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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. better at what? Making money? (the only objective measure we have of films) Yeah it is. I don't see your point here.
  2. That's pretty impressive dude, see you at the midnight release we can discuss it more then.
  3. jesus james, leave the lad alone now that's more like it, couldn't agree more.
  4. I wonder if Jim chose to do the Avatar films as he wants to try and save the planet. A pretty good way is to make a film with an environmental message at it's heart and make it highest grossing film of all time, not once, not twice, not thrice, not throyce but five times??? Apart from his documentaries trying to teach people, this is a pretty good way of spreading the message that we're making the planet UNinhabitable.
  5. " $$$ is a measure of nothing more than popularity, and as each year ticks by popularity can be more an more manipulated by marketing and the perpetual dumbing down of entertainment audiences." -pdc1987 It's complete bullshit because numbers can't the numbers can't be trusted? Begs the question why you're here on a box office theory forum. You can measure box office gross and can't measure opinions, which is my point so try not try stray too far away from it. Debating about the definition of greatness isn't really that interesting to me.
  6. noun: greatness the quality of being great adjective: great; comparative adjective of an extent, amount, or intensity considerably above average. Nice try I suppose.
  7. The reading comprehension in here is lacking. I simply said the only objective measure for film-maker greatness is money made, the rest is opinions. For instance I can say movie X made more than movie Y, and that's a fact. Whereas if you were to say movie X was better than movie Y it's an opinion. I shouldn't have to explain this but I suppose it's in everyone's interest to paint what I say differently then laugh at it! It's not too long until Jim will be the highest grossing director of all time with a 1/3rd of the amount of films, just 2021 actually.
  8. The dude has made some unreal films.. E.T, Jaws, Jurassic Park (stole the job from Jim), Raiders, Saving Private Ryan, Schindlers List. Then some not as popular ones which I loved like War of the Worlds and A.I. His ability to pump out decent films over decades consistently is what sets him apart, I don't doubt that Jim could have done something similar but it's just not the route he wanted or chose. The only objective measure of greatness though is $$$, after 4 more Avatars, Jim will be the highest grossing director of all time, averaging 3x more $$$ per film than Spielberg.
  9. Quentin: CUT! Christoph Waltz: What's the matter? Quentin: You're doing it completely wrong, you've got to squeeze tighter! Christoph Waltz: but.. Quentin: Get out of my way, I'll show you how it's done. Roll the tape on my go, 3,2,1, action. strangles Quentin: CUT! Diane Kruger: ...wha-- wha what's wrong NOW Quentin: We'll have to go again the timing was slightly off Cameraguy: Erm Quentin no it w... Quentin: QUIET YOU, do you fucking job get ready to roll again
  10. Thurman says that in “Kill Bill,” Tarantino had done the honors with some of the sadistic flourishes himself, spitting in her face in the scene where Michael Madsen is seen on screen doing it and choking her with a chain in the scene where a teenager named Gogo is on screen doing it. I guess it doesn't stop at feet fetishes!
  11. Wait people actually leave signatures on, you know you can turn them off right?
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