment, I see how happy those are in Black Panther threads about it making somewhere near 0.5A... It makes me giddy for how excited I'm going to be when doubters are sent to the shadow realm... $3,000,000,000 is the floor.
  6. I always watch these and it makes me think the year of cinema has been incredible... Tele your videos are really hype.
  7. We'll need a second thread before the trailer hits I reckon, it will be close.
  8. It's going to be the biggest EVENT opening of all time, everyone underestimates how much the GA loved Avatar due to constant negativity barrage by nerd culture online. The marketing team full well knows the potential of the film and that $3b worldwide is on the table if they don't fuck it up, they're going to go all out.
  9. Well it's becoming easier and easier to make get big domestic numbers, I mean Titanic is the greatest domestic run of all time and it only made $600m. I'm starting to believe $4b is possible, for some reason I don't need to go that high for the told you so factor, most people on here think it will make less than Avatar (how does 2A<A even make sense).
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